I'm personally tired of the Dallas media. (Obviously, the media in general because they are the same everywhere.)
As a fan, I personally see the Dallas media as the enemy often. Are any of the Dallas media actually a fan themself or is it just a job? I would love to have their job. I wish at least one true fan would occupy that position for inquiring minds, such as my own. I understand that the controversial stories sell and getting the scoop is everything in the media. But don't tell me that there isn't a large market of people like myself that are far more interested in team news and individual progress, etc. rather than scandals and rumors.
These ******** interfere with our team's chemistry and focus and create the majority of the contraversies and keep them stirring. It's a distraction and an insult, IMO. And yet they report nothing. More often than not, it's lies, speculation, and repetition.
I get 20-30 minutes a day to hear an in depth update from the head coach himself on my favorite football team... and it is wasted with attempts at poking and prodding the same issue and stirring up the same non-existant contraversies.
Idiots like T.O. would not have the power to affect a team if not for the media that supports his behavior and, in most cases, creates it. He's not worth talking about, IMO and if no one did, he wouldn't be accustomed to being a malcontent. What about Jamaica Rector? Tyson Thompson? McBriar? Kevin Burnett? Miles Austin? Never even knew anything about Kai Parham until he was cut. How about asking a question like, "How does your team prepare to face defenses that are all 4-3 scheme this season when they spend all of their current practices facing their own 3-4?"
Bill is unjustly labeled as tense and temperamental when he gets on edge with his responses. But the media draws first blood by taking jabs and asking unimportant question just to create a story. IMO, Bill is an interesting individual with a unique outlook on life and football. And often he speaks very passionately about age, life, and football in ways that make me proud to be a Cowboys fan and thankful that we have such a dedicated and experienced leader. He doesn't have to be as personal or openminded in his responses but he offers it willingly. He seems to make honest attempts at conveying what it is in his mind and why he does things the way he does. Many coaches just go the "political" route and say basically nothing about anything, thus providing the fans with nothing to chew on. Honestly, the public doesn't need to know everything. The elememt of surprise works FOR your football team. And if you want a better chance at being successful, you should be willing to remain in the dark on certain issues for the benefit of your team.
My hat's off to Bill. I think he handles himself and the media properly and while many will sneer at his "attitude" and sometimes irate behavior... I think it's warranted and is merely a response to an offensive approach from the worthless media. He's certainly not perfect and I don't necessarily agree with everything he does or says. But I trust his judgement and respect his methods.