Video: Get Up: Louis Riddick - Dak will get North of $60M


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OK So what account executive from the NFL has said that that Prescott's gonna earn $10 million over market it's ridiculous can we stop posting opinions these people are putting their feelings in here they just want it to be a story and you bit and now it's a story he never asked for 60 million and he never asked for 65,000,055 million is the mark... So Prescott wants to be the highest paid quarterback in the league which we don't know if that's his demand it will be probably 56 million at the most,,,

I'm hoping Prescott sees the light and will take between 52 and 55 because that's still a great contract it still puts him in the same top five money that's my belief I don't think he's gonna get anything over 56 million.. If the Jones family wants to separate themselves on contracts just keep him 52,000,000 per year but make it 100% guaranteed I mean if they can guarantee to Sean Watson's $250 million Prescott probably deserves something similar I mean that's how you can make it sellable to take less money it's just make it all guaranteed.


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But thanks for another Prescott thread that's full of opinions rhetoric and hyperbole because there's nothing else we needed another one for sure another contract debate that we already having on like 10 or 15 other threads..... These dudes are blowhards they're paid to make waves and that's what they're doing


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I agree and I don't think people should be surprised by that number either. The top AAV right now is $55M (24.47% of the cap at signing) and that was set by Burrow a year ago. If the cap jumps another 10% next year 24.47% would be $68M. As of this years cap number 24.47% would be $62M.

If Dak wants to be paid similar to Burrow $60M is actually a slight (very slight) discount. If Dak were willing to take $55M Jerry should have already signed the papers. If Jerry wouldn't sign Dak for $55M he should have already moved on from Dak because there is zero chance of retaining him.


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If Dak wants to be paid similar to Burrow $60M is actually a slight (very slight) discount. If Dak were willing to take $55M Jerry should have already signed the papers. If Jerry wouldn't sign Dak for $55M he should have already moved on from Dak because there is zero chance of retaining him.
Therein lies the question. Has Jerry already moved on from Dak after this year? Of course he's going to play good GM and lip service everyone that he's working to make a deal. Is he already penning his, "We tried but couldn't come to terms that were in the best interest of the Dallas Cowboys" speech?


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Therein lies the question. Has Jerry already moved on from Dak after this year? Of course he's going to play good GM and lip service everyone that he's working to make a deal. Is he already penning his, "We tried but couldn't come to terms that were in the best interest of the Dallas Cowboys" speech?
Honestly I think it's a fair question. If I were forced to bet I'd put my money on Dak walking after this season. I think it's also fair to ask if Dak has any interest in actually signing before he hits free agency. He may be looking at it from a perspective that he wants paid off the projected 2025 cap and not this years since Jerry holds zero rights to him after this year. If he were to sign based on the 2024 cap he may be leaving $20-40M on the table depending on how long of a deal he would sign.


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I didn’t actually hear a football reason from Riddick. He just said he could get that due to leverage. Nothing more. Click bait from riddick.