Gunman kills 12, injures 59 during screening of Batman movie in Aurora, CO

Hoofbite;4636911 said:
Yeah, not buying that either.

Academically sound, no reported history of alcohol or substance abuse and previously undiagnosed with some sort of psychotic disorder?

Sorry pal. You aren't getting any sort of credibility in that regard.

I said it before, as horrible as his plan was he executed it too well for me to believe he was mentally unstable.

For too much planning for me to believe any significant psychotic involvement.

Furthermore, this guy was a neuro doctoratal candidate who could identify something wrong to the extent that he would seek counseling session with a psychiatrist but wasn't ever stable enough to realize his massive undertaking was pure evil?

In all honesty, I'm not sure I would care if he was found incompetent. Plenty of people have schizophrenia and almost all of them do something other than plot out a massive unprovoked attack on a bunch of innocent people. Sure, they might do some really screwed up stuff during isolated events but how many actually rig their house with explosives and go on a shoot spree?

Why not? Psychosis is not indicative of a loss of intelligence, it should rather be thought of as a vacation from reality/rationality.

If you were deluded to the point that you truly believed you were the joker, what would be the more "rational" decision - staying in school or acting criminally?

The guy may also have been studying psychology as a way to help himself, sort of a "I know I'm screwed up, want to understand, but don't want to get real help because it's of the paranoid variety" until the point that he lost connection with reality.

A person with delusional disorder may be high functioning in daily life as this disorder bears no relation to one's IQ[3], and may not exhibit odd or bizarre behavior aside from these delusions.
a_minimalist;4637135 said:
he looked like he was sedated. he was struggling to keep his eyes open. i don't know what to think about him. i think he has some mental disease but i do think he's faking it when it comes to not knowing what happened.

I agree. He was definitely sedated @ that hearing.

One thing I do not understand is how can he claim amnesia when he conveniently remembered to tell them " oh yea my apt is rigged to blow up"

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