Hello All!!!

CowboysPrincess said:
My 49er bro in law would laugh at me, but I don't know who that is.... who is it?

If he ain't a cowboy, he ain't important....lol

Oh Girlfriend...That is Jeff Garcia. The guy that was the QB in the Browns vs. Cowboys game.

He used to QB the niners. Terrell used to call him out about being a lame QB and a homosexual.

He QB's the Browns this year. If you watched the game, you had to see him. Maybe you just don't know what he looks like w/o his helmet.
CowboysHater said:
Well, it's actually called "short man syndrome" & you have to be a short man for that to apply. That, I am not. I know this probably won't make any sense but the Commanders are family to us in alot ways up here in the DC area. We live, breathe, & die on the Commanders. Not all of us, obviouosly, but a large portion of us. So, it goes beyond obsession. When you start to tattoo yourself with the Commanders or their rivals, it has moved from obsession to lifestyle. Ya see, obsession is something you can hide. Lifestyle, you can't.

That is one puny looking arm you have there. And what loser would get a tattoo like that?

You must be living the "loser lifestyle".

I bet you're just waiting for Miller to come out with it's latest product...

Miller low life.
Well, it is amusing, Ben. They've been here all week, some of them not so subtly threatening violence, calling folks here rednecks and whatnot, and the word 'bimbo' sends them into paroxysms of rage. Meanwhile they call Princess out and don't let her respond because they're too lazy to shorten the time between registering and posting. Naturally, I felt the urge to see she wasn't insulted.

I won't be missing much as what you have there is as homeristic and irrational a bunch as you'll find. But turnabout is fair play, as they say. :D
LaTunaNostra said:
Well, it is amusing, Ben. They've been here all week, some of them not so subtly threatening violence, calling folks here rednecks and whatnot, and the word 'bimbo' sends them into paroxysms of rage. Meanwhile they call Princess out and don't let her respond because they're too lazy to shorten the time between registering and posting. Naturally, I felt the urge to see she wasn't insulted.

I won't be missing much as what you have there is as homeristic and irrational a bunch as you'll find. But turnabout is fair play, as they say. :D

I would say since you're a mod and all, ban em'.

But it's too much fun picking on these hideous twits. It'll be even more fun after Monday comes along and only a few like Bufford will have the nuts to come and at least say good game.
CowboysHater said:
It's not an obsession, son. It's a lifestyle.

So, your "lifestyle" mainly involves hating a football team??

Here's betting your weekly meetings of your little cult draws heavily from the shallow end of the gene pool... IOW, I'd say that if hating the Cowboys is the dominant aspect of your "lifestyle", you really do need to get an actual life...

But you might want to wait a week or so, isn't it just about your turn to be the pivot man in the weekly circle jerk again?? I KNOW you won't want to miss that...
Banned_n_austin said:
I would say since you're a mod and all, ban em'.

But it's too much fun picking on these hideous twits. It'll be even more fun after Monday comes along and only a few like Bufford will have the nuts to come and at least say good game.
You know the Zone doesn't operate on petty vendettas or over sensitive Lord Fauntleroy sensibilties like ExtremeThinSkinned does, Ben.

It's interesting tho, that the fanbase tends to the same lack of intestinal fortitude as the team itself.

Can't take it, can't take one tame word of smack, and won't, once again, take the real smack that will get laid down them on Monday night. :p
Our team is better than yours.


If the Cowboys suck, then the Commanders bite, stink, swallow and blow.
LaTunaNostra said:
You know the Zone doesn't operate on petty vendettas or over sensitive Lord Fauntleroy sensibilties like ExtremeThinSkinned does, Ben.

It's interesting tho, that the fanbase tends to the same lack of intestinal fortitude as the team itself.

Can't take it, can't take one tame word of smack, and won't, once again, take the real smack that will get laid down them on Monday night. :p

There is no doubt in my mind that we lay the smack down on the Commanders. They'll have no choice but to take it.

Funny stuff though, LTN....funny stuff.
Banned_n_austin said:
Oh Girlfriend...That is Jeff Garcia. The guy that was the QB in the Browns vs. Cowboys game.

He used to QB the niners. Terrell used to call him out about being a lame QB and a homosexual.

He QB's the Browns this year. If you watched the game, you had to see him. Maybe you just don't know what he looks like w/o his helmet.

He looks better w/ the helmet on.... :D
I chose not to post until tempers died down. But some fans (I'm Not identifying who), are really not healthy. I enjoy debating perspectives, I like to have a nice heated dialogue about your team vs mine scenario. But I do not hate any team. I prefer the Eagles! I was born in Philly, I had an Eagles helmut on when I was two years old. I have a martial arts tatoo (because it's something I enjoy).

Either this guy is pulling your legs or he's not healthy. I'm not so sure I would even continue dialogue with someone who is seriously obsessed with
hating your team! While I have No love for the dalley C'boys; I could honestly say that I do not hate any team -- even dalley!

Eagles 4-0! Perhaps someone should consider establishing a protective mechanism that would net signatures like "C'Boy-Hater." It's an obvious giveaway that that signature element was "hostile."
I chose not to post until tempers died down. But some fans (I'm Not identifying who), are really not healthy. I enjoy debating perspectives, I like to have a nice heated dialogue about your team vs mine scenario. But I do not hate any team. I prefer the Eagles! I was born in Philly, I had an Eagles helmut on when I was two years old. I have a martial arts tatoo (because it's something I enjoy).

Either this guy is pulling your legs or he's not healthy. I'm not so sure I would even continue dialogue with someone who is seriously obsessed with
hating your team! While I have No love for the dalley C'boys; I could honestly say that I do not hate any team -- even dalley!

Eagles 4-0! Perhaps someone should consider establishing a protective mechanism that would net signatures like "C'Boy-Hater." It's an obvious giveaway that that signature element was "hostile."
Nice attempt at a shot. Missed the mark though.

BTW, the guy you are referring to was banned a long time ago.
I chose not to post until tempers died down. But some fans (I'm Not identifying who), are really not healthy. I enjoy debating perspectives, I like to have a nice heated dialogue about your team vs mine scenario. But I do not hate any team. I prefer the Eagles! I was born in Philly, I had an Eagles helmut on when I was two years old. I have a martial arts tatoo (because it's something I enjoy).

Either this guy is pulling your legs or he's not healthy. I'm not so sure I would even continue dialogue with someone who is seriously obsessed with
hating your team! While I have No love for the dalley C'boys; I could honestly say that I do not hate any team -- even dalley!

Eagles 4-0! Perhaps someone should consider establishing a protective mechanism that would net signatures like "C'Boy-Hater." It's an obvious giveaway that that signature element was "hostile."

That pitch attempt was low and in the dirt. Try again!
Hostile said:
Nice attempt at a shot. Missed the mark though. BTW, the guy you are referring to was banned a long time ago.

Are you and Heavy "D" getting soft on me? Good luck on the Giants game guy; no really!! :rolleyes:

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