Garrett met with Murray during Mavs game

I know. But dallas will be outbid by the jags or raiders. They hand demarco 9 mil a year and his chances at winning super bowl here arent any better in dallas then they would be in jacksonville because the defense is in shambles with no money to build it up. He will go for the money most likely and I dont fault him for that if he does.

What the
And removing Dallas from his bio! Let's be honest, that was very childish.

Hes playing the game man...after no contact in a week....he deleted those late yesterday night....the Cowboys came calling this morning....and now they are chasing him down at a Mav game. Sounds like it worked...
One would assume you don't show up after a game is finished to talk to a free-agent running back to say goodbye. Just like the source said, this meeting was significant. Currently, they are going to a new location to further discuss. I don't think this is a thank you and goodbye type of convo.

Agree 100%. The dialogue is significant. They may not keep him in the end, but they are still in the running.
If Murray comes back, I'm fine with it. If he doesn't and we have two good RB's to fill his spot, I'm good with it.

Our success next year will hinge on the defense - bottom line.
Hes playing the game man...after no contact in a week....he deleted those late yesterday night....the Cowboys came calling this morning....and now they are chasing him down at a Mav game. Sounds like it worked...
Yep! some people don't seem to get it. business works both ways. it works for the player too.
Man I might get crap for saying this, but Romo & Garrett love everything about Murray & if Romo thinks he needs this guy in the backfield for the last 2-4 years of his career, Stephen & Jerry need to give in and pay the guy his money. Garrett is obviously crazy about what he means in the backfield & in the locker room, pay him... k I'm done.
I know. But dallas will be outbid by the jags or raiders. They hand demarco 9 mil a year and his chances at winning super bowl here arent any better in dallas then they would be in jacksonville because the defense is in shambles with no money to build it up. He will go for the money most likely and I dont fault him for that if he does.

You're really taking that Justin Durant loss hard bro.
Hes playing the game man...after no contact in a week....he deleted those late yesterday night....the Cowboys came calling this morning....and now they are chasing him down at a Mav game. Sounds like it worked...

The beginning of talkin cowboys today brought up a very compelling point about steven jones and strategy at the combine. Certainly worth a listen for what its worth.
I know. But dallas will be outbid by the jags or raiders. They hand demarco 9 mil a year and his chances at winning super bowl here arent any better in dallas then they would be in jacksonville because the defense is in shambles with no money to build it up. He will go for the money most likely and I dont fault him for that if he does.

Did you really just lump dallas together with Jacksonville and Oakland?
If Murray comes back, I'm fine with it. If he doesn't and we have two good RB's to fill his spot, I'm good with it.

Our success next year will hinge on the defense - bottom line.

Who are those 2 good RB you speak of? i hope you are not talking about Randall and Dumbar. they are not starters in the N FL. they are back-ups. and how on earth is this defense going to get better playing with scrubs?
I will say this though, if Murray re-signs I think he needs to apologize for acting like a little you know what on Twitter.

He doesn't need to apologize for anything. That is unless you just recently purchased 100% of Twitter's intellectual properties.
Garrett is going to be pissed if we let him walk. Garrett is on record as saying this is not a plug and play offense and Murray can't be replaced.

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