Has any great QB had a crueler run than Tony Romo?

They'll go back and see that you insinuated that since Romo was cleared to play, that he couldn't possibly be injured and that injured players don't play. That was you, not me. But nice try thought.

And again, don't try and make this an injured vs. hurt argument because you have been puking up the notion that Romo was not in pain. So how could have he played hurt if he wasn't in pain?

Do you ever listen to yourself.

Again, until you prove to me that Romo wasn't in pain or that the NFL can't play injured players like you insinutated and said all day today, I'm not taking the time to prove to you anything.

You love wasting time. lol Not going any further until you provide some proof that Romo was being shot up prior to games after returning from his broken collarbone and that he was still experiencing pain.
You love wasting time. lol Not going any further until you provide some proof that Romo was being shot up prior to games after returning from his broken collarbone and that he was still experiencing pain.

Ok, go back under your rock then.

Because yet again, until you prove to me that Romo was not in pain before his games last year and that NFL players cannot play injured as a rule, I won't in fact waste my time.
Ok, then go back under your rock then.

Because yet again, until you prove to me that Romo was not in pain before his games last year and that NFL players cannot play injured as a rule, I won't in fact waste my time.

Not going any further until you provide some proof that Romo was being shot up prior to games after returning from his broken collarbone and that he was still experiencing pain.
Not going any further until you provide some proof that Romo was being shot up prior to games after returning from his broken collarbone and that he was still experiencing pain.

And yet again, until you prove that Romo was not experiencing pain considering the fact that you already admit that he wasn't fully healed and that NFL players cannot play injured as a rule, I won't waste my time.
And yet again, until you prove that Romo was not experiencing pain and that NFL players cannot play injured as a rule, I won't waste my time.

This is just going to lead to trouble and trouble is exactly what you were looking for. I proved my point with you. You're off my discussion list, nothing but a waste of time!
On second thought I'm staying right here. You might want to learn some manners.

Yeah. Don't leave.

This is fun.

Perhaps I should. I apologize if I offended you. It wasn't my intention.
You're just looking to get us both booted.

I'm really not, man.

I just vehemently disagree with you, as you do me.

I didn't mean to get rude with you. We just see the same situation in a different manner. I'm sorry if I offended you.
We disagreed a long time ago and I said to let's drop and you keep coming back looking for a fight. Move on!
We disagreed a long time ago and said to let's drop and you keep coming back looking for a fight. Move on!

Hey buddy, you hit the reply button just as much as I did.

But for the love of God, let's not start getting in to that.

I agree, we have gone on long enough. Let's shake hands and agree to disagree.
Hey buddy, you hit the reply button just as much as I did.

But for the love of God, let's not start getting in to that.

I agree, we have gone on long enough. Let's shake hands and agree to disagree.

You started this by replying to a comment I made to another poster and are clearly looking to start a fight. Let's settle it off the board.
You started this by replying to a comment I made to another poster and are clearly looking to start a fight. Let's settle it off the board.

Not going to get into a "he started it" thing on here.

I agree. Let's settle it off the board.
Not going any further until you provide some proof that Romo was being shot up prior to games after returning from his broken collarbone and that he was still experiencing pain.

Broaddus talked about the difference between a short week this season and last season being Romo wouldn't need a pain killing shot before a game this year like he did last year. It was on the break a couple of weeks ago before the announcement. Romo was unable to take a shot prior to the thanksgiving game last season because it takes about 5 days between shots and he had received one the Sunday in Miami.

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