Hardy charges officially expunged

I started a Grammer Super Toilet Bowl I guess..Hardy is a guy OTs do not want to see. Just get this man signed long term and build between him, Gregory, Crawford, Lee, Scan and Jones.

It's all good. Some people get super sensitive over this stuff. If I'm not using a word or phrase appropriately, I don't mind people correcting me. You never know how that piece of knowledge will help later in life.

But, yes, let's get this conversation back on football. Thanks for being a good sport. :)
And what light would that be, a degenerate that was arrested, charged, opted for and had a bench trial, was found guilty as a result of said trial and because of a quirk in the law could then ask to set aside verdict for a jury trial and then because he knew he'd be found guilty again from the evidence, he paid off the woman to disappear and not cooperate with authorities, so I don't know what light you're talking about but maybe someone could find you that light switch or maybe you prefer to live in the dark!!
so you clearly believe OJ was innocent since he was found innocent in a REAL TRIAL unlike a preliminary like Hardy's.
so you clearly believe OJ was innocent since he was found innocent in a REAL TRIAL unlike a preliminary like Hardy's.

You might want to brush up on the court system and how it works, OJ was found NOT GUILTY at trial, which means the state failed to make their case beyond a reasonable doubt, that's not innocent and Hardy had a bench trial in front of a Judge which he opted for and was found guilty...., it was not a preliminary hearing...
Even from public documents it was very clear his accuser had told two completely contradictory stories under oath and that because that was the only evidence, the DA had zero chance of getting a conviction in a jury trial.

And to beat the dead horse, Hardy's attorneys deny there was a civil settlement and the only evidence that there was one was the DA's speculation (which he had every reason politically to speculate about). And even if they did, a civil settlement has absolutely no impact on the criminal trial.

Yes, but we have to make sure to use the guilty until proven innocent standard and then even still guilty after chargers are dropped.
You might want to brush up on the court system and how it works, OJ was found NOT GUILTY at trial, which means the state failed to make their case beyond a reasonable doubt, that's not innocent and Hardy had a bench trial in front of a Judge which he opted for and was found guilty...., it was not a preliminary hearing...

I've argued this point before, but these controversial issues become all-or-nothing battles. People don't want to concede any point because they feel it destroys their main point. Anyway, for what it's worth.
Yes, but we have to make sure to use the guilty until proven innocent standard and then even still guilty after chargers are dropped.

The court of law and the court of public opinion are two different "courts" that operate under two different standards.

Just saying.
You might want to brush up on the court system and how it works, OJ was found NOT GUILTY at trial, which means the state failed to make their case beyond a reasonable doubt, that's not innocent and Hardy had a bench trial in front of a Judge which he opted for and was found guilty...., it was not a preliminary hearing...

He opted for a jury trial. Which never happened.
You might want to brush up on the court system and how it works, OJ was found NOT GUILTY at trial, which means the state failed to make their case beyond a reasonable doubt, that's not innocent and Hardy had a bench trial in front of a Judge which he opted for and was found guilty...., it was not a preliminary hearing...

You couldn't be more wrong about the way you are portraying the case.

The Bench Trial is the quirky part of the NC Judicial System, not the Jury Trial. The Jury Trial is a basic civil right highlighted in the Constitution. A single judge sitting at a table hearing from one side and then the other is less than a day is not complete justice. It is an arbitration that allows the State to weed out 'bad' cases or easy Guilty verdicts.

And even in the worst case scenario that you portray, Hardy was convicted of a misdemeanor. He was given 18 months probation which would be up in about 2 months from right now. He did not get a day in jail.

After the charges were dropped because Holder was a lying, unreliable and hostile witness Hardy was able to have the charges expunged from his record. The bench trial is 100% meaningless(except to people like you and the NFL that have agendas) and there is now no record of his arrest at all in the eyes of the law.
You might want to brush up on the court system and how it works, OJ was found NOT GUILTY at trial, which means the state failed to make their case beyond a reasonable doubt, that's not innocent and Hardy had a bench trial in front of a Judge which he opted for and was found guilty...., it was not a preliminary hearing...

You really shouldn't scold people when you are the one that is 100% wrong.

Hardy did not opt for a bench trial. It is a preliminary hearing that everyone goes through first in NC.
If it is appealed(and almost 100% of guilty cases are appealed) it is immediately vacated. That means it didn't happen and has no bearing on the jury trial. The bench trial verdict doesn't stand as a placeholder until the jury trial is completed. It is completely disregarded. Defendants even have to be arraigned again.

And being found NOT GUILTY is essentially being found Innocent, since Innocent until proven Guilty is the standard used by the Courts.
Guys, I know the issues are related, but let's not let this thread be about the previous bench trial. It's a thread about his record getting expunged, plain and simple. Rehashing the trial arguments just derails the thread. Thanks.
someone I know bashed Hardy endlessly but couldn't care less about the Johnny Football story. I guess since Johnny's GF isn't chasing money and didn't press charges, he's all good.

Ask the guy how he feels about Frosty Rucker.

He makes Hardy look like Sheldon from The Bing Bang Theory.
I've argued this point before, but these controversial issues become all-or-nothing battles. People don't want to concede any point because they feel it destroys their main point. Anyway, for what it's worth.

There is nothing controversial about calling a Bench Trial a 'preliminary trial'. It is not a full Constitutionally protected hearing by any stretch of the imagination. It is a quirky NC law that helps weed out the cases that don't need to seen by a jury. That is why when it is appealed it is immediately vacated. It loses any meaning or standing.
And now the pictures have been released and are all over ESPN.

You know, how is everyone supposed to take this kind of stuff seriously when our own justice system doesn't even take it all that seriously?

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