God Of War

I know this is a God of War thread but I figured this is where I would find most the gamers on the forum:

You guys see the Halo Infinite trailer? Wow! Graphics look gorgeous.

I know this is a God of War thread but I figured this is where I would find most the gamers on the forum:

You guys see the Halo Infinite trailer? Wow! Graphics look gorgeous.

Remember this is E3, it is just the first trailer, so I'm waiting for actual gameplay:

Did you see the E3 trailer showcase demo featuring actual gamplay for new Spider-Man video game?

It reminds me of Batman: Arkham video game trilogy by Rocksteady Studios.

I can't wait to play Spider-Man on my PlayStation 4 Pro on September 7, 2018.
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Remember this is E3, it is just the first trailer, so I'm waiting for actual gameplay:

Did you see the E3 trailer showcase demo featuring actual gamplay for new Spider-Man video game?

It reminds me of Batman: Arkham video game trilogy by Rocksteady Studios.

I can't wait to play Spider-Man on my PlayStation 4 Pro on September 7, 2018.

LOL Fair enough. I'm hopefully though. I'm not as big of a Halo fan as I once was in my earlier years but I still enjoy it. Also, yes, that Spider-Man does indeed look great. I am definitely looking forward to playing that one. I absolutely loved the Batman Arkham series (funny I am actually replaying the remaster of those currently) so if it's anything like those it should be very solid.
Got my platinum on God of War this morning before work.....AMAZING game. One of my top 3-4 games of all time. I absolutely loved every second of it. So much so that I wasn't even tired of playing it when it was over and I was wishing that they had the sequel to it out already so I could have dove right in to continue the story.

Just an absolutely outstanding game. Visually, controls, the story, the characters, I loved everything on this game.

This one goes right up there with Last of Us as the games I'd point to and say "This. This is why you go PS4 over Xbox 1 and it's not even close. "

Those two exclusive games alone are better than anything I'll ever get on my Xbox One. And yes I have both systems all though I rarely ever turn my Xbox on.
Got my platinum on God of War this morning before work.....AMAZING game. One of my top 3-4 games of all time. I absolutely loved every second of it. So much so that I wasn't even tired of playing it when it was over and I was wishing that they had the sequel to it out already so I could have dove right in to continue the story.

Just an absolutely outstanding game. Visually, controls, the story, the characters, I loved everything on this game.

This one goes right up there with Last of Us as the games I'd point to and say "This. This is why you go PS4 over Xbox 1 and it's not even close. "

Those two exclusive games alone are better than anything I'll ever get on my Xbox One. And yes I have both systems all though I rarely ever turn my Xbox on.
I'm not that deep into GOW (just got his old school blades), but agree big time on the GOY type level of quality of game it has been so far. They've mixed elements of Bloodborne/Dark Souls type combat with the older combo Devil May Cry style they had earlier. The puzzles still make cuss everytime I run into one though:D
I'm not that deep into GOW (just got his old school blades), but agree big time on the GOY type level of quality of game it has been so far. They've mixed elements of Bloodborne/Dark Souls type combat with the older combo Devil May Cry style they had earlier. The puzzles still make cuss everytime I run into one though:D

The whole game is surprisingly dense with puzzles. Didn’t expect that.
I'm not that deep into GOW (just got his old school blades), but agree big time on the GOY type level of quality of game it has been so far. They've mixed elements of Bloodborne/Dark Souls type combat with the older combo Devil May Cry style they had earlier. The puzzles still make cuss everytime I run into one though:D

Absolutely excellent the way they balance everything so very nicely in this game. Great combat that is user friendly and fun. Great visuals. Great story. The puzzles are fun and not overly stressful or anything to where they're interesting and fun to complete, or defeat.
Probably about a quarter of the way through it and enjoying it.

I thought the game was more open world than it actually is, having never played any of the previous ones, so was a little surprised that it's actually pretty linear.

It's almost more an interactive movie than a game, with how well they blend gameplay with "cut scenes".

I've also been calling my one year old, "Boy!" lately, so that's another plus.
I agree The Count. I was expecting it to be much more open world as well for some reason.

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