Hernandez v Brent

You have no idea, who pulled the trigger, we know who killed Jerry, and he made a conscious choice to drink and drive. Josh Brent should never play in the NFL again.

So you going to apply that standard to everyone in the NFL who drinks and drives?

The only thing that makes Brent's case different than any other is that he was "unlucky" enough that someone got killed.

I don't mind if the NFL kicks out everyone who does it, but making Brent the example just because his happened to result in a death is a little silly to me when any of them could have ended with a fatality.
This. DWI is a lot different than murder. One is malicious intent and the other is a horrible tragedy caused by alcohol.

Both are absolutely wrong, but they are different levels of wrong and should not be treated or viewed the same way.

Brent should be released for his actions since that "horrible tragedy," though.
I think there are different degrees of DUI and Josh Brent is the worst type going 110+ mph, freaking 134 mph max. This guy was just gunning it down the highway....
Hernandez vs Brent ? Hernandez is a deadly man, I don't think Brent would stand much of a chance to be honest.
This comes across as Self Righteous Indignation.

Sure. Do you want him on the team now that he has failed another drug screen. Do you think it is slightly embarrassing to the organization? When I was playing college football, I was always taught that I was a representation and an extension of my team no matter what I was doing......
Are you suggesting one move trumps the way the entire organization has been run under Craft/Belichick?

You stated that organization takes no crap and that's why they immediately released Hernandez.

I'm saying if that was the case, then they would have never TRADED FOR Aqib Talib.

And they've had a series of other players that they have gone after with off the field issues like Corey Dillon.

They knew he was going to be arrested for murder and that's why they cut him. If it was a case where everybody knew he killed somebody and the cops just couldn't prove it; he would still be on the team.

I wouldn't trust Belichick and Kraft as far as I could throw them.

so, doing the wrong thing is OK if several people are doing it?

just trying to get my facts straight

the real hypocrisy is making up stuff like you did to excuse a repeat offender who killed someone

Comprehension issues I guess. I am saying that people on this board who have been guilty of drunk driving would still throw stones at Brent.
how long will we let this guy embarrass us further,this is in complete odds with Garrett's clean image RKG type.We dont draft players with questionable character but continue to hang onto this guy?.

Brent is not embarrasing the organization, the GM/owner and HC are (by not releasing him)

That is my problem with Garrett, he knows how to talk the talk (RKG, process, good days etc) but cant walk the walk
Comprehension issues I guess. I am saying that people on this board who have been guilty of drunk driving would still throw stones at Brent.

so just because someone has driven drunk in the past, they cannot feel or say what brent did is wrong?
so just because someone has driven drunk in the past, they cannot feel or say what brent did is wrong?

They can say it is wrong as long as they admit what they did is just as wrong. The only difference is the outcome, the decision and carelessness is the same!
You stated that organization takes no crap and that's why they immediately released Hernandez.

I'm saying if that was the case, then they would have never TRADED FOR Aqib Talib.

And they've had a series of other players that they have gone after with off the field issues like Corey Dillon.

They knew he was going to be arrested for murder and that's why they cut him. If it was a case where everybody knew he killed somebody and the cops just couldn't prove it; he would still be on the team.

I wouldn't trust Belichick and Kraft as far as I could throw them.


No I disagree, their history of bringing in a few troubled players only speaks to the level they hold their players accountable. The few they've brought in (Moss,Dillon,Talib) were brought in as low risk moves, and when sheltered around a sound system and good characters they got their careers back on track.

But, those players know that one slip up, minor or major (in Hernandez's case it's MAJOR) and they're sent packing.
Guys we need to appreciate we have a much more "player's friendly" owner. The way the Patriots treat their players is disgusting.

Let me get this straight... are you saying the Patriots SHOULD NOT have cut Hernandez? If so, that is the truly disgusting mentality. At the very minimum he is obstructing evidence in a MURDER investigation. What part of that deserves support from the Patriots? Wow, just wow..
I totally agree with that! His reputation is already ruined even if he is not found not guilty. And, what blows me away is that even if he is guilty he will go to prison a millionaire.

It seems that a lot of players coming out of Miami are nothing but thugs.

He went to U of Florida in Gainesville, a long way from Miami.
He went to U of Florida in Gainesville, a long way from Miami.

Played under Urban Myer, who is a pretty decent guy. This is not a Florida thing. Hernandez was apparently a Bristol Blood, whatever that is, and had issues long before he ever went to Florida.

There is something pretty wrong about Hernandez. He is, apparently, a Bristol Blood but what is that? I mean, there really is not much in Bristol except ESPN. It's a small community, made up of a largely white upper middle class people. It's basically a suburb of Hartford. The crime rate is well below the national average and the graduation rates are well above. I don't really see the whole thug gang life thing that everybody is selling here.

I think this kid was raised in an above average community and I think he wanted to portray himself as a thug so he took on that persona. I also think he's got a few screws loose. Was also reported that he is now being investigated for a third charge so you have this latest one, you have the one down in Florida where he shot somebody in the face and you have a double murder charge in Boston that he is now being investigated for. Something doesn't track here. I think he's one of those people who are just screwed up. If he were a dog, he would probably have been put down by now but who really knows?
This is the dumbest post I've read on this board. This person has quoted something that says nothing about destroying evidence.

Ah, yea he did. If you actually took the time to read all the thread up until his post, you'd see it.
Played under Urban Myer, who is a pretty decent guy. This is not a Florida thing. Hernandez was apparently a Bristol Blood, whatever that is, and had issues long before he ever went to Florida.

There is something pretty wrong about Hernandez. He is, apparently, a Bristol Blood but what is that? I mean, there really is not much in Bristol except ESPN. It's a small community, made up of a largely white upper middle class people. It's basically a suburb of Hartford. The crime rate is well below the national average and the graduation rates are well above. I don't really see the whole thug gang life thing that everybody is selling here.

I think this kid was raised in an above average community and I think he wanted to portray himself as a thug so he took on that persona. I also think he's got a few screws loose. Was also reported that he is now being investigated for a third charge so you have this latest one, you have the one down in Florida where he shot somebody in the face and you have a double murder charge in Boston that he is now being investigated for. Something doesn't track here. I think he's one of those people who are just screwed up. If he were a dog, he would probably have been put down by now but who really knows?

yea it doesn't sound right saying "he came from the mean streets of Connecticut"
Ah, yea he did. If you actually took the time to read all the thread up until his post, you'd see it.

I don't think you get it. You quoted my post, then implied I said he destroyed evidence and called my post dumb, when I didn't say that in what you quoted. Perhaps you should re-read.
No I disagree, their history of bringing in a few troubled players only speaks to the level they hold their players accountable. The few they've brought in (Moss,Dillon,Talib) were brought in as low risk moves, and when sheltered around a sound system and good characters they got their careers back on track.

But, those players know that one slip up, minor or major (in Hernandez's case it's MAJOR) and they're sent packing.

So, why is Julian Edelman on the team despite being arrested for indecent assault and battery last year?

Guess they missed that one.


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