Hardy charges officially expunged

I agree with this.

I find the bruises on the back odd though.

True............... if her story is accurate, I could see getting bruised on the back if one were thrown into a pile of guns on a futon.

I know some prosecutors. In domestic violence trials, the accuser is often a key piece of evidence. If a person won't press charges or testify, it weakens the case unless there are clear witnesses. In this case, no witnesses. Therefore, the only way this thing could get to a jury trial is if she was available to testify. She didn't want to testify. The case couldn't go on.

Seriously? Your lack of knowledge on this case betrays you. There were several witness testimonies presented at the bench trial. They could have been recalled for the appeal. Only the alleged victim was missing and they still had her bench trial testimony on record.
True............... if her story is accurate, I could see getting bruised on the back if one were thrown into a pile of guns on a futon.

The bruise would look no different if she threw herself on the futon.
Seriously? Your lack of knowledge on this case betrays you. There were several witness testimonies presented at the bench trial. They could have been recalled for the appeal. Only the alleged victim was missing and they still had her bench trial testimony on record.
Your own lack of knowledge is now betraying you. It would have taken Hardy's lawyer about 2 seconds to get the testimony ruled inadmissible since he would not have the chance to cross examine her in the new trial.

Seriously. Stop living in fantasyland. The guy is a woman beater and a scumbag. That doesn't change just because of the uniform he wears on Sundays.
You are out of touch if you are going to argue that what happened to this girl wasn't a beating because there wasn't more substantial injuries. If Hardy did in fact cause those bruises, that's a beating. To try to ague or insinuate that there needed to be more damage done to this woman for it to be considered a beating is just downright bizarre. She was significantly bruised all over her body.
You should learn to read with understanding instead of emotion. One I'm not arguing anything. Its nothing to argue this is just a discussion of views which is different than an argument. When most people think if a beating them pictures aren't it period. You can believe that to be a beating but if you do like I said before you haven't saw a "beating" how most people would use the term. I looks like she has bad acne. I could show you pictures of my friend if I was a scumbag that look just like that so its nothing bizarre at all for my end. You just have to throw little insults because I disagree with what your views are on this. It makes the story more cloudy outside of Hardy probably shouldn't have put himself in this position. Her being drugged up and drinking doesn't help either when knowing how people can act when they are on drugs.
Do you have anything I could read about the DV normal marks profile you mentioned. I've never heard of that before and would like to read up on it. Thanks

Try the following:

Domestic Violence by Karen Kenney

Toxic Couples by Anna Motz

The Batterer: A Psychological Profile by Donald Dutton

The other books were more academic books that I took in college as part of a Deviant Behavior course that I took and are likely out of print.

Those pictures definetely prove it was a real beating.

Her back seems like a weird place to get bruises like that.

Without knowing the details I hate to speculate but all the witnesses sided with his side of the story.

I hate to do this but what if she was swinging on him and he just picked her up and threw her and she landed on an object that bruised her back.

Again, I hate to do that because if she is innocent then I hate drawing up these scenarios.

We just don't have enough details to be honest.

Not all witnesses do. One of the biggest witnesses in the bench trial was the other girl there who heard him throwing her around from the other room. She heard all of it including what was bei g said
Try the following:

Domestic Violence by Karen Kenney

Toxic Couples by Anna Motz

The Batterer: A Psychological Profile by Donald Dutton

The other books were more academic books that I took in college as part of a Deviant Behavior course that I took and are likely out of print.

Ok thank you my man
Your own lack of knowledge is now betraying you. It would have taken Hardy's lawyer about 2 seconds to get the testimony ruled inadmissible since he would not have the chance to cross examine her in the new trial.

Seriously. Stop living in fantasyland. The guy is a woman beater and a scumbag. That doesn't change just because of the uniform he wears on Sundays.

And what of the other witness testimony? was it that weak? Surely it was more than the victims own words that convicted him in the bench trial.

Seriously. You are a troll. Hardy is innocent.
This is pretty good. Those look like bruises from being pushed or thrown into something not from punches. Whether that happened from Hardy doing it or her doing it herself as someone mentioned in this thread is the question. Unless Hardy is some sick twisted person, which he could be, I find it odd like you that he target her back and that violently.

I don't think the pictures are as good as they should be to really tell, but they don't appear to be punching bruises or bruises from defending herself.

Defensive bruises usually come from the forearms, upper arms and hands. They show picture of a bruise by her bicep which is in line with being grabbed and a bruise on the elbow. They take pictures of the upper arms and forearms, but I don't see any bruises, but on the upper bicep (grabbed) and on the elbow which would be more in line with falling.

The back wounds are more in line with a fall than punching. There's no smaller, circular wound where the outer part of the circle is yellow-ish and it's not a linear type of bruise which is more consistent with being struck with something like a stick or a bat.

The one possibility is that he may have grabbed her (consistent with the upper bicep bruise) and threw her into the tile bath tub herself.

However, Holder claims that he choked her and there is no bruising on her that is consistent with choking.

Of course, this depends on if her friend's claims are true and if she did admit to having done cocaine before. The cocaine use would make me believe that she wasn't of sound mind and could have thrown herself into the tile bathtub. And the shoe throwing accusation could make me believe he was retaliating against her.

The only other issue I have is the 911 police call from Laurence. She didn't actually see the incident, but she was in the other room. You have to feel like she would have been able to reasonably piece together what was happening and it didn't sound like she favored Hardy's side of the story.


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