Goff vs Prescott

I am sure he didn't. Aren't you the one trying to make a federal case out of Dak kissing a girl in a club.

Yeah...not bias at all.

I think he and Zeke are morons who will get themselves into trouble hanging around strippers and losers during the offseason. You know, just like OBJ.

I don't like morons, Dak has displayed this in the past.
After seeing Goff's superbowl performance, I'm more than glad we have Dak.

Goff played with no heart, no fire, no emotion.

It is evident that Goff needs just as a strong supporting cast and a great offensive minded head coach in order to be successful.

Dak almost has as many weapons but not a lower level coach.

Dak has the heart and leadership skills to win a superbowl.

He seems to be lacking in strong/quick reads of a defense. Also, he doesn't seem to possess an all on the line stiff neck of Dak Prescott.
Cooks dropped 2 TD passes.
The wide open Cook end zone break up could well have changed the game...but Goff was late in delivery and a defensive back was lucky to get there at all. There were two coverage mistakes by New England on that play.
A 100% increase of 2 is 4. 100% of 2 is still 2 lolololololololololololoo

No need to run, which I would advise you to do.
It's not 150% more, it's 150% of 37...........

Which is exactly what Xwalker said on page 13 lmao

"150% OF 37"


You're telling me you can't read either?



@CalPolyTechnique Three times on one page alone.
There's no way in hell he's an engineer. I'm sorry that's just a flat out lie.
Numbers are essential to the engineering field and those escape him.

Not understanding that 100% 1 is 1 is about as basic as it gets. Maybe he works AT an engineering firm? Like a clerk or something?

It would make sense because he doesnt understand the difference between 100% OF something and a 100% INCREASE of something which is kinda similar to him being AT an engineering firm not an actual engineer.

Here's the engineer comment. Which you didnt refute the very next comment.
Loool, what’s 100% increase of 2?


Don’t run.

So here you are you wanted to be exposed @CalPolyTechnique and you got what you wanted.

Never come after your superior
Let me help you out since you've proven you can't type anything without being completely intellectually dishonest. These posts are put in sequential order. Do you know what sequential means? It means they are placed in order by number in this case to provide context from the very start, which is something you didn't do (go figure).

POST #250
This is post #250 from xwalker with the bunk claim that "55 is "almost 150% more" than 37. You'll then notice you two goofs "liking" the post in sincere ignorance because you don't have the collective brain power to see that claim on its face is bunk. It's also equal parts hilarious and laughable that you don't understand when you see the word "more" in this context, it means the percentage increase from a given number. I know I'm talking over your head, but try to follow along.

POST #255
Here's my initial post (#255) correcting him that "55 to 37 rushing TDs is not almost 150% more [...]" So your cute little attempt to try and save face by taking my posts out of context is completely undermined by the actual facts


POST #259
This is you heeeehawing (post #259) in delightful ignorance because you didn't (and still don't comprehend) understand the original claim that 55 is "150% more" than 37 is obviously wrong ON ITS FACE, luuulz. LET ME SPELL THAT OUT FOR YOU: xwalker didn't claim "55 is 150% of 37" He claimed 55 is "almost 150% more" than 37.

POST #260

Here's my subsequent post (#260) correcting xwalker (who also doesn't understand basic math) and walking him through what he's actually trying to show. Notice, "percentage increase" which is consistent with my entire point carried through the thread.
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After seeing Goff's superbowl performance, I'm more than glad we have Dak.

Goff played with no heart, no fire, no emotion.

It is evident that Goff needs just as a strong supporting cast and a great offensive minded head coach in order to be successful.

Dak almost has as many weapons but not a lower level coach.

Dak has the heart and leadership skills to win a superbowl.

You nailed it. I will fully admit that when Goff has plenty of time he can throw it amazing. But any kind of pressure or adversity and he completely folds. And he no doubt he is like any other QB that he needs great players around him. Once he lost Cooper Kupp he got neutered.

I take Dak over Goff no doubt.
He had a bad stretch but he got them to the SB. Dak was horrible from the second half of last season to first half of this season and yall made every excuse for him

LOL...……..wait, what was your agenda time frame? LOL

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