How does this team move forward?


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First off, I want to thank @NEODOG for posting a thoughtful question without bashing someone, or everyone. Looking at the threads of late, it’s a rarity.

Now to your question of ”How does this team move forward?” We al know there are a myriad of problems. Weak defensive line, weak offensive line, safeties playing as line backers, can’t stop the run, can’t run the ball, stupid mental penalties throughout the year, bad clock management(Detroit game), inability to handle the elements(Bills game), Dak not running enough, bad defensive and offensive play calling and I could go on a bit more.

How do you fix it?

I don’t care how they address these needs be it draft, free agency or trades.

#1 need is beef up both the DT’s and LB’s. You’ll never win in the playoffs if your defense cannot stop the run. That’s a fact. There are of course some one offs, but consistently you will not win.

#2 need is to improve the talent at center. Biadiaz would be a decent backup for any team. But he gets bulldozed more often than not. The best way to defense any QB is to get pressure up the middle. He allows that.

#3 Get Derrick Henry or a Henry type back. You want to establish the run? Get you a Henry type back.

#4 Get a new, tough defensive coordinator. We’ve seen that the “bend but don’t break” defensive philosophy doesn’t work with both Marinelli and now Quinn.

IMHO, this is how the team moves forward. Do this, and despite Jerry, and his country club atmosphere, they can go all the way.


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First off, I want to thank @NEODOG for posting a thoughtful question without bashing someone, or everyone. Looking at the threads of late, it’s a rarity.

Now to your question of ”How does this team move forward?” We al know there are a myriad of problems. Weak defensive line, weak offensive line, safeties playing as line backers, can’t stop the run, can’t run the ball, stupid mental penalties throughout the year, bad clock management(Detroit game), inability to handle the elements(Bills game), Dak not running enough, bad defensive and offensive play calling and I could go on a bit more.

How do you fix it?

I don’t care how they address these needs be it draft, free agency or trades.

#1 need is beef up both the DT’s and LB’s. You’ll never win in the playoffs if your defense cannot stop the run. That’s a fact. There are of course some one offs, but consistently you will not win.

#2 need is to improve the talent at center. Biadiaz would be a decent backup for any team. But he gets bulldozed more often than not. The best way to defense any QB is to get pressure up the middle. He allows that.

#3 Get Derrick Henry or a Henry type back. You want to establish the run? Get you a Henry type back.

#4 Get a new, tough defensive coordinator. We’ve seen that the “bend but don’t break” defensive philosophy doesn’t work with both Marinelli and now Quinn.

IMHO, this is how the team moves forward. Do this, and despite Jerry, and his country club atmosphere, they can go all the way.
You're the one bashing people, dude. Why don't you quit doing it?


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They'll move forward the same way they've been moving but expecting different results.

I will believe "Jerry and his country club atmosphere" can be overcome if/when I see it.


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First off, I want to thank @NEODOG for posting a thoughtful question without bashing someone, or everyone. Looking at the threads of late, it’s a rarity.

Now to your question of ”How does this team move forward?” We al know there are a myriad of problems. Weak defensive line, weak offensive line, safeties playing as line backers, can’t stop the run, can’t run the ball, stupid mental penalties throughout the year, bad clock management(Detroit game), inability to handle the elements(Bills game), Dak not running enough, bad defensive and offensive play calling and I could go on a bit more.

How do you fix it?

I don’t care how they address these needs be it draft, free agency or trades.

#1 need is beef up both the DT’s and LB’s. You’ll never win in the playoffs if your defense cannot stop the run. That’s a fact. There are of course some one offs, but consistently you will not win.

#2 need is to improve the talent at center. Biadiaz would be a decent backup for any team. But he gets bulldozed more often than not. The best way to defense any QB is to get pressure up the middle. He allows that.

#3 Get Derrick Henry or a Henry type back. You want to establish the run? Get you a Henry type back.

#4 Get a new, tough defensive coordinator. We’ve seen that the “bend but don’t break” defensive philosophy doesn’t work with both Marinelli and now Quinn.

IMHO, this is how the team moves forward. Do this, and despite Jerry, and his country club atmosphere, they can go all the way.
..they have lots of good pieces, no denying that.
My fix would be a fresh DC. They need that. Someone with getting your fists dirty with stopping runs and tackling.
No style points, just black n blue play.

As for offense, get that one RB who can be leaned on for rough yards.
Dallas had an anemic run game.

Also another RT that can help with run game.


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Addressing all those issues will most likely take a couple offseasons. MM is basically a lame duck coach, along with his staff. He's gonna have a hard time filling any empty positions without any job security beyond 1 season. Having a coaching staff that's iffy beyond the upcoming season makes it difficult to get FAs who feel they might not fit in the next regime. Add in a rumored huge contract for Dak, and this season could be disappointing.

Call me a bandwagon fan if you wish, but Jones has created a set of circumstances that will be hard for any team to overcome. Can it be? Yes. Is it likely? That remains to be seen.


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First off, I want to thank @NEODOG for posting a thoughtful question without bashing someone, or everyone. Looking at the threads of late, it’s a rarity.

Now to your question of ”How does this team move forward?” We al know there are a myriad of problems. Weak defensive line, weak offensive line, safeties playing as line backers, can’t stop the run, can’t run the ball, stupid mental penalties throughout the year, bad clock management(Detroit game), inability to handle the elements(Bills game), Dak not running enough, bad defensive and offensive play calling and I could go on a bit more.

How do you fix it?

I don’t care how they address these needs be it draft, free agency or trades.

#1 need is beef up both the DT’s and LB’s. You’ll never win in the playoffs if your defense cannot stop the run. That’s a fact. There are of course some one offs, but consistently you will not win.

#2 need is to improve the talent at center. Biadiaz would be a decent backup for any team. But he gets bulldozed more often than not. The best way to defense any QB is to get pressure up the middle. He allows that.

#3 Get Derrick Henry or a Henry type back. You want to establish the run? Get you a Henry type back.

#4 Get a new, tough defensive coordinator. We’ve seen that the “bend but don’t break” defensive philosophy doesn’t work with both Marinelli and now Quinn.

IMHO, this is how the team moves forward. Do this, and despite Jerry, and his country club atmosphere, they can go all the way.
BTW, Rocky, we told you this before the season, and you attacked us for it.


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No such thing. Dallas is in a Jalopy with Jerry Jones driving using a GPS with a virus... Good luck on that.