He's being tested constantly now and other than trollboy Rynie trying to get us to talk about his board and making up nonsense, Gregory hasn't been had an issue at all this offseason. He failed his last test last season.
He's being tested weekly now and THC stays in the system for 4 weeks. He's doing the right thing now and the longer that persists the more likely it is to continue. Kids definitely instill additional feelings of responsibility but he was already doing better.
FWIW, hit the ". . ." under the tweet and click embed, then copy the string that pops up. Then go to your post and click on the film "media" icon two to the right of the smilies icon and paste it in the popup. Click accept and voila:
Randy Gregory just tweeted he's having a kid and hashtagged "newbeginnings"
Maybe becoming a parent will push him to change his act.
Grasping for straws....I know, but still.
Dude. He doesn't have an "act."
He has an illness that for most of his life he's treated with weed.
I'm sick of people on this board treating mental illness like it is some character flaw. Get educated.
So the responsible thing to do is treat your mental illness with weed???
Obviously it's not the "responsible thing to do", but it's called "mental illness" for a reason. Realizing that professional help is needed is not the easiest, which is why self-medicating is so prevalent. I, myself, have general anxiety disorder, so I'm intimately familiar with the struggles that can arise.
Randy Gregory just tweeted he's having a kid and hashtagged "newbeginnings"
Maybe becoming a parent will push him to change his act.
Grasping for straws....I know, but still.
Obviously it's not the "responsible thing to do", but it's called "mental illness" for a reason. Realizing that professional help is needed is not the easiest, which is why self-medicating is so prevalent. I, myself, have general anxiety disorder, so I'm intimately familiar with the struggles that can arise.
I'm sick of people on this board treating mental illness like it is some character flaw. Get educated.
That is fine, just so long as you are equally sick of this organization acting like a treatment facility.
Randy Gregory just tweeted he's having a kid and hashtagged "newbeginnings"
Maybe becoming a parent will push him to change his act.
Grasping for straws....I know, but still.