Hey what's up folks?

cp, welcome. I figured that had you been locked up for speeding. You should adopt the moniker of Bandit.
Welcome Chris! Juggs has done some research on who all has made the move here and who's still missing. I don't know where it is, but it pops up from time to time. Lots of us here, lots of us still missing. Any of our missing that makes it here gets celebrated for their journey.
Old dirtbag Chrispierce here from the defunct Forum...though I'd drop in and say hi to the fellas!!!...and yes the rumors are true!! I'm totally nuts...but harmless. And besides,the assault on the 98 yr old was completely fabricated by the media. Never happened...and our defense council proved it. Anyways,just wanted to say hello folks!
Go away they are lying none of them missed you except for me
CP, as I live and breathe, how are You, You old reprobate?
I was convinced You were dead, I was wondering if it was a car wreck barbecue, or found after a week in a seedy motel.
Still LOOOOLing along down life's highway?
Loooool!! Hey London...got up after your last post on my escapades,and went and got a big fat ticket pulling away from a Cop! No one is gonna tell me I can't break the law!!!
Keep Him out??!!??
I thought We trying to get Him in!!
Just continuing the argument between ES and Marcus over conspiracy theory. I wanted to make sure that made it over with us. It was uncanny how ES could post anything about any conspiracy and within a couple of posts, there would be Marcus to call him a Foil Fedora Fool. I think they enjoyed it and I liked watching it. It also helped that I agreed with parts of both stances but I really got a kick out of that.
cp, welcome. I figured that had you been locked up for speeding. You should adopt the moniker of Bandit.
Oh wow..you're here too CC? This is great...feels like old times. And yes,they actually could have arrested me and revoked my license right there!! (for real...my next anything is revoked license)
I had just done my traffic school to get the speeding ticket before that removed too!! They were following me going through San Jose,and I took off doing triple digits,and climbing. No one is going clean my reputation up,not if I have anything to say about it!! Loooool
Just continuing the argument between ES and Marcus over conspiracy theory. I wanted to make sure that made it over with us. It was uncanny how ES could post anything about any conspiracy and within a couple of posts, there would be Marcus to call him a Foil Fedora Fool. I think they enjoyed it and I liked watching it. It also helped that I agreed with parts of both stances but I really got a kick out of that.
It was uncanny, bordering on suspicious, I suspect a conspiracy theory conspiracy

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