Hardy charges officially expunged

(What kind of pathetic trash lurks around a message board of a team they don't like day after day with nothing else in life to do? Get a girlfriend or something, if that's even possible.)
What kind of pathetic trash compared general awareness of an equipment violation (which you know deep down didn't even happen) to beating the daylights out of a woman?
Oh look another internet tough guy ....... anyone who has been on this site for any amount of time knows how bad you guys scare me.

What answer are you looking for?

You have a line but that doesn't stop you from rooting for the Cowboys even though they employ Hardy. So what use is your line?

Even if he was guilty it was a misdemeanor that carried no jail time. It was at worst a fight between people breaking up and making up and doing it under the influence. I do not think he punched her or choked her or threw her. But I have seen women that want an argument to get physical and they can be more than a handful.

If he went too far he still has paid the price and served his time.
Yeah. It's silly.

Requesting that your equipment manager deflate some footballs < Beating a woman.

They're not even comparable.

In regards to life, beating a woman >>>>>>>>>>> deflating footballs.

In regards to football, deflating footballs >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> beating a woman.

The former since it is an issue in regards to life has extreme consequences outside of the NFL, including potential jail time.
Refreshing honesty. So good to hear. Thank you. BTW, you're not a POS.

If he was an Eagles player for example, I'd probably hate him, but that's normal for most of their players anyway. But him playing wouldn't cause me any stress, other than it hurting my cowboys chances of succeeding. I wouldn't stop watching football or boycott Eagles games just cause he was allowed to be on the field
Are there pictures of Hardy showing his face cut, possibly by Holder?

When denying a male the right to exercise self defense in a confrontation with a female, is there a level of assault that permits the male to regain that right?

Yes. Photos of his injuries are in there too.

You'd have more serious injuries just tripping and falling.
When denying a male the right to exercise self defense in a confrontation with a female, is there a level of assault that permits the male to regain that right?

Hardy is a huge man ....... I dont think punching someone in the back could be considered self defense.
No excuses and no defending of Hardy - just some facts of the case. The thing I would like to see is something being reported on the Charlotte legal scene and why they concluded he was never going to be found guilty by a trial.

Also, I get the outrage but let's not forget the Duke Lacrosse case which seemed like such low hanging fruit at the time. In the climate that we are in I think if you even tried to refute what might have happened you would get killed in the media, yet that's what journalism is supposed to be.

Again - just some facts.

1. Curtis (Ms. Holder's friend who was there) and Hardy both testified that she threw herself into his tile bathtub after he refused to pay her rent.

2. Curtis who went with Ms. Holder to collect the rent is no longer her friend, and has never supported any of her claims.

3. In the 911 call made by Hardy. Ms. Holder was being restrained by Curtis to keep her away from him. In the call he said she threw a shoe at him. Police first encountered her with only 1 shoe. In the call Hardy said she threw a glass at him. Police found a broken glass in his apartment. In the call Hardy said he was bleeding. The police report says he was bleeding from his cheek.

4. Ms. Holder admitted on the stand that she had done cocaine earlier before going there. Curtis had testified that Ms. Holder told her that Greg "hasn't seen crazy yet."

5. Hardy called 911 twice to get help with her.

6. Finally - the DA concluded they “did not have sufficient legal basis” to enter Ms. Holder's statements to police as evidence.

These are just a few facts.

You see, this is what I am looking for.

I still am not quite convinced that Hardy didn't do this as I tend to trust the police more than the perp. But, it would be interesting to see this actually investigated by the press.

I will say this even though I'm not quite convinced of Hardy being innocent...the pictures of the bruises were in weird locations on the body.

I've read quite a bit on the psychology and crime evidence that goes into domestic violence and murders between husband and wife or boyfriend girlfriend over the years (started on it for a college assignment and it piqued my interest and I continued to read about it).

One thing I would expect based on that study where a much larger male is attacking a female girlfriend is that there would be a black eye or bruises to the mount or bruises where he slapped her. Another typical bruising would be strangulation which is very normal in an abuse situation (ever here somebody that personally knows another person and they say 'I hate him/her so much I could just strangle them.'

What we see is bruises on the back. Obviously, one could abuse somebody by causing bruising on the back. But, for that to be the main area of assault is a bit odd.

There's a bruise on the chin, but that bruise is not in line with a punch or strangulation. The bruise on her bicep is more in line with somebody grabbing her by the arm.

Now, I'm not saying that Hardy did not abuse her and that it could not have happened this way, but when I saw the pictures the first thing that I thought was how the bruising was in odd locations that were not in line with your typical domestic violence case where the women is usually beaten about the face and/or strangled. It really fits more inline with falling. I didn't know about Curtis and his part in the situation.

To me, the media should go after this part of the story because if you believe Hardy really did it, it just shoots down any claims he could possibly have.

Ok, for you people defending Hardy and his employment with the Cowboys....... where do you draw the line?

Murder? Molestation? Rape? Theft? Abuse?

Where is the line? Or does it depend on how good he is at his position?
People let this stuff making ridiculously over emotional. I draw the line at how good you are and are you going to be there. All that other. morality stuff I leave that to others trying to be that guy. Also something happened but them marks don't say beating at all. I've saw beatings and not just females and them aren't the marks of it esp after all the stuff that was alleged to have happened. I can say he was stupid for putting himself in that position with millions to lose but beating I can't ride with that. Them marks look like she had bad acne not got beat up all savagely.
I saw on BSPN today that the only the nfl legal team was able to see the pictures up until today. I believe it was ed werder (but I could be wrong) said that Dallas was able to call the nfl offices to get more info before signing him but they weren't able to see any pics.

Yeah and the NFL office never saw the Ray Rice video.

If Werders source is the NFL, they've proven themselves as not forthcoming with the truth.
Hardy is a huge man ....... I dont think punching someone in the back could be considered self defense.

It's typically not considered self defense. In fact, that would indicate that the victim had turned their back to the attacker and would result in even a more harsh judgment against the attacker. That's why it would be advisable for a person who is defending themselves with a gun to avoid shooting somebody in the back. It really doesn't look good if the entry wound is in the back.

Still, I would like to see evidence of somebody being attacked in the back in a domestic violence case as being somewhat common. Especially when it is the man attacking the woman. Normally this abuse is about the female's face and throat (in some cases it may be in the stomach, if the woman is pregnant). I'm not saying it can never happen that way, but criminal activity often has a certain profile to it. For example, robbing a bank is usually done in one of 2 ways...passing a note to the teller or actually arm robbing the bank. The latter most of the time belongs to a far different type of criminal than the bank robber that passes the note and the FBI and police take the latter far more seriously because part of that profile is to escalate the violence and somebody is more likely to get killed in a future bank robbery.

The same with domestic violence. Beating somebody in the back and not hitting them in the face or attempting to strangle them is just not very common. It would be like a bank robber coming in to rob a bank with a chain saw. Could happen, just unlikely.

What kind of pathetic trash compared general awareness of an equipment violation (which you know deep down didn't even happen) to beating the daylights out of a woman?

there is no comparison but remember, one could directly affect the outcome of a game and the other is off field and does not attack the integrity of the game.
Yeah and the NFL office never saw the Ray Rice video.

If Werders source is the NFL, they've proven themselves as not forthcoming with the truth.

It's Mr. Blue Suit. It doesn't matter who his source is. They are wrong at least 80% of the time. Perhaps the biggest joke of a reporter on the planet.

What is weird is that the photo of the alleged bruising on the back was taken outside. Usually those photos are taken at the police station.
You see, this is what I am looking for.

I still am not quite convinced that Hardy didn't do this as I tend to trust the police more than the perp. But, it would be interesting to see this actually investigated by the press.

I will say this even though I'm not quite convinced of Hardy being innocent...the pictures of the bruises were in weird locations on the body.

I've read quite a bit on the psychology and crime evidence that goes into domestic violence and murders between husband and wife or boyfriend girlfriend over the years (started on it for a college assignment and it piqued my interest and I continued to read about it).

One thing I would expect based on that study where a much larger male is attacking a female girlfriend is that there would be a black eye or bruises to the mount or bruises where he slapped her. Another typical bruising would be strangulation which is very normal in an abuse situation (ever here somebody that personally knows another person and they say 'I hate him/her so much I could just strangle them.'

What we see is bruises on the back. Obviously, one could abuse somebody by causing bruising on the back. But, for that to be the main area of assault is a bit odd.

There's a bruise on the chin, but that bruise is not in line with a punch or strangulation. The bruise on her bicep is more in line with somebody grabbing her by the arm.

Now, I'm not saying that Hardy did not abuse her and that it could not have happened this way, but when I saw the pictures the first thing that I thought was how the bruising was in odd locations that were not in line with your typical domestic violence case where the women is usually beaten about the face and/or strangled. It really fits more inline with falling. I didn't know about Curtis and his part in the situation.

To me, the media should go after this part of the story because if you believe Hardy really did it, it just shoots down any claims he could possibly have.


This is pretty good. Those look like bruises from being pushed or thrown into something not from punches. Whether that happened from Hardy doing it or her doing it herself as someone mentioned in this thread is the question. Unless Hardy is some sick twisted person, which he could be, I find it odd like you that he target her back and that violently.
I don't care what she ingested when she is covered head to toe in bruises. That means some cowardly man beat her silly. There is no "acceptable" to that.

No she's not. That's hyperbole.

If Hardy punched or smacked the hell out of her it would be a lot worse. Some of those bruises are self-inflicted going against a 6'5" 270 plus pound man, some of them are due to holding her back, and the ones on her back are probably a result of being tossed into the bathtub. I seriously don't think any of those were inflicted with intent to truly injure.
Wow, a year and 4 games and it they can't even make a case.

That is really messed up to tell you the truth.
I find it also strange that it took pictures for some to start believing. Was the judges initial guilty verdict not enough to know the guy was probably in the wrong? All of a sudden there are pics and people see the reality. The fact that some still don't get it..no words!

It's extremely naive to just blindly trust a judge's opinion. Judges can and do make terrible decisions/rulings.
What kind of pathetic trash compared general awareness of an equipment violation (which you know deep down didn't even happen) to beating the daylights out of a woman?

Just go away, dude. I've never see anyone get out-debated so severely on the internet and keep coming back for more.

You're swimming in waters you just can't navigate.
This is such a delicate topic. She was bruised, and Hardy very likely is responsible for some or all of them, in my opinion.

That said, the pics are pretty much exactly what I expected them to be. Honestly, I was expecting more deep-bruising in purple/blue/black, if anything. My take from this is pretty much what it's always been: these are two emotionally damaged and very childish adults in a relationship that primarily revolved around money, sex, alcohol, and drugs. It's not really shocking that this level of dysfunction existed. And you'd have to be blind to believe Greg Hardy has a firm grip on his emotions to begin with.

It still adds up to a misdemeanor offense that carried with is a probationary sentence if he was convicted. Instead, the case has been dropped and his record expunged. We're fooling ourselves if we believe this level of conflict isn't going on unreported on every team with multiple players. It might well be happening in several Cowboys households now and we just don't know about it.

As it is, it adds up to Hardy not being one of my favorite guys. But he served his suspension and he had his day in court. It's over. I'm not going to drum up phony outrage over it just because he's largely unrepentant. It does make me concerned for him on a long term deal, but other than that, it's a dead issue in my book.

Nice of ******** to time this with the announcment that his record has been expunged, though. And I also noted that a lot of the leadup in Holder's account between the partying and the getting choked is mysteriously absent from the story. Something had to trigger it, and I'm not sure we've got a good idea of what, yet.

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