Hilarity, Skins LB Chris Clemons cut

Mansta54 said:
Why are you here, on a BOYZ site explaining yourself???? We could really care less.... Move on!!!

why are you here, on a BOYZ site not contributing anything to this thread, and probably site....:rolleyes:
5Stars said:
He's no good, but, he's famliar with a system? Makes PERFECT SENSE TO ME! :lmao:

RedStink logic...at work!

Hey, I know a guy that sells tires...the tires are no good, but, THEY USED TO BE ON A CAR! :confused:

Oh well, besides that, what signing bonus did the Midget give him? My guess is, around $498,987,776.00

Is that close? You losers amaze me and intertain me at the same time!


hes not bad either. Yeah Commander logic....sign a LB that knows your complicated scheme and can still play.........craaaaaaazy aint it? Signing bonus probably somewhere in that range, if not a few million more.
apickmans said:
soooooooo youre saying theres a chance??????!!

Yeah, there's a chance.

apickmans said:
sign a LB that knows your complicated scheme and can still play.........

Still play? I can freaking still play! That don't mean I'm worth a crap!

Face it...your team does not know how to spend the money...they pay all the starters BIG money, then have to rely on scrubs like this clown for depth...! :lmao:

We drafted a freaking ROOKIE that put up, what, 8 or 9 sacks...HIS FIRST YEAR! And if he goes down? The Cowboys have another one on the side, just ready to come in and bust some bones!

No kidding...it must really suck to be a sheep of the RedStinks!

5Stars said:
Still play? I can freaking still play! That don't mean I'm worth a crap!

Face it...your team does not know how to spend the money...they pay all the starters BIG money, then have to rely on scrubs like this clown for depth...! :lmao:

We drafted a freaking ROOKIE that put up, what, 8 or 9 sacks...HIS FIRST YEAR! And if he goes down? The Cowboys have another one on the side, just ready to come in and bust some bones!

No kidding...it must really suck to be a sheep of the RedStinks!


You seem pretty set in believing that hes a scrub and cant play, so i wont try to change your mind, especially since its impossible with your Commanders hatred. And no you cant play...not in college, not in area league, and def. not in the NFL.
apickmans said:
You seem pretty set in believing that hes a scrub and cant play

He can play...for your team...:lmao: Where else is he going to make some money?

Did I read a article about Lil Danny starting a new business named

Scrubs R' Us...?

:dissskin: EDIT:

I don't have "hate" or "jealousy"...

Try "despise"...the RedStinks!

Is that better?
He re-tore his knee, the same injury that put him on the IR for all 2003.

Had problems with it in 2004. Re-injured it at the end of last season. Now, he just tore it again. I think it's safe to say there's no reason to keep him on the IR all season.

Sadly, he's now on the list of injured never-was's. He can rehabilitate and get back into football, but it doesn't look like his knee will ever be able to hold up to the strain. Too bad, he fit his role very nicely on the team and was a bit of a fan favorite.
1fisher said:
didn't mean to make it sound like that was the title of the thread..... Just kinda funny that Lloyd has been there 3 1/2 months and all of a sudden he's taking on taking on his coaches personality? I find that surprising and funny at the same time!:p:

maybe that means Lloyd will cry just as much as Gibby, or send his own tapes into the league for a dropped pass :laugh2:
apickmans said:
for the most part we were saying its a pretty even trade. One player who hasnt done anything for his team for another. Just because you might of read a few posts of fans being optimistic about Rumph(prob. cuz hes from the U) doesnt mean we all feel the same way.

What about that makes it a good trade?

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