Good bye Cowboys and NFL as a whole


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How many cases a year do you think happen like the one you mention above? A clear case where the police just blindly opened fire for no justifiable reason? Keep in mind you keep using the term "unarmed" as if that is equivalent to "no threat". It's not.
If you don't know what I mean ask don't assume. I don't keep using unarmed as the equal to no threat. How many times does it happen? You tell me. I'm just saying police should be held to a standard that me and you would be in regards to a situation. If you don't agree ok.


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It's been a long time coming but you finally lost me as a fan.

The SJW fit you threw was the last straw. A fake controversy dreamed up out of thin air based on media overreaction every time a criminal that happens to have a certain skin color finds the end result of fighting with cops.

Hands up don't shoot controversy based on a lie. Feeding into the rehashed communist strategy of dividing based on race and class.

It's bad enough watching college students ranting and raving about how bad they have it and every one else is privileged when they are literally the most privileged people that have ever lived. Most of them going to college for free and having never worked a day in their lives calling the hard working taxpayers that pay their bills privileged. Many of the people paying the bills couldn't afford to go to college themselves but they are supposedly the privileged ones.

So now multi millionaire athletes feel so put down that they have to make a spectacle out of the start of every game.

Wear your pink shoes, and spit on the anthem and ***** and moan about how bad the country is all you want but I won't be watching and I will never be back.

Take a knee Jerry. Remember when the NFL refused to allow you to honor the 5 dead policemen? Remember when they refused to allow Jake Plummer to wear a small sticker on the back of his helmet to honor Pat Tillman? Remember when players were fined for wearing Patriotic shoes on the anniversary of 9-11? This is the issue you want to bend the rules and allow every game to be hijacked by a protest in front of a captive audience? An issue based on lies!

I have always based on my opinion of others on their actions and character and I know there are a ton of good people in the NFL but the organization collectively has taken a side in the culture war and it will never gain me back as a fan.

Another MAWA gone. It is a good day

Risen Star

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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
The OP is absolutely right. They are protesting a fantasy. Not an ounce of truth to it.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
So you made a blanket statement about combat vets, but now you have to move the goalpost a little further to only "those you know" to make your comment work? I'm pretty sure Tillman's wife knew Tillman so if having a personal relationship with a person works for you to speak for your Dad then let's not have a double standard by dismissing Tillman's wife speaking for him.
I don't think I ever said all of them.

I said it was my opinion that they would not do it.

That's much different than saying someone definitely would or wouldn't do something.

Again, I don't know you. You could be exaggerating who you are to make a point.

Nobody should be speaking for Tillman, not even his wife. She can say it's her opinion but there is a great chance that she does not really know.


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I don't think I ever said all of them.

I said it was my opinion that they would not do it.

That's much different than saying someone definitely would or wouldn't do something.

Again, I don't know you. You could be exaggerating who you are to make a point.

Nobody should be speaking for Tillman, not even his wife. She can say it's her opinion but there is a great chance that she does not really know.
Whatever degree of presumption you are using to say you think those that you know would not do it, you seem to not be extending to Tillman's wife. However, if we are to accept your last sentence there about Tillman's wife the the same can be said about those that you know.... you can not speak for them.... your opinion of those you know is disqualified by your own standards on Tillman's wife.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Whatever degree of presumption you are using to say you think those that you know would not do it, you seem to not be extending to Tillman's wife. However, if we are to accept your last sentence there about Tillman's wife the the same can be said about those that you know.... you can not speak for them.... your opinion of those you know is disqualified by your own standards on Tillman's wife.
I standing here talking to some of them now....


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I dont agree with the notion that just because someone is protesting something important to them that it is wrong to term it disrespectful. There is a time and place for everything.
I think if someone were to protest at a wedding it would be deemed disrespectful, and rightfully so. Many people feel the anthem is also an inappropriate time to protest. Just an example for thought.


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Times a billion


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When has there ever been a comfortable or appropriate time to protest or boycott? If you sense something isn't right you go then. :lmao2:
I do agree with this because if you look throughout history nobody really protest, boycotts, goes to war on someone else's time frame. I think that just sounds good so people can have a heads up to avoid what you're talking about in the first place. Yeah I think you should protest at the right time aka when I'm not around. I understand it but just wish people would be honest about it


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When has there ever been a comfortable or appropriate time to protest or boycott? If you sense something isn't right you go then. :lmao2:

I just feel that if a different issue was being protested (i.e. one the media was not behind), it would be said that personal beliefs and "divisive" statements should not be put on display at the workplace (it's already been said on other issues). The idea that "there are no rules" when you feel your fighting for something you believe in is fine, but there are still respectful ways to get your point across. My biggest grievance is that only certain issues are allowed to be protested. I guess some people would like a "social justice" month for the NFL to back. The media would fully support it. If the NFL had a "pro life" month, I don't feel like that would be as strongly supported (in fact the NFL would be vilified). It would probably make people "uncomfortable".


Rising Star
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The message of racism gets muddled in my opinion when you have race baiters ignoring facts and automatically calling any incident involving a white and black person racist.

There was nothing in Darren Wilson's past or that incident that ever suggested that race was a motivating factor. To riot in the name of a thug who attacked a cop and got killed is not relate-able to most Americans.

But hey it fit a narrative that Democrats loves to push because they know they have to have the black vote in order to win elections.

Also the stats don't back up the claim that black people are shot more than white people unless you look at just the fact that black people are 13% of the population but account for almost 50% of the deaths by the police, ignoring the fact that almost 50% of the crimes committed are also by black people. Most stats show that white officers are actually more likely to shoot a white person, due to fear of having their lives ruined in the media. Another fact the left wing media loves to ignore.

Racism obviously still exists but it has to be dealt with on an individual basis, not by declaring all white people racists, all Trump supporters ***** etc. That is a flat out lie and just adds to the decisiveness.


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I don't pretend that there aren't unique challenges facing black people in this country. For example, statistically black people serve longer prison sentences for equivalent convictions compared to whites. Black people are less likely to be chosen for jobs given equivalent qualifications compared to whites. Black people are significantly more likely to receive HOA violations than their white neighbors.

I can't speak for HOA violations, but much of what you mentioned is just not the norm. They're talking points that people buy.

I (and other highly qualified co-workers) just lost a job(s) where I work because there's a push to promote women and minorities, qualifications and resume's be damned. It's very common knowledge. I have two kids in college and get in terms of any type of aid and even getting into some colleges can be challenging for young people as quotas are becoming a factor. I get it. I move on and handle my business. But I laugh at folks that claim blacks or minorities are less likely to get jobs than white folks with equivalent qualifications when I've seen and experienced the opposite.

I'm just saying that, statistically, blacks aren't being gunned down in exponentially higher numbers as the media tells us.

People are more likely to get struck by lightning in this country than get killed by police. Of all the hundreds of thousands of times law enforcement officers have some contact with the citizenry, an extremely small percentage leads to death. One meaningless or accidental death is unacceptable. But to make it seem like it's some sort of epidemic is just not true.


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The message of racism gets muddled in my opinion when you have race baiters ignoring facts and automatically calling any incident involving a white and black person racist.

There was nothing in Darren Wilson's past or that incident that ever suggested that race was a motivating factor. To riot in the name of a thug who attacked a cop and got killed is not relate-able to most Americans.

But hey it fit a narrative that Democrats loves to push because they know they have to have the black vote in order to win elections.

Also the stats don't back up the claim that black people are shot more than white people unless you look at just the fact that black people are 13% of the population but account for almost 50% of the deaths by the police, ignoring the fact that almost 50% of the crimes committed are also by black people. Most stats show that white officers are actually more likely to shoot a white person, due to fear of having their lives ruined in the media. Another fact the left wing media loves to ignore.

Racism obviously still exists but it has to be dealt with on an individual basis, not by declaring all white people racists, all Trump supporters ***** etc. That is a flat out lie and just adds to the decisiveness.

Some politicians have created a whole system geared towards the victimization of certain segments of society. And they do it, not because they want to improve the lives of those people, but because by playing to those fears, it'll get them more votes. And the generational cycle continues and the blame gets handed out.....from police, to the rich, to the whites, etc, and folks keep voting for the same people that have done absolutely nothing to improve their way of life.

Also, folks have not backed off the "hands up, don't shoot" narrative even though it was proven to be false. Darren Wilson, who never had a history of racism as far as anyone knows, will never work in law enforcement again and has lost his livelihood to a lie.