Here's how Kitna will help Dak


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That surprises me, but I assume that was years ago, before the influx of Korean women. I agree with the putting, but from the LPGA I've watched, the average woman seems to chip up closer than the average man.

I suppose I could be mistaken, but I don't think so. Maybe it's because the women don't take the risks men take?

I have spoken about many topics in this thread but I am avoiding the Korean women topic in its entirety.

Gangsta Spanksta

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The point I was trying to make is what Gimmesix succinctly said so well. Yes, a coach can help a non-professional. Yes, I agree a swing coach is great, but when Tiger started changing his mechanics...his demise came about. All I'm saying is if you're a professional athlete...what the heck are you doing trying to change your fundamentals...just keep them where they are and ensure that you don't revert out of them. That's the athletes job...not the coach. Sure a great mechanics coach will help but how much of an improvement are we saying if he wasn't there --- maybe 2 or 3% change in their completion rates?

There ain't no QB coach that is going to change Dak into Peyton Manning or change Case Keenum into Tom Brady

True, still the footwork is one problem that is fixable.

Gangsta Spanksta

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Dak has some flaws? Is that some kind of genius work pointing out a QB's flaws? Pointing out things a young QB needs to improve on is far from saying he will never be good and he will not improve and we should move on.

The honest truth is that as time goes on, and Dak proves them wrong, some posters are simply beginning to soften their stance.

The scouting report on Dak has pointed them out, so there is nothing genius about pointing any of those things out. It is just amazing how accurate and true the scouting report on Dak still is. The footwork thing though, is one thing thought that is fixable. There is no denying in any case that Dak has bad footwork at this point of time.


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The scouting report on Dak has pointed them out, so there is nothing genius about pointing any of those things out. It is just amazing how accurate and true the scouting report on Dak still is. The footwork thing though, is one thing thought that is fixable. There is no denying in any case that Dak has bad footwork at this point of time.

He was NOT a polished pocket passer in college. He could just take off if there was pressure or nothing he liked. He didn't need to learn that discipline. Didn't need to learn it much the first 24 games of his NFL career as the Oline was soo good he could just sit there and deliver.

It should be to no ones surprise that Dak has had some issues in a pocket that is constantly breaking down. Most other things he seems to be very good at. I already saw him get better in the pocket the 2nd half of this season. Between a better Oline, maturity, familiarity with his receivers I would expect him to be back on track. And also MORE prepared to carry his team when needed.

Gangsta Spanksta

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He was NOT a polished pocket passer in college. He could just take off if there was pressure or nothing he liked. He didn't need to learn that discipline. Didn't need to learn it much the first 24 games of his NFL career as the Oline was soo good he could just sit there and deliver.

It should be to no ones surprise that Dak has had some issues in a pocket that is constantly breaking down. Most other things he seems to be very good at. I already saw him get better in the pocket the 2nd half of this season. Between a better Oline, maturity, familiarity with his receivers I would expect him to be back on track. And also MORE prepared to carry his team when needed.

Well I certainly hope that all of that is true. It's the off season for us, so all some of us can do is hope and be optimistic for the beginning of next season.


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Foot work, mechanics, qb 101 in year 4..:clap:

The process is evolving.....
Just because Kitna didn't learn it until Year 10 doesn't mean Dak hasn't. They have been talking about his footwork since day 1.


Vet Min Plus
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Just because Kitna didn't learn it until Year 10 doesn't mean Dak hasn't. They have been talking about his footwork since day 1.

Likely so, and now he will get a seasoned perspective...


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Footwork can really help dak’s game
A scheme that fits his strengths would be the most beneficial thing he needs though
A scheme that actually fools the defense on run/pass
They am sure that every coach that Dak has played under knew that Dak’s footwork is a problem . I am sure every single coach has tried their best to get Dak to correct the problem. At this point, no QB coach is going to make a drastic change in the way Dak plays the position. If changing Dak’s footwork was an easy fix, Dan Mullen would have corrected the problem while Dak was at Mississippi State.


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This was Dak's scouting report coming out of college.

"Accuracy on intermediate and deep throws, not sharp, not [is written] in capital letters," Prescott began reading on air with a smile. "Hyper-aware of pressure around him and lacks awareness to slide and find temporary shelter to make throw. Footwork is a mess. Needs improvement on anticipation. Must be more willing to challenge the defense. Too often tries to muscle throws with upper body."

Btw, I am a huge Dak fan...I just don't think Kitna or anyone is really going to fix this. The QB wisperer Dan Mullen who fostered Alex Smith's sucess as well as many other Qb's without as much as Dak's talent couldn't fix Dak. Dak can be coached by the best but will he revert to his bad habits when he feels pressure or trying to make a deep throw?
These are the exact same problems that Dak has today.


Since 1971
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He has a perspective that includes actually playing a meaningful game in the league?


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They am sure that every coach that Dak has played under knew that Dak’s footwork is a problem . I am sure every single coach has tried their best to get Dak to correct the problem. At this point, no QB coach is going to make a drastic change in the way Dak plays the position. If changing Dak’s footwork was an easy fix, Dan Mullen would have corrected the problem while Dak was at Mississippi State.
I disagree
Romo became a more technical QB over time
Almost anything can be taught


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Again, I look at pro golfers. They all obviously are some of the best in the world, yet they all have swing coaches to fine tune their swings. Many change coaches and suddenly improve greatly because of it.

I'm not saying Dak will become the best QB in the league, but he may improve a little, or he may improve a lot. Even if he doesn't improve at all, it was worth a shot.

If it gets rid of those 3 errant balls a game its worth it just not to have to hear the Dak haters Whine that he over threw somebody LOL


Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
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I agree with most of this. Even (for the most part) the last sentence however, if it's drilled enough, those bad habits can be gone... Just like the case of my grandfather like that I posted earlier with his bowling...

If the QB buys into it. There's several steps that go into it. The QB not only has to be taught to break the bad habits, but he has to be taught in a way that he understands and can actually apply and then he's got to actually do it under fire until it becomes his new habit.

Dak has a tendency to revert to some bad habits that will take a lot of repetition and focus for him to break.


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I'm not sure you guys are paying attention to the same stuff a I am, but a I give you props.
Porn is in the eye of the beholder. If you watch lpga events to get aroused, you have my condolences.


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All the fancy smancy foot work and coaching up will amount to a big fat zero IF this offense doesn't learn how to USE Dak and HIS strengths on the field. We have all seen his weakness, and most have all been talked about on this board to no end. Dak is not at this point the top elite QB most had hoped for, but not a single person who dislikes him can say he has been given EVERY chance to shine given the sad excuse for an offensive scheme they want him to run in. Be like buying a pedigree coon dog, and forcing him to go run foxes. Garrett, Moore and all the so called experts now, the stinking BALL is in your court. I for one won't sit still for yet another, "almost" season. Don't tell us it was this or that, anyone with even 1/2 a football minded concept can see, it's been THESE coaches and their inability to put some damn fore thought into game planning around the players we have. And I for one believe we have some elite players going forward. No more clapper excuse's, this Princeton raa raa boy had better pull the rabbit out of the hole. Understand, I do love me some smash mouth football, run them into the ground and eat up the clock to win. But by god you better have a plan in place that is forward thinking in the situations where you find that has been used up, or the opponent is onto you. All we can do is wait ........and see just how smart or other wise these coaching moves really are. It' won't take 8 games to figure it out either.


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Porn is in the eye of the beholder. If you watch lpga events to get aroused, you have my condolences.
To us pervs, it's everywhere where there are wimmins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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They am sure that every coach that Dak has played under knew that Dak’s footwork is a problem . I am sure every single coach has tried their best to get Dak to correct the problem. At this point, no QB coach is going to make a drastic change in the way Dak plays the position. If changing Dak’s footwork was an easy fix, Dan Mullen would have corrected the problem while Dak was at Mississippi State.
You might be surprised at what college coaches don't correct.