Holley says Ware was pissed at Jerry ESPN Interview (Audio)

If you'll note, I snipped all the wonderful things he said about the Broncos from the post.

Ware's a good guy and even if he was upset about the turn of events, that's a natural thing. People thought he was going to be singing lullabyes and fairy tale songs when he got the news? smh

Exactly. People should put themselves in his shoes. He has enough class to not say anything publicly.
So did Holley just re-emerge from out of nowhere to now be the proverbial fly on the wall?
Of course it's reasonable. Some things are obviously a matter of opinion and not fact, but do people really think players like Holley and Crayton and Greg Ellis are making up outright lies when they say these things?

I'm more confused that Ware could be mad at anyone for anything. I've read that his attitude was far too nice and he was far too gentle a person to ever do a thing like that.

Ware's no different than any other man with pride and ego.
Of course it's reasonable. Some things are obviously a matter of opinion and not fact, but do people really think players like Holley and Crayton and Greg Ellis are making up outright lies when they say these things?

I'm more confused that Ware could be mad at anyone for anything. I've read that his attitude was far too nice and he was far too gentle a person to ever do a thing like that.

Agree with bolded. Not sure why they would tell blatant lies when a ton of people could shoot I down. So far I've heard nothing about anything ex-players have said.
Pissed at jones for what?? Having the courtesy of letting him go early to a team both he and his agent knew would pony up. Give me a break with this garbage.
Who cares what Holley said? Who cares what Ware thinks? Neither are on the team anymore and neither will help the Cowboys win in the future. I appreciate what Ware did for this franchise but he's gone and it's time to move on. As for Holley, well I guess karma is coming back on Jerry Jones for giving that bum an opportunity with that pathetic 4th and Long game show that he won.
The guy missed a handful of games in a decade and was released after being asked to take a paycut (doug free territory), I think it would be naive to think he isn't a little upset with how things played out.
What is so hard to believe? Look @ what is happening. Players are flocking out of here. And All Jerry can do is sign fringe players that are willing to come here to collect a check. Jerry can barely field a team for christ's sake. Hell...look @ the coaching staff. Same thing. Our defensive coordinator once coached an 0-16 football team. I for one buy everything Holley said.

Are you in the market for some swamp land I own?
I think if you see any negatives from Ware it will be much later and completely accidental. Ware has never been cautious with his words and a lot of times you can decipher his feelings because of it even though he's attempting to be cordial or PR safe. I think right now, he's trying really hard NOT to say the wrong things.

I don't think he resents the organization, but I bet he's a little annoyed or perturbed.

I would say he is more disappointed and hurt. It's normal; rejection hurts in any scenario. He may be going through a lot of emotions right now but I'm not going bet money that Holley is the one that has the most insight into those emotions.
Not sure why Holley is saying this stuff like it's breaking news. I think at the end of the day most guys are upset when they hear their name being brought up as a potential roster cut.. To think that that was the sole reason he left is not wise.. I think we saw the deal the Broncos gave him and I'm sure he had that number already in mind and when the Cowboys were trying to get him to go to 6 or 7 it didn't make sense for him
Former scrub Cowboy players opinions added to a willing media and this is what you get.
I hope so ........ I hope everyone on the team is pissed at Jerry.

Tired of him being the players buddy instead of the boss.
I hope so ........ I hope everyone on the team is pissed at Jerry.

Tired of him being the players buddy instead of the boss.

Well that is a different take to think of.

Kind of refreshing actually.
Anyone would be pissed if they were faced with a pay cut or having to move to a new city. But it's not like he's gonna have to load a 73 El Camino and do all the moving himself.
I would say he is more disappointed and hurt. It's normal; rejection hurts in any scenario. He may be going through a lot of emotions right now but I'm not going bet money that Holley is the one that has the most insight into those emotions.

I think you're exactly right. I'm still a big fan of Ware and support him, so I'm glad he didn't have to wait around for the phone to ring, or end up on a team I despise.

He ended up on a team I'm indifferent to that has a good shot of giving him the success he couldn't achieve here.

I'm happy for him. Hopefully it stings just a little less.
I think you're exactly right. I'm still a big fan of Ware and support him, so I'm glad he didn't have to wait around for the phone to ring, or end up on a team I despise.

He ended up on a team I'm indifferent to that has a good shot of giving him the success he couldn't achieve here.

I'm happy for him. Hopefully it stings just a little less.

as long as we are not playing them, I will be routing hard for the Bronco's to win the SB so that DeWare gets a ring.
Somebody pull up my old post where i blasted Jerry for what he said about Ware in that interview. the idea of him suggesting that Ware may have to go because he stays hurt is a joke. the guy missed 3 games in 9 years. and played hurt while guys like Sean Lee was missing games(yet Lee got the new contract) i don't blame Ware for being pissed at Jerry.
Having to move away from his kids -- hoping JJ would value him higher so that he wouldn't have to do that -- and feeling that he might be getting low-balled because of the importance of being near his kids..........this would piss any of us off once we realize the business of asset valuation and contract negotiation. What's staying near your family (and friends) worth, 20 - 40% of your income? Feeling forced to choose creates significant stress.
Ware is likely feeling good about the direction of his career & finances, but second guessing himself over any time whatsoever that he misses in his children's development. You can't get those years back.

Wouldn't be too surprising if he only plays 1 year, gets a SB shot, takes his 20 mil guarantee, and retires -- especially if the injury problems persist.
He and his family should be set for life already.

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