Hardy Investigation Thread

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I would like this 100x if I could. Something people don't want to see. If he does just enough to keep her away he is in the wrong. If he beat her as so many claim I think her cruises would be wounds and contusions. Matter of fact, let's ask a few quarterbacks how it feels to be hit by him.

You know there are men much smaller in size than Hardy who have held women at bay without leaving marks on them, right?
How many games will you miss? I kid. I kid.

No laughing matter. Hope all is better for you on that front.

It is. Luckily one of the officers kept a calmer head and made note that I was bleeding, and she wasn't.

For posterity's sake what happened is, she was punching me in the face. So, I defensively pushed her, not even with half my strength mind you, and she tripped over a bed post and hit her head on the wall. She immediately grabbed her phone, locked herself in the closet and called the cops. Before she started punching me, however, she had grabbed me by the biceps and dug her nails in so deeply I wound up almost having to get stitches. I had the pleasure of an officer standing over me and berating me for 45 minutes while the other (the calmer one who noticed me bleeding) took her statement. I was called every name you can imagine and accused of more crimes than an SVU episode.

What is more alarming is, I actually know two other men who have gone through nearly the exact same ordeal.

The only reason I post this is not to say Hardy is innocent. I post this to say, no one here knows the facts. Even the people who do know the facts get it wrong sometimes, particularly with such emotionally charged situations. I have no doubt in my mind Hardy put his hands on her, however everything points to her being the aggressor. That makes his actions possible self-defense, which is reasonable doubt particularly when the accuser has been shown to be unreliable. Did Hardy go to far? Probably. Does he deserve to have his name raked over the coals and fed to the hounds of the media? I don't think so.

Our stigmas towards domestic abuse are justifiable. It has been covered up and hushed away far too often for far too long. However, reacting so harshly that the sway goes 180 is just as wrong and damning.
You know there are men much smaller in size than Hardy who have held women at bay without leaving marks on them, right?

Are you done patting yourself on the back? Can we talk about the Hardy case without you projecting your personal experiences onto the equation? I can do it too: I pulled my girlfriend away from walking into oncoming traffic and managed to bruise her elbow. She bruises easily.

What did the marks look like on Holder? Can you even speak to that?
It is. Luckily one of the officers kept a calmer head and made note that I was bleeding, and she wasn't.

For posterity's sake what happened is, she was punching me in the face. So, I defensively pushed her, not even with half my strength mind you, and she tripped over a bed post and hit her head on the wall. She immediately grabbed her phone, locked herself in the closet and called the cops. Before she started punching me, however, she had grabbed me by the biceps and dug her nails in so deeply I wound up almost having to get stitches. I had the pleasure of an officer standing over me and berating me for 45 minutes while the other (the calmer one who noticed me bleeding) took her statement. I was called every name you can imagine and accused of more than crimes than an SVU episode.

What is more alarming is, I actually know two other men who have gone through nearly the exact same ordeal.

The only reason I post this is not to say Hardy is innocent. I post this to say, no one here knows the facts. Even the people who do know the facts get it wrong sometimes, particularly with such emotionally charged situations. I have no doubt in my mind Hardy put his hands on her, however everything points to her being the aggressor. That makes his actions possible self-defense, which is reasonable doubt particularly when the accuser has been shown to be unreliable. Did Hardy go to far? Probably. Does he deserve to have his name raked over the coals and fed to the hounds of the media? I don't think so.

Our stigmas towards domestic abuse are justifiable. It has been covered up and hushed away far too often for far too long. However, reacting so harshly that the sway goes 180 is just as wrong and damning.

You did the best you could considering the situation.
It has been widely reported that Hardy paid a financial settlement to Holder, who strangely disappeared. The DA even said so.

If you object to the term "paid off," then I concede your point. That is my perspective.

Nevertheless, there are too many reports that a settlement occurred for me to discount it.

Not that I necessarily have a bone in this debate, but to be fair to this post-
It was widely reported that there was a Dez tape of some ill-repute not too long ago. You believe that sucker is floating around out there also?
It's actually kind of shocking, that the people defending Hardy seem far less emotional and exceedingly more educated and studied than those calling Hardy a woman beater. Given the temperature of the general public towards these situations, much like divorce proceedings or custody battles, the man is generally guilty before he ever has a chance to defend himself.

As someone who was falsely accused of both domestic violence and resisting arrest, it makes me happy to see there are still people out there who dig for facts and don't just accept things based on stigmas. It's easy to let CNN and Fox News be the judge and jury. It's easy to let our own emotions, stigmas and moors cloud our decisions. What's tough and somewhat valiant, is putting all of that aside and looking at the facts.

Good lookin' out guys.

FTR, for those saying "the police saw enough to charge him", the police don't have to see any evidence. If the female can make the police believe she is in danger, the male party will be arrested. I know. Because it happened to me.

I appreciate your comments. I would add, however, that those who support Hardy are emotional also, even bordering on childish. Otherwise, they wouldn't take personal shots at those who disagree with them and who find fault with Hardy.
We can discuss this issue without name calling or insults or twisting people's words.

This is an emotional issue. And I appreciate your experiences, which are unique to you and your situation, just as I draw from mine (as one who has suffered abuse and who did not retaliate or leave a mark on my ex-girlfriend).

At the end of the day, none of us knows what went on. And so we fall back on our experiences and speak from those experiences to try to make a convincing case.
Whether or not is been reported is besides the point. Fact is that the only evidence is hearsay in a throwaway line from the dismissal filing. Further, an agreement to avoid a criminal trial is illegal.

I would think the Mecklenberg DA would know if there were a settlement or not.

If you said there was a settlement, that's one thing. If the janitor says there was a settlement, that's one thing. If the DISTRICT ATTORNEY goes on record to say there's a settlement, that's another.

She didn't cooperate with the police the night of and the days following. She had to be subpoenaed to attend the bench trial where we know for a fact she didn't have an agreement. We don't know what motivated her to not cooperate.

Not that I necessarily have a bone in this debate, but to be fair to this post-
It was widely reported that there was a Dez tape of some ill-repute not too long ago. You believe that sucker is floating around out there also?

I appreciate your comments. I would add, however, that those who support Hardy are emotional also, even bordering on childish. Otherwise, they wouldn't take personal shots at those who disagree with them and who find fault with Hardy.
We can discuss this issue without name calling or insults or twisting people's words.

This is an emotional issue. And I appreciate your experiences, which are unique to you and your situation, just as I draw from mine (as one who has suffered abuse and who did not retaliate or leave a mark on my ex-girlfriend).

At the end of the day, none of us knows what went on. And so we fall back on our experiences and speak from those experiences to try to make a convincing case.

You're right. As I stated earlier, what I meant and should have said was those defending Hardy seem more educated on the issue. I didn't intend to call out the intelligence of the other side.
This issue has been discussed and discussed. There is no new information. So everyone continues to throw in their 2 cents worth. And you are welcome to to that. Since we don't have a fairy tale land, this thread will be continued in the rant zone.
Are you done patting yourself on the back? Can we talk about the Hardy case without you projecting your personal experiences onto the equation? I can do it too: I pulled my girlfriend away from walking into oncoming traffic and managed to bruise her elbow. She bruises easily.

What did the marks look like on Holder? Can you even speak to that?

Are you done patting yourself on the back? Can we talk about the Hardy case without you projecting your personal experiences onto the equation? I can do it too: I pulled my girlfriend away from walking into oncoming traffic and managed to bruise her elbow. She bruises easily.

What did the marks look like on Holder? Can you even speak to that?

If you don't like me referencing my personal experience, you can simply skim over my posts. No one is forcing you to read them or respond.

And neither is anyone forcing me to engage in a discussion with you. So I leave you to your snippiness and your unanswered questions. :)
I'm sorry but this does not sound like someone who just acted as an aggressor in a dispute. He is clearly trying to avoid conflict and get the woman away from him as he is being attacked by her. His assistant is trying to restrain her which may have led to many of her bruises, in addition to her trying to get back into/stay in the apartment and not letting them close the door. He appears to clearly be trying to limit the amount of force he is using to diffuse the situation, even asking if he should leave.

The whole thing is pretty ridiculous.

Pretty obvious to everybody that read the facts of the case that Hardy is getting the raw end of the deal.

I will never fault anyone, man or woman, for defending themselves against an attacker. Everyone should be afforded that opportunity, and everyone responds differently to violence. Race, religion, sex, it doesn't matter. Self-preservation is instinct, and not everyone will react the same. But everyone should have the opportunity to defend themselves without being assigned some gender specific role.That's absurd.

And while it's very noble that some feel the need to acknowledge what "they would have done" in this instance, it doesn't make them any more right. It's easy to say you'd exercise restraint without knowing the severity of the situation, but even if you did, you shouldn't be faulted should you respond differently to assault. Simple as that.

I'm also of the opinion that a man of his stature, that could potentially tear a door off it's hinges, would do some pretty serious damage to an individual if he so desired. I'd have no problem admitting if he really hit me, I'd probably be talking with a lisp for the rest of my life.

Additionally, if there was a settlement out of court, who cares? A settlement proves neither fault or innocence. Any 1L student or attorney will tell you the smart thing to do is settle the majority of the time, regardless. Simply because going through the grind that is the legal process is not enjoyable for either party, and the only ones getting the benefit for that time are the attorneys. Settling out of court is almost always the smarter decision.
I would think the Mecklenberg DA would know if there were a settlement or not.

If you said there was a settlement, that's one thing. If the janitor says there was a settlement, that's one thing. If the DISTRICT ATTORNEY goes on record to say there's a settlement, that's another.


He went on record saying they had evidence of a settlement. He never said what the evidence was. Hundreds of media reports have come from that throwaway line. At best, it's hearsay. That is what it is.

He wrote that he had credible evidence of witness tampering in a dismissal filing. Think about it. Since you are so fixated on his professions, what do you make of a DA that claims to have evidence of a felony in a request to drop the case? Personally, if someone was tampering with my witnesses I would look to go harder with said proof. Not this guy.

And you don't understand how Holder not cooperating from the very beginning without an agreement speaks to the very heart of the matter? If she is holding out for a payout or as is more likely imo just an unwilling victim that doesn't want your or anyone else's interference then it paints a completely different picture.

People seem intent on going cavalier for a damsel that doesn't see herself as such.
It is. Luckily one of the officers kept a calmer head and made note that I was bleeding, and she wasn't.

For posterity's sake what happened is, she was punching me in the face. So, I defensively pushed her, not even with half my strength mind you, and she tripped over a bed post and hit her head on the wall. She immediately grabbed her phone, locked herself in the closet and called the cops. Before she started punching me, however, she had grabbed me by the biceps and dug her nails in so deeply I wound up almost having to get stitches. I had the pleasure of an officer standing over me and berating me for 45 minutes while the other (the calmer one who noticed me bleeding) took her statement. I was called every name you can imagine and accused of more crimes than an SVU episode.

What is more alarming is, I actually know two other men who have gone through nearly the exact same ordeal.

The only reason I post this is not to say Hardy is innocent. I post this to say, no one here knows the facts. Even the people who do know the facts get it wrong sometimes, particularly with such emotionally charged situations. I have no doubt in my mind Hardy put his hands on her, however everything points to her being the aggressor. That makes his actions possible self-defense, which is reasonable doubt particularly when the accuser has been shown to be unreliable. Did Hardy go to far? Probably. Does he deserve to have his name raked over the coals and fed to the hounds of the media? I don't think so.

Our stigmas towards domestic abuse are justifiable. It has been covered up and hushed away far too often for far too long. However, reacting so harshly that the sway goes 180 is just as wrong and damning.

You'd better watch out. You may be accused of patting yourself on the back for sharing your experience. ;)

P.S., thanks for sharing. The beauty of this forum is that people get to share their experiences, which are personal to them and shape their views. And if shared with sincerity, it causes us all to think and reconsider. I appreciate the fact that you didn't come in with condescending guns ablazing trying to shoot down everyone who disagrees with you.

And even when you made a sweeping stereotype, you apologized for it.

Kudos to you for setting a tone conducive to civil discussion.
You'd better watch out. You may be accused of patting yourself on the back for sharing your experience. ;)

P.S., thanks for sharing. The beauty of this forum is that people get to share their experiences, which are personal to them and shape their views. And if shared with sincerity, it causes us all to think and reconsider. I appreciate the fact that you didn't come in with condescending guns ablazing trying to shoot down everyone who disagrees with you.

And even when you made a sweeping stereotype, you apologized for it.

Kudos to you for setting a tone conducive to civil discussion.

Eh anyone who does that isn't worth my time. I shared to provide context. That's the only reason.
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