Good career with no college degree?

bbgun;4129975 said:
Well, if you've been following the news, they're now letting people like you in. :p:

Wait a second here.....:tongue:

you can pick this up in any trade school

in fact I just told my son its the army or trade school

I mean reallly unless you go for something special

forget about four year college

you got Humanities, Eng, Pshyc, all BS cousres IMO

I tell I have three degrees I enjoyed auto cad the most out of all three of them

just go for what makes you happy
ninja;4129884 said:
Musician. Even if you don't make a lot of money, you still get the babes.

STDs from roadies are a pretty cheesy consolation prize for not having a good job.
If you're serious about making money and don't plant to go beyond a bachelor's, go STEM. Science, tech, engineering, or math. Find something in one of those fields you'd like to do and do it. If you have to go into the military first to pay for the school, do it.

It's hard and getting harder for people without at least a bachelor's to get good jobs, and these fields are the ones that are consistently growing and never have enough qualified applicants.

If you go into one of those fields and work hard in school, and you're willing to relocate, you will have a great job. Otherwise, it's a crap shoot. You're rolling the dice if you're young and try to make your way with no college today.
Duane;4129788 said:
Our Op Techs & ICE Techs make good money, plenty of overtime, but most of them are hired after two years of tech school.

We can't find people, our operators are all in excess of 6 figures.

Maybe you would like to pursue a career in the Custodial Arts? :laugh2:
dreghorn2;4130417 said:
We can't find people, our operators are all in excess of 6 figures.
Our plants are in areas with a lower cost of living so none are making six figures. However, some can get pretty close after 30 years and additional OT. I bet the Nuke Op Techs are making $100k+ though.
visionary;4130428 said:
laziness ? ;)

Or in some cases, brokenness. I went for two before figuring out it was a waste of time and money for what I wanted to do. Some careers need it, some don't.
UnoDallas;4130132 said:

you can pick this up in any trade school

in fact I just told my son its the army or trade school

I mean reallly unless you go for something special

forget about four year college

you got Humanities, Eng, Pshyc, all BS cousres IMO

I tell I have three degrees I enjoyed auto cad the most out of all three of them

just go for what makes you happy

Depends what your going for. Accounting, Nursing, Engineering are insanely hot careers right now that are worth the investment for college.

I don't have a design degree and make good money. I work in the mobile app field right now. I learned everything I know off the internet back in the day.
Romo 2 Austin;4130604 said:
Depends what your going for. Accounting, Nursing, Engineering are insanely hot careers right now that are worth the investment for college.
Those will always be good career choices.
UnoDallas;4130132 said:

you can pick this up in any trade school

in fact I just told my son its the army or trade school

I mean reallly unless you go for something special

forget about four year college

you got Humanities, Eng, Pshyc, all BS cousres IMO

I tell I have three degrees I enjoyed auto cad the most out of all three of them

just go for what makes you happy

English majors' median income is around 50k... not bad for tea sipping poets. It's a broad degree and while you may not get a job writing and reading for a publishing company, etc. there are plenty of jobs who seek English majors. Comprehension, reading and writing are important to several fields and can be useful in many jobs.

I can't say that for psych or sociology...
CowboyMcCoy;4130761 said:
English majors' median income is around 50k... not bad for tea sipping poets. It's a broad degree and while you may not get a job writing and reading for a publishing company, etc. there are plenty of jobs who seek English majors. Comprehension, reading and writing are important to several fields and can be useful in many jobs.

I can't say that for psych or sociology...

English probably is inflated by teachers.
hipfake08;4130870 said:
What corner / exit ramp are you working these days???

i35 and Walnut Hill. Prior to doing this I used just sit down at the corner holding a sign that said, "Out of work bank robber. Need money for bullets."


In truth, I did actually see a guy at Walnut Hill and i35 holding that very sign! :lmao2:
CowboyMcCoy;4130809 said:
Not really. Most teachers average around the same as the median.

Really? In my area teachers start around 45-50k out of college, mid career is 80,000+ and thats with summers off/all holidays etc;.

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