Helman thinks Jerry may have to make a change

But they had Jimmy Johnson.
And Irvin....And Aikman ...and all those draft choices coming. Now? If it was me....I'm fire selling it all for draft choices....and rebuilding it like Jimmy did. No one is untouchable.
Change to what?
A defensive coordinator who should have been fired himself weeks ago or
An offensive coordinator who’s only an offensive coordinator in name only!
Exactly........there is nobody on staff that is waiting to take over, there is no Jason Garrett at OC waiting for the HC to get fired so he can take over.

The OC is just name only, Fat Mike is really the OC of the team.
The DC is a joke, should have been fired weeks ago himself.
Bones? Seriously, just no.

The entire staff needs to be gutted, so just let Fat Mike lose out and then clean house. Besides, we dont really want to win anymore games at this point either.
That extension they gave Gimpo (Or is it the Gipper) destroyed whatever was left of this team........BOOM

Jerry, I'm here to motivate them to win one for the Gipper!!!!

Hey, Jerry do I still get paid being my body is breaking down due to the stress of not being able to do this job? :muttley:
What we need is the other owners to stage an intervention with Jethro and tell him to find a real GM
this might start to cut into their profits
Ummmmm no. The low brow Dallas fanbase will continue to pay for Dallas content and merchandise. No matter what the product on the field.
Ummmmm no. The low brow Dallas fanbase will continue to pay for Dallas content and merchandise. No matter what the product on the field.
Yes, we do have a strong HOMER base but things didn't look good yesterday for a Monday night game at Jerry's World.
A lot of empty seats and heck at some point sounded like we were the away team.
Yes, Jerry's mistakes have come home and yes they are bound to cost him $ no doubt about it.
Heck, even Cowboy haters will get tired of watching us getting blown out every Sunday.
Jerry made his bed now he can sleep in it...................
jerry already said he isnt firing a hc during the season ever again.
plus this is what he wants, to lose them all !

Wait till the carolina game ! a battle for who will succeed in losing !
THEY at least had the excuses of being an expansion team that got no draft and had to compete with the brand new AFL tha was throwing money around like confetti
Were you alive in the late 80's?
How much worse with a back up QB?
Who is this moron?
If Rush had a decent system and some team discipline we might have won last night.
He is one of many sold-out to Dak's PR. Dept. (like Clarence, Strumm) whose only reason to be on social media is to sell Dak at all costs.
Pay no mind he is only for the Church of Dak members.
Ugh. I dont want an interim on the staff winning a couple games and getting the gig. I want at least an attempt to look outside the building and see if anybody talented is actually willing to work for Jerry.
Mike Zimmer cmon down as the new HC LOL
Change to what?
A defensive coordinator who should have been fired himself weeks ago or
An offensive coordinator who’s only an offensive coordinator in name only!
Our OC has a good rep.

let him call the plays. 8)

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