Video: Get Up: Louis Riddick - Dak will get North of $60M


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I agree and I don't think people should be surprised by that number either. The top AAV right now is $55M (24.47% of the cap at signing) and that was set by Burrow a year ago. If the cap jumps another 10% next year 24.47% would be $68M. As of this years cap number 24.47% would be $62M.

If Dak wants to be paid similar to Burrow $60M is actually a slight (very slight) discount. If Dak were willing to take $55M Jerry should have already signed the papers. If Jerry wouldn't sign Dak for $55M he should have already moved on from Dak because there is zero chance of retaining him.
This is what makes this whole situation so bizarre.........I mean if you don't wanna sign him at $55M, why didn't Jerry just cut the cord. He sure as hell not signing cheaper a year later.


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I didn’t actually hear a football reason from Riddick. He just said he could get that due to leverage. Nothing more. Click bait from riddick.
Trevor Lawrence is tied for the highest annual value and is 20-30 in his career, made the playoff just once, and is coming off a season averaging 250ypg with 21tds and 14ints.

The mistake is thinking anything with these contracts is due to football reasons....It's all about leverage and desperation.


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That take by Riddick is why he didn't get a GM job when he interviewed.
That and superb analysis like Kenny Pickett being the second coming. Yeah Louis, I know he went to Pitt too, but most of us could see from a mile away that he was better suited to be a model for gloves in the kids section.


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This is what makes this whole situation so bizarre.........I mean if you don't wanna sign him at $55M, why didn't Jerry just cut the cord. He sure as hell not signing cheaper a year later.
I agree. Either Dak is holding out to reset the market or Jerry is a fool that is going to watch him walk for comp pick in a season in which he didn't almost nothing to improve his team.


Here comes the Sun...
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I know Todd France has compromising pictures of Market value

I am sorry reality doesn't deem Dak Haters relevant...
Well, JJ has the money, not France. So if Dak and France want that kind of money, JJ should just let them both hit the bricks. I know it will break your little heart, but....


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I agree. Either Dak is holding out to reset the market or Jerry is a fool that is going to watch him walk for comp pick in a season in which he didn't almost nothing to improve his team.
What's even how unprepared they are with plans A, B, or C. No way in hell things should have ever gotten to this point. The bottom line, as of right now Dak should be on another team ( pre-draft trade) or extended. And yes, I know about the NTC.......they could have worked with a month or two before the draft to waive it for a team of his choice.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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It's obvious this waa said to generate clicks. By offering an extreme position he knows people will react.
He isn’t wrong with a lot of what he said. Who are we going to turn to without Dak? We don’t have a young QB waiting in the wings that’s shown great potential and has won some games for us. We have a career backup and a castoff who went bust for another team. That’s all we have to turn to.


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What's even how unprepared they are with plans A, B, or C. No way in hell things should have ever gotten to this point. The bottom line, as of right now Dak should be on another team ( pre-draft trade) or extended. And yes, I know about the NTC.......they could have worked with a month or two before the draft to waive it for a team of his choice.
Agreed. The NTC gets worked around all the time in this league, but it doesn't matter if you don't even start negotiations until after the draft. This offseason is crazy even by Cowboy standards.

big dog cowboy

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This is what makes this whole situation so bizarre.........I mean if you don't wanna sign him at $55M, why didn't Jerry just cut the cord. He sure as hell not signing cheaper a year later.
I'll guess Jerry started the bidding with the request for the hometown discount. Dak countered by reminding the Jones' that he has bet on himself before and he's willing to do it one more time. Since Jerry can't digest the dollar amount being asked by Dak (his agent really), he opts to get one more season out of Dak while giving Lance one more season in the wings. He has chosen to delay the panic of NOT having a QB until the season is over & he's crossing his fingers Lance can see the light.

Based on what has transpired thus far, I'm thinking something along those lines is going down. Who knows? For all we know JJ could wake up tomorrow, get a wild hair, and offer Dak 62.


Here comes the Sun...
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
He isn’t wrong with a lot of what he said. Who are we going to turn to without Dak? We don’t have a young QB waiting in the wings that’s shown great potential and has won some games for us. We have a career backup and a castoff who went bust for another team. That’s all we have to turn to.
You have said over and over and over that no QB can win with this team, but yeah, pay Dak 60 mill just for the hell of it, huh? smh