Here's a little more insight from Goose and how the process develops when working with the selection committee. Hopefully, it will give you a better understanding about what he's up against:
I'm one of only nine people on the seniors committee and there's a rotation.
Only five of us meet each year to pick the two seniors. It's a harder
process than you think. There are 26 established NFL franchises and every
one of them is convinced it has three players who have been unfairly passed
over in the process. So that's a pool of 80 players right there who feel
they belong in Canton. We can only pick two from that pool. The Cowboys have had two seniors nominations in the last four years, so it may be 5-6-7 years before another Cowboy is cycled through the room. There were 17 candidates we discussed & debated this week and I honestly felt about a dozen of them should be Hall of Famers. Hayes and Howley were both discussed and had support in the room. Cliff Harris is also in the pool of players, and Drew Pearson will be there shortly. But there are 25 other
franchises that feel they have candidates just as strong as a Hayes or a
Harris. Like I said, we can only pick two. Don't give up hope. I haven't.
There'll be another Cowboy or two cycled through the room during my tenure
on the committee. Thanks for your interest in the process.
Rick Gosselin