Hardy charges officially expunged

I don't think the pictures are as good as they should be to really tell, but they don't appear to be punching bruises or bruises from defending herself.

Defensive bruises usually come from the forearms, upper arms and hands. They show picture of a bruise by her bicep which is in line with being grabbed and a bruise on the elbow. They take pictures of the upper arms and forearms, but I don't see any bruises, but on the upper bicep (grabbed) and on the elbow which would be more in line with falling.

The back wounds are more in line with a fall than punching. There's no smaller, circular wound where the outer part of the circle is yellow-ish and it's not a linear type of bruise which is more consistent with being struck with something like a stick or a bat.

The one possibility is that he may have grabbed her (consistent with the upper bicep bruise) and threw her into the tile bath tub herself.

However, Holder claims that he choked her and there is no bruising on her that is consistent with choking.

Of course, this depends on if her friend's claims are true and if she did admit to having done cocaine before. The cocaine use would make me believe that she wasn't of sound mind and could have thrown herself into the tile bathtub. And the shoe throwing accusation could make me believe he was retaliating against her.

The only other issue I have is the 911 police call from Laurence. She didn't actually see the incident, but she was in the other room. You have to feel like she would have been able to reasonably piece together what was happening and it didn't sound like she favored Hardy's side of the story.


I don't know anything about bruising but the choking doesn't look like ones I've seen on TV(real not CSI)
Are there pictures of Hardy showing his face cut, possibly by Holder?

When denying a male the right to exercise self defense in a confrontation with a female, is there a level of assault that permits the male to regain that right?

Great point -is a man allowed to protect his life ???
I don't think the pictures are as good as they should be to really tell, but they don't appear to be punching bruises or bruises from defending herself.

Defensive bruises usually come from the forearms, upper arms and hands. They show picture of a bruise by her bicep which is in line with being grabbed and a bruise on the elbow. They take pictures of the upper arms and forearms, but I don't see any bruises, but on the upper bicep (grabbed) and on the elbow which would be more in line with falling.

The back wounds are more in line with a fall than punching. There's no smaller, circular wound where the outer part of the circle is yellow-ish and it's not a linear type of bruise which is more consistent with being struck with something like a stick or a bat.

The one possibility is that he may have grabbed her (consistent with the upper bicep bruise) and threw her into the tile bath tub herself.

However, Holder claims that he choked her and there is no bruising on her that is consistent with choking.

Of course, this depends on if her friend's claims are true and if she did admit to having done cocaine before. The cocaine use would make me believe that she wasn't of sound mind and could have thrown herself into the tile bathtub. And the shoe throwing accusation could make me believe he was retaliating against her.

The only other issue I have is the 911 police call from Laurence. She didn't actually see the incident, but she was in the other room. You have to feel like she would have been able to reasonably piece together what was happening and it didn't sound like she favored Hardy's side of the story.

The cocaine part seems to be true. If you google Nicole holder cocaine you will find people that covered the case saying so. I would link it but I don't know which sites are banned or not on here and don't to get in trouble
I'm beginning to think you use these to indicate your brain hurts because you can't understand concepts and not as facepalms.

Don't see him post much on other topics about Cowboys but I wasn't surprised that I found him here, posting multiple times
I don't know anything about bruising but the choking doesn't look like ones I've seen on TV(real not CSI)

There is ZERO choking wounds being shown. There's a bruise under her chin and that is more of a bump or scrape bruise.

I would imagine given the bruising on her upper bicep, which is consistent with a simple grabbing, that he could make her bruise fairly easy and we can conclude that she should have strangulation marks which she has none.

People on twitter are asking for a list of the Dallas sponsors so they can start boycotting them. Jerry did release a statement but I don't know how to post tweets on here so i'll leave that to the experts.
Okay I can copy and past this I guess...

hopefully that's not illegal if it is i'm sorry in advance
People on twitter are asking for a list of the Dallas sponsors so they can start boycotting them. Jerry did release a statement but I don't know how to post tweets on here so i'll leave that to the experts.

Like I said earlier.......I wonder if they boycott any business that has someone involved that has DV past because that leaves very little places they can go, or do they only have standards when it doesn't inconvenience them?
Like I said earlier.......I wonder if they boycott any business that has someone involved that has DV past because that leaves very little places they can go, or do they only have standards when it doesn't inconvenient them?

It's always easier when it's happening to someone else and not them. This is the story right now and so everyone is jumping all over this but like many have mentioned where's the outrage for the others? I in no way will defend Hardy but in the eyes of the nfl he served his punishment and this should be over.
Pretty basic statement from Jerrah, but was necessary.

Now it's time to endure the public scrutiny from media and co about how JJ is a slimeball, horrible person, misogynist, etc.
I posted this in another thread, but wanted to ask here too:
Just out of curiousity, how do you older Cowboys fans feel about Harvey Martin and Hollywood Henderson. They were both from before my time, so I'm genuinely curious. I ask because I recently ready that Martin assaulted his girlfriend (or fiancée), and that Henderson smoked crack with, then sexually assaulted two underage girls, but I hear nothing but love for these two former players.
Pretty basic statement from Jerrah, but was necessary.

Now it's time to endure the public scrutiny from media and co about how JJ is a slimeball, horrible person, misogynist, etc.

It'll pass quicker than you think. Within a couple weeks, no one will give a crap again.

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