
vta;4600896 said:
Patrick Swayze rubbing you or summoning the Whoop... hmm, decisions decisions.

I'll take a bullet for $200. Alex.

At least I have respect for the late Swayze. :lmao:

Like you I would take the bullet for 200 and just be done with it. :laugh2:
Chocolate Lab;4600104 said:
Can dogs see ghosts?

A couple of times my dog has spontaneously started acting very scared of something... Running around the house, sniffing, looking like she can see someone or something... The way she looks, you'd think she was looking right at someone and was trying to get away from them, though of course nothing is there. She acts terrified, running around panting and then hiding in the corner or other strange place like a closet, and usually won't even let me touch her. This lasts for an hour or so, maybe longer, until she sort of tires herself out.

The first time this happened a few years ago, I was really scared. I thought she was having a stroke or something... Or had a brain tumor. Because it's like she was hallucinating. But she eventually calmed down and it never happened again.

Until today when she started doing this again.

I'm pretty much kidding about dogs seeing ghosts, but, well, maybe? :p:

I don't believe in ghosts, but a couple of my friends who I don't consider crazy or weird absolutely do. Funny thing is, the girl I'm thinking of (who actually videoed one incident) says they aren't frightening in the least.

As much as I don't believe, the older I get the more open my mind is to such things.

Animals can sense things we can't. "Ghosts" being one of them. They can sense earthquakes before they happen. Dogs can be trained to detect epileptic seizures. A dog's smell is more than 100,000 times stronger than that of a human's. Humans can detect sounds at 20,000 times per second, while dogs can sense frequencies of 30,000 times per second. Dogs' sense of hearing is more than ten times more acute than a human's.
Hoofbite;4600118 said:
You state all this with such a "matter of fact" tone.


Because for me it is a matter of fact. :eek:) But that certainly doesn't mean I'm right.
BlindFaith;4600964 said:
Animals can sense things we can't. "Ghosts" being one of them. They can sense earthquakes before they happen. Dogs can be trained to detect epileptic seizures. A dog's smell is more than 100,000 times stronger than that of a human's. Humans can detect sounds at 20,000 times per second, while dogs can sense frequencies of 30,000 times per second. Dogs' sense of hearing is more than ten times more acute than a human's.

I know, dogs are awesome. It's like they have superpowers. :)

Hoof, was your boxer okay in the end?
BlindFaith;4599751 said:
Depends on what you mean by ghost.

I think that spirits from the otherside/heaven can interact with us. Mediums can perceive them and communicate with them. They are actually all around us, just in a different reality/dimension than us. A different frequency.

Then there are those spirits that have not gone back to the otherside. They are in the void. These spirits are stuck there because they dont wish to give up their material obsessions. They also try to interact with humans for whatever reasons.

Some of these spirits are malevolent. Seeking the life force of living beings. Attracted to negative vibrations. They even attempt, at times, to occupy a human body...possesion. But this is rare.

Then their are the very highly spiritual entities such as angels and the like that help protect and guide us while we're here on earth.

I think the typical "ghost" may be just an imprint or recording of a persons energy that is somehow trapped in our reality.

I agree with you on many points. Spirits dwell in a realm that we are unable to see with our physical eyes. This is in part because we are pre-programmed to only be able to see, feel, and hear a certain spectrum of wavelength frequencies. Spirits, demons, and entities mostly exist in wavelength frequencies much lower than what we can perceive. The only way to see them is if you are in tune with that specific wavelength frequency.

There are ways to do this. I created a thread on Astral Projection a few months back and have been experimenting with it ever since. Basically, when you are able to achieve an out of body experience, you are operating outside of your physical body into the realm were spirits, demons, and other entities are. When your body goes to sleep, your brain drops to lower wavelengths (Theta and Delta). If you are able to wake up your conscious mind while your body is still sleep, you can project or exit your physical body. Once you are out, you are able to see other entities that you would not normally be able to see because you are operating in a different wavelength. The lower your vibrations, the lower the wavelength, and the more likely you are to come across evil spirits as they are stuck within that realm.
Chocolate Lab;4601192 said:
I know, dogs are awesome. It's like they have superpowers. :)

Hoof, was your boxer okay in the end?

He did okay with the seizures. It was something else that got him in the end.

While back.
I'm very open minded. People are quick to judge and call someone a nut because they have experienced something they can't explain.

"I know that I know nothing."
cowboy_ron;4598877 said:
I can't sat that they don't exist...I just have never encountered anything that I thought was a ghost.
I used to say that too and but now I am a believer. I saw a old lady wrapped in a blanket sitting on a bench in the winter at about 10:45 pm outside a New England nursing home that I was dropping my wife off at to start a new job as a night nurse. I saw her as we entered the circle drive, turned my head towards my wife and stated " Their's an old lady sitting on a bench." in a very surprised voice and my wife says to me "What old lady?" And I looked right at the bench and noone was their. My wife did inquire within and noone had come in the only door available much less an old lady with a blanket. My wife however was told that others had reported similiar sightings of an old lady wrapped in a blanket sitting on a bench out front smoking a cigarette from time to time. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Not to hijack the OP's story with one of my own but I believe he saw and heard something in that bathroom that was not of his imagination just as I did. Thanks for sharing it.

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