Giants vs. Eagles Game Thread

I’ll actually be sad when Eli retires. Hope this isn’t his last year starting for the NYG.
OBJ is another lesson in giving a big contract to a WR. Not saying it's entirely his fault, but the WR position depends on the OL and QB to get anything done.

Pay 100 million for a legit QB. He'll have the ball in his hands every play. Think twice about doing that with a WR.
Giants fans brought it on themselves with their "Don't Bench Eli" movement they had last season.
Member when people were saying Dak was better than Wentz?

Which pass were you especially impressed with? Did you like the prayer Agholor came back to grab? Maybe it was the rpo slant for 8 yards. Or was it the 2 yard goal line play action pass from the 3.
Barwin spooked them on that play. He was lined up very wide.
Muggy and damp as hell tonight in Jersey. Everything looks slippery. Players will wear down.
Which pass were you especially impressed with? Did you like the prayer Agholor came back to grab? Maybe it was the rpo slant for 8 yards. Or was it the 2 yard goal line play action pass from the 3.
I was especially impressed how he dropped the ball on that last series.
Which pass were you especially impressed with? Did you like the prayer Agholor came back to grab? Maybe it was the rpo slant for 8 yards. Or was it the 2 yard goal line play action pass for 1.5 yards.
Haha who said it has anything to do with tonight's game? Let me guess, given the option, you'd prefer Dak over Wentz...
The Eagles convert on 3rd down, we don’t, tjat is a huge plus in their favor.
This time they did not, from a bad snap or dropped snap but still overall their O is better than ours. And our D will have a hard time keeing Wentz in check. We could keep Cam or Watson in Cjeck, or Wilson. And Wentz seems to escape a lot too.
Not seeing that at all actually. Very similar type backs. I just think Barkley is a little better and much better character.
I just think Zeke faster, stronger, just as elusive, and has better vision. As a pure runner Zeke is the best in the game

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