I'm beginning to think there's some sort of secret coalition in CZ regarding players' personal lives. Because it's the SAME people in EVERY thread.
I simply do not get it. Perhaps if a player is out doing cocaine or getting in trouble with the law, you know, dangerous deconstructive life choices, that there is right reason to think so negatively of a person. But for whatever reason, if a player so much as attempts to go out and have fun while not on the job, it automatically becomes hell on earth.
As long as someone is taking care of business while at WORK, what does it matter what they do. Hell they can eat cheetos and play World of Warcraft all day long for all I care as long as they're doing what's asked of them.
I don't understand why something like is indicative of Hamlin being too comfortable on the team. After the next season is over, and we look back on what players could have done better to up their play, who the hell is going to be saying "well if he had not twittered about such and such" or "dang if he was a leader and showed up to OTAs..." This is the same crap about Bennett. They aren't doing anything illegal, they aren't coming off as big pompous *******s, so what's the problem?
You guys are ****ing worse than TMZ. Seriously.