***Happy Veterans Day***


Regular Joe....
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I thought I would share a story with the board. I have been looking for a decent shed for a couple of months now. I came across a nice one a couple of weeks ago. I got in touch with the guy and it just so happens that he was in San Diego but has a home here in Rio Rancho NM.

Well, as you may have guessed, the man is in the Service. He has been keeping his house here in NM for the past year and a half in the hopes that he and his family would soon move back. They have been renting it out but I guess it just got to be too much as he has finally decided to sell it.

His family has moved back closer to his in-laws in Idaho for over a year and he is here, in NM, trying to get this house closed out. I had an opportunity to drink a beer with him today. First time I had ever meet the man. Seems he is shipping out for Afghanistan early next year. This will be his 3rd tour (2 in Iraq and now this one in Afghanistan). He is really giving me a great deal because he needs to get this thing done before he ships out.

Anyhow, we were working out the details and he asked me, how soon did I think I could have the shed moved. I told him, "Well, I'll start looking for somebody to move it after the Holiday." He kinda looked at me and said, "Man, I'm sorry but I don't think I can wait that long. I have to have this thing done by the end of November." I said to him, "Well, I can try to find somebody tomorrow but a lot of people usually take Veterans day off so I don't know if I will have much luck." He looked at me and said, "Oh, I'm sorry. When you said Holiday, I thought you ment Thanks Giving." He went on to say, "I'm sorry, we don't usually get that day off so I just completely forgot that tomorrow was a Holiday." I know what the guy was talking about. I completely understand and I had forgotten how that works.

Well, that small piece of conversation made me realize all over again just how much we owe these men and women. Don't miss understand me. We owe all of the Veterans a great deal of thanks for there service. We can never really say it enough. However, these men and women, these families, they are not only fighting for our way of life, there families are sacraficing greatly. This man is selling his home at a loss and his family is making personal sacrafices, relocating, changing schools, facing personal and financial difficulties, a whole slew of things that I can't imagine right this minute, in order to continue to uphold his commitment.

As I sit here this eveing, I am feeling a lot of different things. I feel bad, I feel sad, I feel guilty, I feel ashamed but I also feel proud. I am busting with pride. I feel relieved and I feel joyful. I feel safe in the knowledge that we have these kinds of people to do a job nobody likes but everybody needs. Mostly, I feel thankful. Thankful for these men and women and their families. Thankful that my family is safe because of these people. Thankful that I have the opportunity to thank all the Veterans. Thankful that I have the opportunity to thank all the Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines, Guardsman and Coasties who are currently serving, along with their families.

Thanks to all of you for your Service.



rock music matters
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my best friend from college joined the air force and was one of the few helicopter mechanics in there. he served in iraq and so many other places he had to go in the course of his career. he was never a "soldier" to me but a friend who picked a very odd profession to me.

at the time.

**it's so easy to take for granted something we don't have a personal stake in. while the politics of iraq and afganistan (please forgive this mention) will always be debated, what i'm most proud of is despite all of our political differences, we never put that back on the soldiers. we didn't repeat the "Nam" experience.

growth can often be slow but thankfully we grew enough not to repeat that horror.** please feel free to delete this and between the **'s if that's not allowed to say.

it's hard enough to put your life on the line and do a job that as noted, so many take for granted, but at least we've learned to respect the gift of the soldier and understand some sacrafices are above question.

i got their back every day like they have mine, without hesitation.


Less is more
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To everyone who serves, has served, plans to serve, or has family or friends in the military, thank you. Thank you for your sacrifice, your courage and your willingness to follow in the footsteps of the brave men and women who came before you.


Kane Ala
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Let's allow all the vets on the board to post their name and list them out for all to see. How hard is that to do? Can you guys set it up so anyone can edit one post to add their name to it?

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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To my fellow vets, Enjoy the day reserved for the sacrifice we've all made for the good of our beloved country. Have a great Veteran's Day. I would like to thank those that take the time out to recognize our country's great veterans.


Well-Known Member
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Thanks for all that you do and all that you've done.

Our country would not be as great as it is without you.


Red, White and Brew...
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
A very big thank you to all the service folk who have served, are serving, and will serve in the future. You're efforts will always be recognized and you are the true heroes of the world.



Well-Known Member
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Thank you to all the current members of the military on this board and around the world. Also a big thanks to all my fellow veterans.


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My grandkids are out of school today so I am taking my oldest grandson (he's almost 8) to the Airborne & Special Operations Museum at Ft. Bragg today. His dad (my son-in-law) is in Iraq on his second tour there so this will be a very special day for my little guy.

A great big thank you to all the veterans and current service-folks who sacrifice so much for this country. It is not just putting their lives on the line, police & firemen do that too, but it is giving up the time with their families that truly separates those in the armed forces.

Being gone for a year at a time is huge when your kids are little because they change so much in such a short time. We post lots of pictures so that he can see them and he gets to talk with them from time to time but it's not the same as being there.

I am just very thankful that my wife and I are available to help our daughter with taking care of the house and the 3 kids. She is essentially a single mom right now and she does a phenomenal job of things but it still takes its toll at times.

The spouses & families of the folks overseas don't get enough credit for THEIR sacrifice.

Anyway, a HUGE THANK YOU to all of those who have served or are serving in our armed forces.

God bless you all! :usflag:


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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Yeagermeister;3070782 said:
Thank you to all the current members of the military on this board and around the world. Also a big thanks to all my fellow veterans.

This sums it up for me as well.

Happy Veterans day to all.


Well-Known Member
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Yeagermeister;3070782 said:
Thank you to all the current members of the military on this board and around the world. Also a big thanks to all my fellow veterans.
Yes, this says it very well


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Happy Veterans Day to all that have served and currently serving. We are forever in your debt.


"You want some?"
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
May my daughter, Sgt. Michelle Winicki have a wonderful Veterans day... Even though they are making her work today! :)


Well-Known Member
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Happy Veteran's Day to all military personnel who have served or are presently serving abroad.

Without you, the real heroes of society, we could not enjoy what freedom brings to our country.

You are not thanked enough for what you do.

A special thank you to my dad, my hero, for his service in Vietnam.


On a side note, it is a crying shame that I am working today. I see it as a slap in the face of those businesses who cannot spare one day for their associates to reflect and appreciate what the men and women of the armed forces have done and are doing today.


New Member
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Thank you vets and current marines, soldiers, sailors, and airmen.
A happy belated "Happy Birthday, marines!"

Thoughts are with Ft. Hood..


Active Member
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Thank you fellow Veterans for your service. Thank you to the members of the Zone for recognizing them.

USN 1986 - 1994
HM2 - 0000/8404
USNS Mercy
Desert Storm


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Thank you to all the vets who gave their lives, and those who risk their lives currently, to keep our country free. Thank you.


Well-Known Member
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God bless our men and women serving and protecting us from evil. Thank you for your dedication.


Well-Known Member
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Great OP and great sentiment from the thread.
Thanks for your service, vets and soldiers. :bow: