Honestly, who felt that Hutch was better than

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InParcellsWetrust said:
I thought the worst mistake we made in 2002 was benching Carter and letting Hutchinson start at QB, IMO Hutch was never better then Quincy

I liked Hutch's passing skills, but hate his pocket presence and overall mental makeup. Someone on here compared him to Rob Johnson, I think that is a pretty good comparison although Johnson was better in the pocket.

My honest first thought when I first heard of Hutch was that he failed as a baseball relief pitcher, but everyone thought he had the skills to be good. That sent up a flag that pointed to a guy that couldn't win the mental part of the game. Lacked the killer instinct. Eventually, I bought into the media hype of Hutch and forgot about it. Seems it is still an issue to me though.
Bill the Butcher said:
Mike Vick.....SACKED 23 times in 113 attempts as a rookie. Hutch the stiff who hadnt played football in FOUR YEARS sacked 34 times in 250 attempts! Lets see now, if Vick had dropped back 250 times he would have had roughly FIFTYFOUR SACKS!!!LMAO! YUP, MOBILITY is sure the key to not being sacked LOL. Look up the FACTS once. Why dont you look up mr mobile Brad Johnsons stats and see how often he gets sacked per dropback. Might suprize you. ENUFF with the oline fairy tale O.K. Its about the head, NOT THE LEGS. FACTS prove it ;) GOTCHA...LOL
Donovan Mcnabb. 43 SACKS in 478 dropbacks!...HHHMMMMMMMM MOBILITY!LMAO! Should we go on? LOL
Juke99 said:
patting myself on the back

I think perhaps my posting that I STILL think Hutch is better, got the ball rolling on this thread. :)

Come on...it's only 9 pages....surely it's worth another 5 or so.

Funny thing is, I believe that only you and one other poster actually answered the question.
Nav22 said:
Way to be completely hypocritical. You talk about how I'm being disrespectful, yet you call me "12 years old" and constantly insult our QBs.

What does talking sh** about our QBs and making fun of them do for you? Are you even a Cowboys fan?

If Carter doesn't have his break-through season, there won't be any reason to rub it in my face. I'm not saying he's DEFINITELY having a great season. I'm not saying he's DEFINITELY our franchise QB.

That's the difference. You guys talk like you already know the outcome of his career. I DON'T.

And people with that kind of attitude deserve to have it rubbed in their faces if Quincy proves them wrong. If you have the nerve to act like you're a near-psychic expert on our QB situation, you better expect to have it thrown back in your face if you're wrong.

Of course, if people can graciously accept that they were wrong about Carter, I won't need to throw it back in their face. But considering how this Hutchinson thread has gone (tons of people who called Carter a complete bum compared to Chad before last year, but not fessing up to that today), I'm sure there will be plenty of ABCers avoiding the backlash after this year if Quincy performs well.

I realize I'm just a fan who doesn't know as much as our coaching staff about our QBs. You guys claim Carter is surely a life-long mediocre QB, essentially saying that you know more about him than the coaches who seem to like him enough to start him...again.

I wonder why Parcells is giving him another year...all he has to do is ask you guys how Carter will do!

oooo - i see your melodrama courses paid off.

look dude, put your anger aside for a bit and realize I NEVER INSULTED ALL OF OUR QB's. but those who shout a lot tend to make up the other side of the argument also, so you seem to be in form.

if you want to act 12, then that's how i'll treat you.

i hope carter does well. the biggest reason i want to see him fail is because of a**clowns like you who make this a personal religion and saying something negative about "your boy" results in "in your face" reaction.

do you over-react to everything, or just carter comments?
junk said:
I liked Hutch's passing skills, but hate his pocket presence and overall mental makeup. Someone on here compared him to Rob Johnson, I think that is a pretty good comparison although Johnson was better in the pocket.

My honest first thought when I first heard of Hutch was that he failed as a baseball relief pitcher, but everyone thought he had the skills to be good. That sent up a flag that pointed to a guy that couldn't win the mental part of the game. Lacked the killer instinct. Eventually, I bought into the media hype of Hutch and forgot about it. Seems it is still an issue to me though.

Well agreed has passing skills but barrel down a defense on him and he's deader then road kill, atleast with QC he can scramble get away be elusive Hutch just sits there like a dope and takes the hit.

with out even remembering that he can throw the ball away or maybe even try and make a run for it! I'll be glad when he is cut
Nav22 said:
Way to be completely hypocritical. You talk about how I'm being disrespectful, yet you call me "12 years old" and constantly insult our QBs.

What does talking sh** about our QBs and making fun of them do for you? Are you even a Cowboys fan?

If Carter doesn't have his break-through season, there won't be any reason to rub it in my face. I'm not saying he's DEFINITELY having a great season. I'm not saying he's DEFINITELY our franchise QB.

That's the difference. You guys talk like you already know the outcome of his career. I DON'T.

And people with that kind of attitude deserve to have it rubbed in their faces if Quincy proves them wrong. If you have the nerve to act like you're a near-psychic expert on our QB situation, you better expect to have it thrown back in your face if you're wrong.

Of course, if people can graciously accept that they were wrong about Carter, I won't need to throw it back in their face. But considering how this Hutchinson thread has gone (tons of people who called Carter a complete bum compared to Chad before last year, but not fessing up to that today), I'm sure there will be plenty of ABCers avoiding the backlash after this year if Quincy performs well.

I realize I'm just a fan who doesn't know as much as our coaching staff about our QBs. You guys claim Carter is surely a life-long mediocre QB, essentially saying that you know more about him than the coaches who seem to like him enough to start him...again.

I wonder why Parcells is giving him another year...all he has to do is ask you guys how Carter will do!

Now that was truly a great post dude. Too bad it was wasted on this thread.
InParcellsWetrust said:
Well agreed has passing skills but barrel down a defense on him and he's deader then road kill, atleast with QC he can scramble get away be elusive Hutch just sits there like a dope and takes the hit.

with out even remembering that he can throw the ball away or maybe even try and make a run for it! I'll be glad when he is cut

This post perconifies the problem with most fans where Carter and Hutchinson are concerned. Two years later, were discussing who was better. It has been posted repeatedly, at least twice by me that Carter was better during the time frame both competed in 2002. If only because of experience, and that really is the only reason, Carter was better. Carter was much the same as Hutchinson in his rookie season. Most QBs who play on 5 win teams in ther rookie year have simular seasons. It is not a fair or accurate depiction to say that Hutchinson or Carter are better or worse. It is fair to say that at the time, Carter was better. That's it. I would be willing to bet that Carter is not worring about Hutchinson or his compation with Hutchinson in 2002. He is worried about the compatition with Vinny, Henson and Romo, as all his fans should be. Get over it already.
iceberg said:
do you over-react to everything, or just carter comments?

We could ask you and the other Carter bashers the same thing.
Do you over react to everything, or just positive Carter comments?
jay cee said:
We could ask you and the other Carter bashers the same thing.
Do you over react to everything, or just positive Carter comments?

Exactly who are the Carter fans and the Hutchinson fans you are refering to on this board?
jay cee said:
We could ask you and the other Carter bashers the same thing.
Do you over react to everything, or just positive Carter comments?

you mean a bash like this:
"i hope carter does well. the biggest reason i want to see him fail is because of a**clowns like you who make this a personal religion and saying something negative about "your boy" results in "in your face" reaction."

gosh i'm sorry q, i hope you can take all that i dish out to you.

just because i'm arguing with someone pro-carter doesn't make me anti-carter. just tired of the YOU'LL SEE AND I'LL RUB IT IN! talk. i'm also tired of the "instant assumptions straight to extreme" stuff.

on *either* side.
iceberg said:
you mean a bash like this:
"i hope carter does well. the biggest reason i want to see him fail is because of a**clowns like you who make this a personal religion and saying something negative about "your boy" results in "in your face" reaction."

gosh i'm sorry q, i hope you can take all that i dish out to you.

just because i'm arguing with someone pro-carter doesn't make me anti-carter. just tired of the YOU'LL SEE AND I'LL RUB IT IN! talk. i'm also tired of the "instant assumptions straight to extreme" stuff.

on *either* side.

No I mean a bash like this.
iceberg said:
carter - good enough to fool people into thinking he can play and makes for stupid newsgroup chatter.
ghst187 said:
Are you talking about the very same owner that drafted Q? That doesn't make much sense.
amazing how q "people" throw out all these excuses for q's crummy play, incompetence and noodle arm yet continue to bash Hutch who played under the exact same circumstances.
I admit to wanting Hutch in there this past season. Everyone knows he has a MUCH better arm and can throw pretty accurately. He definitely didn't come around in NFLE like I thought he would, still too many fumbles and not enough presence. Of course, if anyone thinks Carter would've done better in NFLE than Hutch is ********. Carter wouldn't have had a coach babying him, scaling back the playbook, managing the clock for him, and a top rated defense making it only necessary to score 10-17 points per game to win.
I really have no idea why people so violently back q. The only reason people like me dislike him so much is because his backers continue to shove it in our face and boldy claim that q is a great qb when the only person that agrees with them is donovan mcnabb. Meanwhile, his stats radically say something different. Hopefully we won't have to endure a full year of q as now we have some more viable and promising options. I imagine this will be the last season for q and then half the people on this board will go awol.

That's called sarcasm. See the winking smilie. You might want to read threw a little of the thread next time. ;)
Exactly who are the Carter fans and the Hutchinson fans you are refering to on this board?

Why does that matter. they know if they are bashers or apologists. I am firmly in the apologist camp. For all Cowboys, not just Carter.

Now I admit, I really would have preferred the Cowboys had made a move for Couch rather than get Henson, Brunell, or Testaverde. I think Couch at the right price could have made a better bus driver than Carter. But I do think that Carter can get the job done if the weapons around him or strong enough.
jay cee said:
Why does that matter. they know if they are bashers or apologists. I am firmly in the apologist camp. For all Cowboys, not just Carter.

Now I admit, I really would have preferred the Cowboys had made a move for Couch rather than get Henson, Brunell, or Testaverde. I think Couch at the right price could have made a better bus driver than Carter. But I do think that Carter can get the job done if the weapons around him or strong enough.

It matters because the accusations, assumptions and conclusions drawn on this point are ludacrise (sp?). People that I have conversed with for years are labled in one way or another. There opinons, many times, based on good solid reasoning are dismissed as anything but what it really is. Good contribution to this board. It's like everybody has to be something. Bull ****. The only thing you have to be is a Cowboy fan. The thing I don't understand is why is it such a big deal to question our players? If they play well, it doesn't happen. If there not, they are bringing it on themselves. All of a sudden I'm an appoligist or a Hate monger. I'm a fan and I see for myself how well players are playing.

More and more good posters are moving away because the discussions continue to deteriorate into childish tirades. We are not replinishing with the quality we are lossing. Think about the question I ask. Are all the people one or the other?

I guess it's inevitable but it's just a sham. Seems like there should be more thought into this whole thing. 9 or 10 pages on an issue that has been long decided and will only result in more childish posting? This is not specifically aimed at you JC, it just happens that I choose to discuss this with you. I am as guilty as anyone. I could have ingnored this thread and probably should have as I feel more a part of the problem then solution. I'm done. Don't view this as baiting. I'm just asking you the question as I thought you would perhaps consider it and respond with reason rather then continued arguement.
jay cee said:
Why does that matter. they know if they are bashers or apologists. I am firmly in the apologist camp. For all Cowboys, not just Carter.

Now I admit, I really would have preferred the Cowboys had made a move for Couch rather than get Henson, Brunell, or Testaverde. I think Couch at the right price could have made a better bus driver than Carter. But I do think that Carter can get the job done if the weapons around him or strong enough.

You see that is where you guys have it wrong. Sure there are a few, but for the majority of the co-called bashers/haters this IS NOT about Carter.

Your side paints us as haters, you think we sit there and hope Quincy fails. You think we would rather have the team lose than Quincy succeed.

News flash, YOU ARE WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!

I said it before I like Carter, I just don't think he is a very good QB. That does not mean I hope he fails. Can you see the difference?

The only hating and bashing most of us are doing is to an overzealous support cult that starts ignorant, inflammatory threads like this one.
Bill the Butcher said:
Honest question. Are YOU gay? Cant help it but that post made me visualize some gay dude flipping his hair back and stomping out of the room. ...."I just hate them, I hate them ALL!". Maybe some good ole red meat and a case of bud will help get that feminine side beaten back down a little. ...LOL

Ha.Ive been called a lot of things on this board, but gay has not been one of them. Sweet, just a few more and I'll have every insult ever covered.

The sad thing is that this post of yours is easily the most thought provoking thing you've brought to this board since you started posting. OOOOPS that was a personal attack! Time to close this one down.
Bill the Butcher said:
Donovan Mcnabb. 43 SACKS in 478 dropbacks!...HHHMMMMMMMM MOBILITY!LMAO! Should we go on? LOL

You seriously post like a 13 year old kid on AOL. Maybe if you spoke english people would take you seriously.

ChrisFul said:
You seriously post like a 13 year old kid on AOL. Maybe if you spoke english people would take you seriously.

BUT my FACTS DO have merit. That is WHY YOU wont touch them with a ten foot pole. ...LOL
Bill the Butcher said:
BUT my FACTS DO have merit. That is WHY YOU wont touch them with a ten foot pole. ...LOL

Facts? What facts. That mobility has nothing to do with being sacked? You have got to be kidding, right?

You ever stop to think some of those "sacks" are on designed QB running plays?

If you call a QB draw, and your QB gets blasted up the middle before he starts forwards after his dropback, that's a sack for example.

Ask someone who has actually played football, who is the harder to sack. A mobile QB or a statue.


Anyways, you are an idiot, and a detriment to this board. Please note: THIS IS A PERSONAL ATTACK. Hopefully its enough to get this thread closed. And if its not, I've got more where that one came from.

Just noticed that this was moved to smack talk. Objective achieved.
ChrisFul said:
Facts? What facts. That mobility has nothing to do with being sacked? You have got to be kidding, right?

You ever stop to think some of those "sacks" are on designed QB running plays?

If you call a QB draw, and your QB gets blasted up the middle before he starts forwards after his dropback, that's a sack for example.

Ask someone who has actually played football, who is the harder to sack. A mobile QB or a statue.

LOL. Ah, dont all QB's have qb draws called. Like I say, check the FACTS before spouting off. I truly encourage you to do so with your own eyes. Let me 1st warn you. They WILL support my case NOT YOURS. ;)
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