HOF game canceled

Great job, Canton.

I went there for Emmitt in 2010 and they couldn't have done a better job. One of the nicest and most relaxing atmospheres in all of sports. Human error unfortunately ruined the field but the city of Canton and the people who host this event are amazing.
Start adding something of substance to the threads you post in and it might not happen. I don't come into these threads to see someone spamming about how much he hates training camp/preseason/and now soccer.

There is a rant forum, take the trash comments there.

lol, heil!
I went there for Emmitt in 2010 and they couldn't have done a better job. One of the nicest and most relaxing atmospheres in all of sports. Human error unfortunately ruined the field but the city of Canton and the people who host this event are amazing.
I hate it, but it reflects on the city.
Think about all the fans gearing up for this all day. When did they announce it will be cancelled?
I went there for Emmitt in 2010 and they couldn't have done a better job. One of the nicest and most relaxing atmospheres in all of sports. Human error unfortunately ruined the field but the city of Canton and the people who host this event are amazing.

I'm grew up down the street from the HOF. They play the game at McKinnley Bulldogs statium, a HS venue. It's a huge deal in Canton and pretty much all that small rust belt city has. It's been played there for like 30 years plus so they know what they are doing. Someone messed bad this year but you'd think they'd check the field a day prior?

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