Oh my god. So much grandstanding, on both sides. Completely unrelated to what football and the league is all about. It's a massive distraction, and all this is doing is spreading divisiveness where none needs to exist.
It's football, not politics, and not a platform for social expression. If both sides take turns trying to agitate the other, it ends up a giant distracting cycle that accomplishes nothing.
Yes, the social issues are important to everybody. There's injustice in the world and it's important to recognize it and to fight it.
And yes, people should be proud of their freedoms and their culture and they should resent what they see as attacks on them.
The rest is football. It's supposed to be fun. It's entertainment. Don't ruin that because people can't separate it from the more important areas of their lives. Just enjoy the games and the talent and ability of the players and coaches. And, please stop acting like it's life or death.
There are more important things going on outside this weekend's games, and they deserve sympathy and attention in their own right. There are platforms for helping instead of simply expressing frustration on the internet or looking for something to be upset about. It's not about kneeling. Kneeling accomplishes nothing. If you're really upset, make an actual contribution to the worthy cause of your choice. Do it now. Don't wait. And then don't come and tell us all about it. Just do some good, and then let's get back to football just being a game and not a mirror to two or three competing versions of what people want society to be. Please. Just give it a rest.