Hardy vs. McLain - Who Do You Want in 2016

When Hardy was out last night, it was fun watching everyone on the DL getting blown off the ball, particularly Hayden. Man, how Hayden plays so many snaps should be researched by History Channel...

The only play I remember the DL did anything when Hardy wasn't in was when Crawford got that once in a lifetime rush three sack.

THIS RIGHT HERE IS THE #1 PROBLEM WITH THE D-LINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry for the caps, but good to great 4-3 DL are predicated on having 2 good to great DE's, a really good to great 3T, and a........................(ahem)....................1T THAT CONSISTENTLY DRAWS DOUBLE TEAMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hayden is almost ALWAYS one-on-one with the center or guard. Crawford is getting double teamed WAY TOO OFTEN.
Both will be back on less than market deals.

They are both toxic and only work here, "the greatest show on earth"

RoMc 2/5m
Hardy 4/36m 18m guaranteed(staggered)- Only curveball is if OAK or JAX offers 15m a year.
McClain will be back absent another dope smoking episode.

Hardy will be gone unless he stretched to make a difference in games. Mr. Invisible to date.
If I am a free agent on this team I definitely test the market. I seen no reason to think this team is going anywhere in the near future. They would have to money whip me to stay.
I don't know why they would keep either one. But Jerry will probably keep them both. He'll ruin the offseason for us too
We need fewer question marks on this team.

Its time the FO stops acting out of desperation
Neither, but gun to my head, I'd rather McClain back on a one year deal but he's one failed test away from a year suspension......I'd already cut Hardy, he's a cancer and a malcontent..
For the contract they'll "demand..." Neither. Not worth the games they disappear in.
Neither has earned a FA deal in my opinion.

McClain has started to come on as of late, but you never know how much of his inconsistency is injury and how much is desire. He absolutely quits on some plays and then follows that up we some insane hustle.

Hardy hasn't even been close to worth the headache. The only way I keep Hardy is on a very very team friendly deal and he goes to the strong side where he should be.
I let both walk honestly, neither is worth the baggage they bring to the table.........one guy allegedly burned down his own house and the other guy is alleged to have beat up his girlfriend.

Not exactly RKG
McClain won't get more than 1 or 2 year deals. He is one joint away from a 1 year suspension.

Let Hardy test the market. If he gets a big deal elsewhere, let him walk. If there are no takers, which is highly probable, sign him to a team friendly, incentive laden deal. Only sign Hardy if the team holds all the cards.
I actually like Mclain's production the last couple of weeks. Even if Hardy had a 10 sack game the guy is just an oddball. Its negative press on the cowboys and I can't believe you would want him to mentor your younger pass rushers.
I hate that McClain doesn't believe in training camp and is so unreliable, it sets a bad precedent.

For me Hardy-all day every day. The media won't be nearly as focused on him next year. If he stays clean this offseason, he will have a big 2016.

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