He looked like a different back on a couple runs last week. I still thought Randle ran better, before he was hurt, but McFadden played really hard. I have no problem naming him the starter this week as a result. He gest to the edge so fast. Now that our interior OLs are healthy and moving well, I hope we see more of that early in games. It's something DMC does that's unique from the other backs on the roster. If we get the outside runs working, Dez back in the lineup to loosen things up, we should at least be able to run the ball well enough to avoid some passing game risks. From there we can just rely on the defense to not give up a lot of points.
That assumes, of course, we're not giving up possessions and points on special teams like we did last week.
We'll see. I'm still not ready to put my trust in a back who has had games like this in his career only to suck at other times.
I do agree that he looked like a different back last week because of his decisiveness, which allowed him to attack the defense with speed and power. I don't know if it was an aberration based on the blocking or what he was seeing, though. If Seattle is able to clog up some of those lanes will McFadden slip back into being hesitant?
My issue with Randle (and why he has not been the back to step up and seize the lead role) is that he has great improvisational skills (which McFadden does not), but he doesn't have great non-improvisational skills, if that makes sense. McFadden can blast a run up in there when he's decisive and deliver a blow. Randle does that on occasion and he does fight for yardage, but he just isn't a power back when it is necessary for him to be.
If McFadden shows that he can be down after down, then he's the back we need in the lead role ... but it's a big if at this point in his career. Frankly, I think Michael might have the blend of that power and Randle's improv skills (but not McFadden's speed), but we haven't really been given a chance yet to see if that's the case.
Again, I don't care who emerges (even if it's a player who isn't on the roster now) as long as someone(s) can provide the kind of running threat we saw last week. We get that back, along with this defense continuing to come together, then we've got a real shot at doing something if we can manage to keep ourselves in the race until Romo gets back.