Apparently you are the football expert. I go with eyeball test. One gets to edge and hole quicker and has big gains the other doesn't. One makes defenders miss the other doesn't. But maybe I can get to your level of expertise someday and understand they both have two different jobs lol. News flash, they both need to get as many yards as possible with the ball in their hands.
actually, preinjury zeke was by eyes or by smell, taste, and sound better then pollard.. they both run different plays and one does have the milage and reps on his legs and gets to come in to soft and less zeroed in defenses. Teams still respect Zeke even if fans do not.. they are not at this time game planning or respecting pollards game they don't overload boxes and send a guy to spy pollard .. hes never been a starter and many backups like meat on the bone Randal and others have had similar productions as a BACKUP. Its pretty known fact that change of pace backups will seemingly look better in short carry situations..they aren't being worked hard..
we can enjoy both are cowboys and stop the clueless hate on zeke he played the second half with bruised back followed by a torn PCL..beofe that ,he was second in the league in rushing and 5.1 YPC an d he was the catalyst for the 6-0 run.
so your eyes might need some help seeing rationally. No Zeke will never be 16 zeke,. since when has our OL, OC, and Coaches been at 2016 production levels? they do not play the same offense anymore started to decline when 19 oh wait that coincides with MOORE, more pass happy run basic vanilla run plays etc..
i still think zeke can be 2018 Zeke 2019 zeke would be acceptable but this team need to fix the OL, the OC needs to actually create plays for the runners as well..he seemingly just throws the run plays in to get them over with. hes a pass happy OC that we all know. He is not very creative in the run game..our OL coach also is an issue..we heard his review of his own issues last year not better disguising run and pass sets to not have defense know whats coming. they do, they hardly trick anyone, and they need to run more out of pass formations and vice versa...
yes zekes at the end of his career but pollard NOT A BETTER back not now 6 years ago not in HS i guarantee it..
when healthy, both need to play of each other they have different skill sets and we need both. As fast stop bashing one to prop up another.