Taco is an invisible Taco. He pretty much sucks. so maybe they will bench him. It would be great if Dez would also "beast" by actually studying how to run a route during this week. It would probably be a first time. If we could cut Witten this week too it would be the trifecta.
many of us, including me, had serious reservations about him.
the biggest issue with him, to me, was that he would not contribute much in 2017.
that came true like in most cases.
in comparison, watt offered more immediate gains as well as a higher floor.
if drafted, watt would have ideally been used as a SLB.
but we all know marinelli is incapable of being flexible and refuses to deploy players to maximize their strength instead of being senile stubbornly following his scheme.
imo, between taco, a rookie secondary and lack of quality FA pickups, it seemed we intentionally jeopardized 2017 in favor of future years.
but we got him, and he has shown flashes.
we all know most DE dont contribute much in their rookie years.