How can this offense be fixed before our playoff game?


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And the Cowboys still won...because they stuck to their offensive philosophy. And yes, Possession. Isn't this what this offense is predicated on? They've been very successful with time of possession. I think the point you're trying to make though, is that Dak sucks and that I'm defending him. I'm not a fantasy player, so I don't care about individual stats. I care about wins. I don't even know if Dak is the guy. All I know is this team keeps on winning despite his shortfalls. Could this team have a better record with a better QB? More than likely because Dak HAS missed several opportunities in games. The saints and eagles games should have been blowouts, but they were still wins. Dak mans up when the pressure is on, but only if the rest of team is doing their part. Defense has to keep them in the game. Without the D, Dak would not bail this team out of a tough situation. The point of the original post was what could be done to fix this O? My answer still remains...not much. It is what it is at this point of the season. Play calling and better qb play would definitely help though.
So in our losses did they not stick to the game plan? Play calls jg? I’ve seen some wide open , and I mean WIDE OPEN receivers that must have been the result off good play calling, and dak either dumped it off to his checkdown, or missed the wr or te badly. But when he sucks lke that, all we hear is bad play calling. We’ve seen aikman and Warner both show plays wherever dak is just not looking where he needs to look, and all people Nathan board keep saying is bad play calling. If our d kicks butt, we can win, but if we give up 30, like the Seahawks did unlike Seattle, we probably are not winning.


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I would use this weeks game against the Giants to try to get into a rhythm with the passing game. I would also play Dak the entire game and go with either a spread offense the entire game or let him run more play action under center. There is no need to be conservative in this game. Let Dak air it out and see where it goes.


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One thing they can do is come out against Seattle with the RPO wrinkle. Run dak 3 times
On the first drive. Use the sweep. A screen misdirection etc.

Spread them out and let dak take the hits. Use him. He’s not good enough to treat like Aaron Rodgers. He needs to be getting firsts with his legs. He needs to avoid huge sacks by taking off straight to limit 3rd and Long’s with dumb mistakes


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Get rid of Linehan. Throw away the Garrett playbook. Hire a college coach to run a few plays using Dak's skill set.

Frankly, Linehan and Garrett's offense suck. Just by looking at how they performed against Tampa goes to show how these two morons (Linehan and Garrett) are dumbing down on their ineptitude of running an NFL offense.

How hard is it to run bootlegs, play action and RPO? How hard is it to call plays that don't take forever to develop? Why not run slants, quick counts, draw plays, and run Zeke out in space rather than up the middle?

Linehan has to go. His playcalling and being cute has been absolutely terrible this year. Blame Garrett also for putting up with this bad offense as well.


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Zeke and more Zeke with an occasional long throw down the field. Read option a few more times. Jet sweep at least twice. PS. 2 takeaways by the defense. PS again. Knock Russel out of the game.


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Make sure Cooper have a min 10-12 targets, even if you to move him around. Hate this coaching staff let other teams easily take away out No. 1 receiver. Also, STOP running Zeke EVERY first down........trying passing on first down a bit.

Chuck 54

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By dropping all the offensive play design and progressions that have the QB looking at certain positions based on the play call. Just tell Dak to look to Cooper on every playcall....period. Only go somewhere else when he gets shut down.