Guys, were stuck, Roy Williams if cut or traded 7 Mill cap hit 2008 & 2009

Kilyin;1907962 said:
I don't understand how so many esteemed experts on this board can see that Roy Williams is a giant turd eating up the team's cap money and being abused on the field, but the front office and coaching staff fail to see the same thing.

It would lead one to believe that this team is led by a gaggle of blind idiots - and that doesn't bode well for the future of the franchise. Looks like we may be in for 11 more years of choking and coming up short.

It makes you wonder. Did you notice how everyone including Ray Charles could see Barber was the far superior RB, yet Julius started every game during the regular season?

Sometimes it's just baffling.
cowboyjoe;1907631 said:
i agree with you guys about roy williams, if it was me, if i was the owner, i would call him into my office, chew his butt out good for not working out like the coaches and trainers have begged him too do, then show him on film running plays he has missed tackes and passing plays he hasnt helped, and show how he has hurt not only himself, but his teammates and the fans, especially the fans, and then tell him you always wanted to be a dallas cowboy, but your sure not playing and acting like one,

anyway guys we cant trade or cut roy williams because if we do either one, it will cost us a cap hit 7 million this year, and 7 million the following year, yikes, were stuck

only thing i know to do guys, is be sure he gets into offseason and works his butt off and gets down to about 224 and studies studies film, or put him at linebaker, yeah i know u guys say he cant do that, but something needs to be done with him, and soon,

as far as you guys wanting patrick watkins, i did too, but at same time, pat watkins had the chance to come in offseason and work out, get bigger and stronger, and he didnt, till his attitude chances, then nothing will happen with roy williams or pat watkins.

why are we always talkin about Roy damn get over it really. the guy is going nowere live with it or find another team!

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