Twitter: Giants coach is challenging our OL?


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Man, those Giants are already talking @#%^ team in the league talks as much trash as they do

That's ok, they swept us last year so they have bragging rights.........but this is a new year


Fattening up
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Damn, you went all in with that post lol :)

I can't wait for the season to start. Cowboys fans trashing their own team and pretending it's realism aren't much different than Giants fans trashing the team because we're rivals.

Everybody enjoys their fanhood in their own way and how is none of my business, but that doesn't mean the rest of us have to swallow those turds and pretend they're pancakes when we have to read that stuff over and over. If the Giants beat us, they beat us. They've got a good team, too. But ours ought to be better.


Fattening up
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Im really hoping to see collins get going and throw jpp to the ground a few times.

I can't even imagine how fired up this team is. I could hear it in Dez's voice tonight, he stopped himself from talking about jenkins again but I could tell he wanted to! He also said he felt this was the leagues best offense vs the leagues best defense.

Between the giants running their mouths, jenkins calling out dez for no reason, collins claiming the east, everyone saying Dak can't beat NY and the offseason Zeke has had........I can't wait to see this team come out of the tunnel sunday night.

It feels that way, right? Like this team has been saving up some frustration since the season ended and that all the offseason stuff only compounded it.

It's going to be a great game. Cowboys Giants always is.


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It feels that way, right? Like this team has been saving up some frustration since the season ended and that all the offseason stuff only compounded it.

It's going to be a great game. Cowboys Giants always is.

Yep, unfortunately I think the giants are going through a similar thing. They took a lot of flak for that loss in GB and went out really improved the offense. People here completely underplaying the change at RB, the new tight ends especially ellison who is a very good blocker and will block like a tight end plus the formation options they now have with these two, the new fb and engram who can be moved all around.

Both are good teams, both know they are good teams and have something to prove.

It feels like those games in the 06-09 era again.

I can not wait till Wednesday to read the papers and listen to wfan. The way they call themselves elite and the super bowl team and then spin it into they are underdogs in Dallas and get no respect is my favorite. Cant wait.


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Its seems like the Giants were much quieter when they were winning championships....these last few years.....have been a joke and they constantly give bulletin board material. I Don't get why.


Groupthink Guru
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
I disagree. Initially, it might be a downgrade some because he's a rookie but over the long term I doubt it. Same player.
Same skill set, but Tomlinson isnt going generate the force a player of Hankins size and agility will. Hankins isnt going to be moved off the line 1 on 1 by even a player of Martins caliber


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They should talk. They beat our OL every time they play them. Hankins is gone but Tomlinson, the best run stuffing DT in the draft, was added.

It's time for our OL to do something about it.
Actually we ran OK it was the passing
They shut down.
Better pass protection is what is needed.


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As I think more about it, Hanna and Swaim returning is HUGE. They are way better blockers than Escobar was - and so is Witt. TEs who can block, coupled with our upgrade at RT gives me thoughts of Zeke having a really good game. Last time he had 107 yards. I fully expect an angry Zeke to top that Sunday night.


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I found it interesting when I seen where he said, "All backs run the same when there's no place to run." I know they beat the Cowboys twice last year and Zeke didn't have a great first game but he ran for 107 yards at 4.5 a carry in the second one. The Giants are always running their mouth when it comes to the Cowboys but I didn't expect it from their Coach. I am so ready for Sunday.