Hard Knocks: Favorite Scenes from Part 5 *Merge*

My favorite parts of this last segment were all Ware.

I just think it's very cool to see him interact with his daughter.

I also liked the segment with Ware at the very begining of the show. He's talking about the Franchise and the championships and the History. He makes the comment that he's never been a part of something like that and he wants to be. A very matter of fact kind of insight into the guy IMO.

I just can't believe how lucky we got with Ware. Such a great player with what seems to be equally great moral fiber to go with it. Those players are very, very rare. I don't like to heap too much praise on players to soon because I think it's undue pressure you put on them. However, the more I see of Ware, the more I believe that he's going to be one of the all time Cowboys. He's going to be a Bob Lilly, Randy White kind of player for us. I just can't explain how impressed I am with this person.

As an aside, I really like Amondala. He's just happy to be playing still. Yeah, the pay check is nice but you can see that he just wants to be playing football. Some guys are ment to be Doctors, some Artists, whatever the case. Some guys are just ment to do certain things in life and Danny Amondala is ment to be a Football player. He's just cool like that.


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