
Ghosts: yes they do exist

Ancient Astronaut Theory: yes

Just my beliefs. There's many things that have yet to be explained by science. We have explored more of the moon than we have our own oceans. I really find it hard to believe that the pyramids, and other ancient sites of construction were done by human power alone
Modern people tend to underestimate the ingenuity of folks from ancient times. You can do all sorts of things with a lot of manpower and a lot of time.

I don't believe in ghosts, but it could be possible. I think the apparitions might be images from alternate dimensions as described by some physics string theories, and that the boundaries between the realities have just gotten too thin.

What's more likely? That your eyes and ears played a trick on you and you saw/heard something that wasn't really there like happens every day to everyone all across the world...

...or that there is an otherworldly realm of creatures who have nothing better to do than sit around in bathrooms and give you glimpses of themselves?
Lonestar94;4598280 said:
Go ask a scientist and he'll tell you otherwise.

Go ask a scientist how gravity works.

Ask them how a black hole defies our understanding of physics.

Ask them how a collection of atoms and subatomic particles actually form matter.

There are many more things in the universe that we dont understand than we do. Much of it in the realm of paranormal. We neither have the tools or the ability to percieve much of it, so of course its discounted as untrue.
arglebargle;4598478 said:
Modern people tend to underestimate the ingenuity of folks from ancient times. You can do all sorts of things with a lot of manpower and a lot of time.

I don't believe in ghosts, but it could be possible. I think the apparitions might be images from alternate dimensions as described by some physics string theories, and that the boundaries between the realities have just gotten too thin.


You mean like beings living concurrently with ours in another dimension to ours?
vta;4598491 said:
You mean like beings living concurrently with ours in another dimension to ours?

I think he means, past time periods intersecting with ours.
superpunk;4598479 said:
What's more likely? That your eyes and ears played a trick on you and you saw/heard something that wasn't really there like happens every day to everyone all across the world...

...or that there is an otherworldly realm of creatures who have nothing better to do than sit around in bathrooms and give you glimpses of themselves?

Ghosts gotta poop too you know...

Seriously though, I'm open to the possibility of the existence of "Ghosts", but finding one taking a dump in the stall next to you wouldn't be likely IMHO.
Lonestar94;4598261 said:
Ghosts dont exist.

People in science believe that if it hasn't any proof, or it hasn't been discovered, then it is not a possibility.
I assume that was tongue-in-cheek
Phoenix;4598082 said:
Believe? Or not? What if "ghosts" are actually aliens?

What if they are demons? or angels? or both? or all of the above? Or something else? Alternate universe intruders perhaps?

I don't know. But I saw something today that totally did not scare me, but it was one of the above. Had to be. I had not yet been drinking. :)

How can I enter a men's restroom at work, and clearly hear somebody talking as I'm entering, then seeing legs under the door of a stall as I head for the adjacent stall, then suddenly nobody was there? POOF, gone, as I walked by. I could clearly see between the gap in the door and there was NObody there. One second someone or something was, and in just 3-4 steps, nothing.

There is NO doubt in my mind that I witnessed some kind of event, but I have no idea what. The voice I heard upon entering sounded like a woman's actually, and seemed to be engrossed in just some kind of casual conversation, I think, judging by the tone of voice I heard...could not make out the words.

There was nobody else in the restroom, at all.

Any way, I should know better than posting this here. Flame away. Sigh.

But it was waaaay weird. Wish I could have filmed it.

I believe you. She flushed herself. They do that a lot. Those ghosts can be very sneaky.

CashMan;4598508 said:
I think he means, past time periods intersecting with ours.

Past time periods would mean people who are long dead, which would make them ghosts by definition, which he doesn't believe in.

Ok argle don't leave us hanging. :D
wittenacious;4598293 said:
When I was younger, while doin' my thing at a school dance, I thought I'd encountered a ghost. I was chilled. There was an other-worldly odor.

Thinking back, I've come to believe it was likely a much more explainable phenomenon.

Kingsmith88;4598399 said:
Someone farted???
That's my take on it now. When the evil-smelling specter first came upon me, my eyes began burning, my nose hairs and eyebrows were singed, and I was in real fear for my life ... a clammy, cold-sweat gripping me in terror.

Pretty sure now it was just Belinda Blowback who booty bombed me.
I am convinced I saw a ghost the other day. I thought it might of been reflection from my glasses but I have tried to make it happen the way I saw it with no success.
I can't sat that they don't exist...I just have never encountered anything that I thought was a ghost.
Good and evil spirits do exist, demons do exist, entities do exist. Whether you refer to them as "ghost" is up to you. We are surrounded by them all the time. Just because you may not have seen or witnessed them doesn't mean they are not there. I've witnessed demon possessions on different occasions, one quite recently, and I've seen entities before. I'm not going to post my stories here because I would just be setting myself up for ridicule, but if you seriously want to know about it just PM me.
JonJon;4598881 said:
Good and evil spirits do exist, demons do exist, entities do exist. Whether you refer to them as "ghost" is up to you. We are surrounded by them all the time. Just because you may not have seen or witnessed them doesn't mean they are not there. I've witnesses demon possessions on different occasions, one quite recently, and I've seen entities before. I'm not going to post my stories here because I would just be setting myself up for ridicule, but if you seriously want to know about it just PM me.
All joking aside, I believe this to be true, JonJon. Even though I've never knowingly encountered anything or anyone I would consider to be outside the normal human realm — whatever "normal" means — I still have reason to believe such entities do exist.

I'm sure if I thought long and hard enough about the subject, I could likely come up with a few unexplainable occurrences that have taken place during the course of my life that I'd have to seriously wonder about.
No better place to meet a ghost and get the crap scared out of you than a bathroom.:)
vta;4598588 said:
Past time periods would mean people who are long dead, which would make them ghosts by definition, which he doesn't believe in.

Ok argle don't leave us hanging. :D

Both could be possible, depending on the nature of time. Could be weakening of the barriers allowing some one from the past to show through. They might not be technically ghosts, as you'd be seeing visions of them alive.

Some suspect that various choices may lead to a sort of dimensional split, with dimensions sitting next to one another like layers of an onion.

If you can't nail down independent, reproduable evidence of it, there is every reason to be skeptical. On the other hand, radio waves probably existed before there were any ways to register them.

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