Google Ads Announcement

MrMom;1629066 said:
i didn't mind the ads much...but before i had them all blocked i saw at least two "racey" ads. one advertising sexy singles, and another about some gay something or other...for a site that pimps out their family friendliness so much, i don't see how this helps...and find it hypocritical.

*edit - it was meet gay cowboys...

IIRC The adsense ads will "learn" as the spiders crawl the site. The ads are controlled by word association. So right now it see's Cowboys alot and starts Ads based on that, once it learns that NFL is what the discussion is about the ads will change accordingly
Hostile;1629087 said:
Exactly. We don't want those at all.

Don't worry about that.

Google gives ads based on the site. Since this is a cowboys site, you can expect to see all ads based on the dallas area, the cowboys, the nfl, etc.
CanadianCowboysFan;1629096 said:
I have a theory and as silly as it might be, it is that I will never pay to read or post anywhere on the internet. There are enough options that I won't do it.

IMO you arent paying to post, you are making a small donation to help defray costs of a site you enjoy. This is by far the best Cowboys board on the net giving 10 bucks a year or even 20 bucks is not alot to most people.

I easily get 20 bucks of joy off this board, and gladly give that.

I know some people cant give and its not a big deal, I just think if you have the ability and enjoy the board give a little if you can. JMO
dargarin;1629095 said:
What's a decent donation amount?

Not to speak for them, but I thik anything you can feel comfortable giving will be a great help for them
may I ask...what I hope is not a silly question... how much would the average user of this site have to donate per year for Reality to break even...

I would like this info for two reasons...

one is so I know what my fair share is...I realize that it is still my choice to go over or under that amount but I would like that as a bases...

the second reason is that I hate ads and would much rather pay for the service.
lane;1628976 said:
if the ads keep the site up and running, what's the need for donations?
The ads do not cover the costs of running CowboysZone. I wish they did. Unfortunately, forum sites have one of the worst click-thru rates (CTR) of any websites and most high traffic forum sites have no choice but to resort to several ads including graphical ads, flash ads, popups and in-between page ads.

I have always paid the costs for running the site and I always will. I am not trying to make money from the site by showing ads. If I was, there would be a lot more annoying ads because like them or not, they get the best results and generate a lot more money than the Google ads do.

Zaxor;1629114 said:
may I ask...what I hope is not a silly question... how much would the average user of this site have to donate per year for Reality to break even...

I would like this info for two reasons...

one is so I know what my fair share is...I realize that it is still my choice to go over or under that amount but I would like that as a bases...

the second reason is that I hate ads and would much rather pay for the service.

Are you seeing Ads?
Reality;1629115 said:
The ads do not cover the costs of running CowboysZone. I wish they did. Unfortunately, forum sites have one of the worst click-thru rates (CTR) of any websites and most high traffic forum sites have no choice but to resort to several ads including graphical ads, flash ads, popups and in-between page ads.

I have always paid the costs for running the site and I always will. I am not trying to make money from the site by showing ads. If I was, there would be a lot more annoying ads because like them or not, they get the best results and generate a lot more money than the Google ads do.


fair enough...
BigDFan5;1629119 said:
Are you seeing Ads?

No my friend, I am not, but I want to be sure that I gave Reality the correct amount as I feel terrible he has to cover the cost and I don't want him to have to pay for my share of it
Zaxor;1629124 said:
No my friend, I am not, but I want to be sure that I gave Reality the correct amount as I feel terrible he has to cover the cost and I don't want him to have to pay for my share of it

Well thats cool, now onto important things

who are the girls in your sig?
CanadianCowboysFan;1629096 said:
I have a theory and as silly as it might be, it is that I will never pay to read or post anywhere on the internet. There are enough options that I won't do it.

We have no problems with that whatsoever CCF...

This is a free site and always will be. It is hosted by Cowboy fans, for Cowboy fans and we readily invite non-contributing posters.

No one is ever censored or given preferential treatment in regards to whether they contribute or not.

I think the point is that some that DON'T contribute are complaining about pop-up ads that keep this site free.

As I said... they don't have to contribute... but it is ironic that the very thing that keeps this site free, is the very thing they complain of...
BigDFan5;1629126 said:
Well thats cool, now onto important things

who are the girls in your sig?

That's his daughter, don't you dare look at her like that!
BigDFan5;1629126 said:
Well thats cool, now onto important things

who are the girls in your sig?

right click, properties tells me they're from some oktoberfest.
CanadianCowboysFan;1629096 said:
I have a theory and as silly as it might be, it is that I will never pay to read or post anywhere on the internet. There are enough options that I won't do it.

and the quality of the places you can post will go down.

you pay to get online? what, $20 a month? $40 for cable/dsl/fios?

you already pay just to get somewhere. why should everything be free after that?

you wanna hang out in "my first website" or the dallas news forums - great.

go for it willie.

you want a managed resources then you have to find a way to make it worth their while and to pay for it.

please tell me you're not one of those who thinks music is free cause you can download it illegally, are you?

you're a dying breed. the quicker this mentality dies off the faster the internet can advance.

people used to swear they'd never pay for electricity in their house. what was your electric bill last month?

you want value you give value. some things don't change regardless of technology.
iceberg;1629136 said:
and the quality of the places you can post will go down.

you pay to get online? what, $20 a month? $40 for cable/dsl/fios?

you already pay just to get somewhere. why should everything be free after that?

you wanna hang out in "my first website" or the dallas news forums - great.

go for it willie.

you want a managed resources then you have to find a way to make it worth their while and to pay for it.

please tell me you're not one of those who thinks music is free cause you can download it illegally, are you?

you're a dying breed. the quicker this mentality dies off the faster the internet can advance.

people used to swear they'd never pay for electricity in their house. what was your electric bill last month?

you want value you give value. some things don't change regardless of technology.

You don't happen to have one of them 'A**, gas or grass; no one rides for free!' bumper stickers do you? :D

I agree 100%. For the price of a cheap cup of coffee a day, we all could make sure Reality doesn't live in the poorhouse at our benefit.
CanadianCowboysFan;1629096 said:
I have a theory and as silly as it might be, it is that I will never pay to read or post anywhere on the internet. There are enough options that I won't do it.

i love this site..i told reality a long time ago he hit a homerun with this site.

but you are spot costs money just to have internet service.
trickblue;1629130 said:
We have no problems with that whatsoever CCF...

This is a free site and always will be. It is hosted by Cowboy fans, for Cowboy fans and we readily invite non-contributing posters.

No one is ever censored or given preferential treatment in regards to whether they contribute or not.

I think the point is that some that DON'T contribute are complaining about pop-up ads that keep this site free.

As I said... they don't have to contribute... but it is ironic that the very thing that keeps this site free, is the very thing they complain of...

the funny thing is, they're not even pop up ads, I didn't even notice them until I saw this thread. It really causes ZERO problems, and I don't see why anyone complains about it.

and about paying to be on a forum. I probably would pay if I could, but I can't. Sorry.
dallasfaniac;1629139 said:
You don't happen to have one of them 'A**, gas or grass; no one rides for free!' bumper stickers do you? :D

I agree 100%. For the price of a cheap cup of coffee a day, we all could make sure Reality doesn't live in the poorhouse at our benefit.

no. i just see how things are going to "fit"

in 1980 i told my mom car manufacturers need to design after older cars and go "retro".

so few people see what's beyond their eyes. i see where things are going and why. i could be wrong, but i've not been wrong yet.
WoodysGirl;1628851 said:
Funny, your avatar looks like it's fighting your sig.

But tell the truth, isn't that the PERFECT sig for "Mr. Sunshine"?? :lmao2:

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