It is. Luckily one of the officers kept a calmer head and made note that I was bleeding, and she wasn't.
For posterity's sake what happened is, she was punching me in the face. So, I defensively pushed her, not even with half my strength mind you, and she tripped over a bed post and hit her head on the wall. She immediately grabbed her phone, locked herself in the closet and called the cops. Before she started punching me, however, she had grabbed me by the biceps and dug her nails in so deeply I wound up almost having to get stitches. I had the pleasure of an officer standing over me and berating me for 45 minutes while the other (the calmer one who noticed me bleeding) took her statement. I was called every name you can imagine and accused of more than crimes than an SVU episode.
What is more alarming is, I actually know two other men who have gone through nearly the exact same ordeal.
The only reason I post this is not to say Hardy is innocent. I post this to say, no one here knows the facts. Even the people who do know the facts get it wrong sometimes, particularly with such emotionally charged situations. I have no doubt in my mind Hardy put his hands on her, however everything points to her being the aggressor. That makes his actions possible self-defense, which is reasonable doubt particularly when the accuser has been shown to be unreliable. Did Hardy go to far? Probably. Does he deserve to have his name raked over the coals and fed to the hounds of the media? I don't think so.
Our stigmas towards domestic abuse are justifiable. It has been covered up and hushed away far too often for far too long. However, reacting so harshly that the sway goes 180 is just as wrong and damning.