Good point on Romo from the Startelegram board....

InmanRoshi said:
It would be difficult for anyone to claim whether the gap between Romo or Henson is narrow or wide unless they've been to all the practices. The beat writers and commentators who have been to all or most of the practices seem to think its fairly obvious.

I would say that if Romo plays ahead of Henson in Monday Nights game after Parcells had previously said that he wanted to rotate them, then the gap must be rather definitive.

And this matters because?

There is this burning desire around here to make one seem better than the other.

They both are very, very wanting. It is the "tallest dwarf" syndrome repeating itself.

This is no different for our team than it was under Carter and Hutchinson. If you could combine both players, you would have a pretty good quarterback. Either, by themselves, no matter how you spin it, has shown a thing beyond the ability to be mediocre.
InmanRoshi said:
It would be difficult for anyone to claim whether the gap between Romo or Henson is narrow or wide unless they've been to all the practices. The beat writers and commentators who have been to all or most of the practices seem to think its fairly obvious.

I would say that if Romo plays ahead of Henson in Monday Nights game after Parcells had previously said that he wanted to rotate them, then the gap must be rather definitive.

And you say that because you are defending Romo over Henson. It's obvious. But really, is there really all that much difference between second and third? 2nd is really just the first loser if you want to get right down to it.
I hope Romo is the real deal. I honestly do. But Romo is not heads and tails ahead of Henson in any way at this point. Both need reps, and we need to find out about both in a bad way.
The beat Writers can say all they want but by all accounts Henson has bee looking as good or better than Romo this last week. To me this means the is starting to get comfortable with the new throwing motion and his and is starting to heal. Now it will be very funny when he really starts showing his talent in the remaining preseason games and Parcells name him back up. After all wasn't it Romo who was behind last year and came through in the last preseason game and Parcels named him back up. Somethig tells me the last be first and the first shall be last..........
Alexander said:
And this matters because?

There is this burning desire around here to make one seem better than the other.

They both are very, very wanting. It is the "tallest dwarf" syndrome repeating itself.

This is no different for our team than it was under Carter and Hutchinson. If you could combine both players, you would have a pretty good quarterback. Either, by themselves, no matter how you spin it, has shown a thing beyond the ability to be mediocre.

Please, please, please ... tell me anywhere on this board where I've refered to either one of them as proven or sure things?

Exactly who are you debating and about what? Or are you just going to prove to everybody what a cold, hard realist you are?
scrives said:
The beat Writers can say all they want but by all accounts Henson has bee looking as good or better than Romo this last week.

Could you please provide a link? I saw where one observation where it was listed that Henson had a nice evening practice, and now all of a sudden its been morphed into he's been outplaying everyone for the last week. I do remember people saying he's been playing better, and I truly am happy and excited about that, but evidently he had a lot of room for improvement.
Aside from the point that this thread is pointless... How is Babe "still playing backup" in the broadcast booth??? Last I checked the radio color commentator position for "America's Team" was not a "backup" role. Hell half the time the color guys make more that the PBP guy does. Also being the sports director and lead anchor at the CBS affiliate in the 5th largest TV market in the country is far from backup duty as well. I don't know Babe at all nor have I ever met the man but jeez show some respect for the man's very fruitful career he has created for himself after football.
I hope Henson is better than Romo.

Heck...I hope Bledsoe is better than Brady.

If Henson is better than Romo...then if my opinion of Romo is correct...Henson will be a solid to great player for us.

Nothing wrong with that.

Are there really any on here who choose 1 over the other 2 for any other reason besides the opinion that the 1 is the better of the 3 ?

I mean really ? If anyone supports any 1 of the 3 over the other 2 then it is most certainly because he believe that that 1 offers out team the best chance to win.

Granted...there are probably some on here that will stick with thier horse due to the simple fact that they refuse to admit that they were wrong. But even those privately would root for the 1 they felt was best. Because I would hope that at the end of the day that the desire to see the Cowboys win is greater than the desire to win an argument on some forum in a small corner of the vast internet universe.

This is primarily why I get offended by those who say I am not a fan because I don't support a certain player. Where is the logic or reason in that statement ???

That is exactly why I am a fan. Because at the end of the day my loyalty is going to be to the team and to the player(s) that I think give our team the best chance to succeed.

You can question my can debate my reasoning behind my opinion. But questioning someone as a fan because they hold a differing opinion on a player is ... well.... juvenile.
InmanRoshi said:
Please, please, please ... tell me anywhere on this board where I've refered to either one of them as proven or sure things?

Exactly who are you debating and about what?

You, concerning Romo.

At least in this thread, you appear to imply he has come along ways and deserves a shot. You also attempted to argue that the rest of the league is filled with backups of a similar talent level. You are wrong.
People want a quarterback. And in the absence of a genuine quarterback, they will consider anyone who steps up behind the center. They want a quarterback, Mr. Parcells. They're so thirsty for it, they'll crawl through the desert toward a mirage, and when they discover there's no water, they'll drink the sand.
kmd24 said:
People want a quarterback. And in the absence of a genuine quarterback, they will consider anyone who steps up behind the center. They want a quarterback, Mr. Parcells. They're so thirsty for it, they'll crawl through the desert toward a mirage, and when they discover there's no water, they'll drink the sand.

Outstanding post.
scrives said:
From: mcfloyd 10:19 am
To: owne4981 (2 of 2)

44686.2 in reply to 44686.1

Laufenberg also wanted to see himself start, and we know how that turned out.

I put zero stock in Laufenberg's opinion. He never impressed me when he was on the field ( either and he doesn't impress me now that he's in the broadcast booth. He's still playing back-up.

I have no problem with Tony Romo being the Cowboy's QB, if he earns the job. So far, IMO, he has not done that.

Romo spent 4 years playing QB in college and then came into the NFL. Henson played in maybe a dozen games during his time in college and only started a hanfull of them. He then spent 3 years playing baseball. Henson has a fraction of the playing experience and time in the game as Romo has, and the on field performance difference between the two is miniscule at best. What does that tell you? It tells me that with the same amount of playing time and experience behind Him, Romo couldn't carry Henson's jock. To me it's just common sense.

Now I don't know how the so-called experts see it, but thats my take.

Edited 8/19/2005 10:34 am ET by mcfloyd


This Henson jock-riding really cracks me up ... the guy is a clown ... Romo is far and above the better QB ... Henson has much work to do ... the guy can only look at one reciever ... and then hesitates when he recognizes his reciever that he never took his eyes off of ...

This is nothing other that Henson-homer-diarrhea-of-the-mouth-itis bug that has been going around ...

It's become very contagious ...

Cowboy fans! Wash your hands often!
InmanRoshi said:
So I take it that this poster has attended every practice and charted the throws.

Second, what does Laufenberg's performance as an NFL QB have to do with anything? I must have missed the well known fact that all QB evaluators and coaches in the NFL had great NFL careers as quarterbacks.

I also notice how he conveniently didn't have much to say about Troy Aikman's comments.

And Troy was praising Romo ...

All that was said about Henson was that he had been stinking it up in practice, but had gotten a little more consistant in the past few days ...
Champsheart said:
I like what I see out of Romo.

I know a lot of people will think I am crazy, but I like what he may provide in the future.

Now I need to see more, but from what I have seen so far he looks to have good pocket pressence, moves well in the pocket, can throw with good touch, and I noticed last game he seems to have a quicker release that what I rememebr from last year. He also seems to be smart, and word has it he has a good understanding of the offense, and a good ability to read defenses.

The only thing I question is his arm strength, but I think it is good enough.

If he ever gets his shot, I think he is going to suprise a lot of us, JMO.

I am on his bandwagon!

In regards to Henson, he just seems to have a ways to go still, and honestly that is what I expected when we signed him. 2 or 3 years should be the expectation to be able to see what he has.

This is how I look at it ...

I'm riding a bandwagon (Romo's) ... and my agenda is the frickin' team ...
Banned_n_austin said:
And Troy was praising Romo ...

All that was said about Henson was that he had been stinking it up in practice, but had gotten a little more consistant in the past few days ...

Did you ever listen to the quotes Troy, ("I gotta have David LaFluer"), Aikman said about Hutch when he was here? As I recall on national TV he said he was impressed with him.

Romo may be better than Henson, but Troy saying it doesn't mean squat.
CaptainAmerica said:
Did you ever listen to the quotes Troy, ("I gotta have David LaFluer"), Aikman said about Hutch when he was here? As I recall on national TV he said he was impressed with him.

Romo may be better than Henson, but Troy saying it doesn't mean squat.

Well, here is what I want to see. I have stayed out of these debates because I learned from the Carter/Hutch debates...

Anyway, I want to see if Henson is better then Bledsoe, and if not, I want to see if Bledsoe is better then Romo, and if not, I would like to see if Romo is better then Henson, who I want to see if he's better then Bledsoe. If that's not true, then I would like to see if Bledsoe is better then Henson, or if Bledsoe is not as good as Romo, who I would like to see if he's not as good as Bledsoe. If Bledsoe is not as good as Romo, and Henson is better then Romo, who's not as good as Bledsoe, then I want to see if Henson is as good or better then Romo, who I want to know if he's as good or better then Bledsoe, or if Bledsoe is not as good as Henson, but better then Romo, who's not as good as Henson.

Now, if that happens, then I will be happy!

Any comments? :(
CaptainAmerica said:
Did you ever listen to the quotes Troy, ("I gotta have David LaFluer"), Aikman said about Hutch when he was here? As I recall on national TV he said he was impressed with him.

Romo may be better than Henson, but Troy saying it doesn't mean squat.

I was just pointing out the selective quoting process in the initial post ... ;)
CaptainAmerica said:
Did you ever listen to the quotes Troy, ("I gotta have David LaFluer"), Aikman said about Hutch when he was here? As I recall on national TV he said he was impressed with him.

Romo may be better than Henson, but Troy saying it doesn't mean squat.

I dont think thats fair about Troy, him asking for Lafluer. He never said that, apparently he worked out both Tony Gonzalez and Lafluer and he said he liked them both. It was just that, Tony was gone way before cowboys had a chance.

Now about Hutch, thats true. I remember there was lot of bickering about it from Quincy fans since Troy said that at that time :D

Now other stuff that might interest people is that Troy thought Joey Harrington would be a star or rather has the tools to be a star in NFL ( now that is still yet to be proven, and I happen to believe Joey Harrington will be pretty good in future, I dont know about star), and last year while Manning was going to start, younger one he said on The Ticket ( local radio in Dallas), that he said he would stake his reputation on Manning being or going to good. He kind of backed off from that statement after Manning played few games.

I like Troy and normally like his analysis and comments. Certainly he is one of the best analysts around, but I always take anyone with a grain of salt. But I hope Troy is right and Romo has abilities to be a good starter in NFL.

Personally, I do think Romo can be decent enough starter, but I believe, if Henson does develop, he has potential to be Star in NFL, based on what I saw of him in College. But you never know with Potential. I just hope whatever decision BP is making, it ends up being great for Cowboys. I just like the Bus Driver, type QB. If that Bus driver is Troy or Tom Brady type, I am all for that but not Trent Dilfer type. Lets hope if Tony Romo ends up being starter he is a Tom Brady and not Trent Dilfer.
RCowboyFan said:
I dont think thats fair about Troy, him asking for Lafluer. He never said that, apparently he worked out both Tony Gonzalez and Lafluer and he said he liked them both. It was just that, Tony was gone way before cowboys had a chance.

Now about Hutch, thats true. I remember there was lot of bickering about it from Quincy fans since Troy said that at that time :D

Now other stuff that might interest people is that Troy thought Joey Harrington would be a star or rather has the tools to be a star in NFL ( now that is still yet to be proven, and I happen to believe Joey Harrington will be pretty good in future, I dont know about star), and last year while Manning was going to start, younger one he said on The Ticket ( local radio in Dallas), that he said he would stake his reputation on Manning being or going to good. He kind of backed off from that statement after Manning played few games.

I like Troy and normally like his analysis and comments. Certainly he is one of the best analysts around, but I always take anyone with a grain of salt. But I hope Troy is right and Romo has abilities to be a good starter in NFL.

Personally, I do think Romo can be decent enough starter, but I believe, if Henson does develop, he has potential to be Star in NFL, based on what I saw of him in College. But you never know with Potential. I just hope whatever decision BP is making, it ends up being great for Cowboys. I just like the Bus Driver, type QB. If that Bus driver is Troy or Tom Brady type, I am all for that but not Trent Dilfer type. Lets hope if Tony Romo ends up being starter he is a Tom Brady and not Trent Dilfer.

Troy was also invited to Henson's workout before we traded for him, and endorsed Henson as a budding star..............wo what does it all mean?

Like I said in an earlier post, there have been numerous reports from the reporters and others who have acutally been at camp and have seen these guys at practice. And the consensus is that Romo is far ahead of Henson. Yet most people on here have seen them play about 1.5 qrts this pre season and can tell that Henson is much better than Romo and Romo sucks.

Who to beleive? The people who are actually there at camp seeing what is happening. Or those who are on a message board who are convinced that because Henson looks like a Star QB and had potential and pedigree.

You decide.
RCowboyFan said:
I dont think thats fair about Troy, him asking for Lafluer. He never said that, apparently he worked out both Tony Gonzalez and Lafluer and he said he liked them both. It was just that, Tony was gone way before cowboys had a chance.

Now about Hutch, thats true. I remember there was lot of bickering about it from Quincy fans since Troy said that at that time :D

Now other stuff that might interest people is that Troy thought Joey Harrington would be a star or rather has the tools to be a star in NFL ( now that is still yet to be proven, and I happen to believe Joey Harrington will be pretty good in future, I dont know about star), and last year while Manning was going to start, younger one he said on The Ticket ( local radio in Dallas), that he said he would stake his reputation on Manning being or going to good. He kind of backed off from that statement after Manning played few games.

I like Troy and normally like his analysis and comments. Certainly he is one of the best analysts around, but I always take anyone with a grain of salt. But I hope Troy is right and Romo has abilities to be a good starter in NFL.

Personally, I do think Romo can be decent enough starter, but I believe, if Henson does develop, he has potential to be Star in NFL, based on what I saw of him in College. But you never know with Potential. I just hope whatever decision BP is making, it ends up being great for Cowboys. I just like the Bus Driver, type QB. If that Bus driver is Troy or Tom Brady type, I am all for that but not Trent Dilfer type. Lets hope if Tony Romo ends up being starter he is a Tom Brady and not Trent Dilfer.

For what it's worth, I think Troy has excellent insight into the physical skills that can make a good quarterback, but he, or any commentator for that matter, has no special ruler to measure the heart of a quarterback.


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