How does Zeke's recent incident affect his extension?


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It doesn't affect resigning him at all. We were always going to resign him and I believe that we were always going to add a "good conduct clause" to the new deal. Now we just have more cause for adding that clause to the contract.
I daresay most professional athletes and, in particular, those in the NFL have some form of conduct clause that addresses "damage" to the league and team brand. The issue is not just about lost revenue due to bonehead decisions, but about placing the team in an awkward position when a star player is missing due to suspension.


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Tag him next year, take the picks if offered, if not sign him after trade deadline.
I like Zeke, but you don't need a Zeke to win. 2 #1s can keep you on top and keep replenishing your lines which keep you on top.
I've said this before but wasn't the same thing said about Murray when we let him go?

Zeke is a large part of this offense and a major threat. Great Oline or not...take him away and we will be at 500 or below.


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Zeke now has 3 incidents off the field that demonstrate he has poor decision making ability.

Before the security guard altercation, I was all for extending him.

Now, I don't see how throwing 70 million at him will change him for the better.

Let him play out his 5th year option and let him walk after the end of next season.

Not everyone can get paid and I'd rather have the front office allocate cap resources to a player that can be counted on and doesn't have to worry about a TMZ story every off season or worse.

well if you bother to listen to stephen jones, it doesnt affect it.


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How does this team sign Dak, Zeke, Smith, Jones and Cooper to nearly max contracts for their positions? How? Answer: They can't. This is the downside to having Jason Garrett coach your team. You basically need a star at every position to compete. The reality is that second contracts for star players are really expensive. Tough decisions will need to be made. I doubt there are significant home town discounts coming. There is zero chance all these guys stick. Do you give a max contract to a really talented RB who has shown big lapses in judgement over the years? Overlay the declining production of a star RB, especially RB's that seek out contact.

The answer is obvious. Unless they win it this season another great talent will be wasted in Dallas.


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I don't think Zeke is a bad apple, but I don't think its prudent to even discuss an extension with him unless the team is heavily protected against his off the field incidents. The only thing he's proven as much as his running ability, is his ability to make poor decisions off the field, regularly involving women.

I hate not resigning a first round pick, but if I'm the team, I'm unwilling to take the risk that Zeke continues to screw up off the field and begins to involve other teammates in it as well.


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They shouldn't be handing a huge extension to a RB regardless of whether he's a boob or a saint off the field.


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The next four years if they tag him twice.
That would give the team 4 years of control for 40m with 0m gtd

They do not need to give him 1 dollar more than that except for goodwill

But he has repeatedly shown he isn't ready to stop partying and acting the fool

I would go year to year and not hand him 20m upfront as a signing bonus that we would have to go after if he got suspended again


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Not much. Assault, even when on video, is no big deal. Zeke knows this.

I don't think the concern is about him doing jail time, it's about him receiving a suspension, and also about a pattern of behavior that one might worry could indicate more suspensions in the future.

But if the the team can sign him with some kind of provision related to his behavior, that's okay with me.


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I feel a little better about Zeke's situation since we drafted two RB's that can step in and contribute. Especially if our OL is going to be balling like in years past. That doesn't mean that I, in any way, want to get rid of Zeke. He is arguably one of the best in the league and history has shown us that this offense is neutered without him in the lineup.

We've made Pro Bowl RB's out of 3rd and 4th round picks before though. I definitely think instead of coddling these guys in the public like the Jones boys love to do, a little tough love might be more impactful.


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Zeke now has 3 incidents off the field that demonstrate he has poor decision making ability.

Before the security guard altercation, I was all for extending him.

Now, I don't see how throwing 70 million at him will change him for the better.

Let him play out his 5th year option and let him walk after the end of next season.

Not everyone can get paid and I'd rather have the front office allocate cap resources to a player that can be counted on and doesn't have to worry about a TMZ story every off season or worse.


Not sure if it has been posted. I have not read any further than this OP yet.
But Stephen already said this has no impact.

Or is this another pile on the hate for Zeke thread. It went from dad contract to hate Zeke now.
Come on TC, just get here already. Rather have the 10,000 pet cat threads of some underrated player that will be stuck up our butts. Like the Darius Jackson threads.


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I personally think Zeke has an alcohol problem. If the team cares anything about Zeke they should make him wait for a contract and go to counseling for his apparent drinking problem. If he refuses then LeVeon Bell him and try to find his replacement in the draft. Zeke only has about 3 years left in his prime anyways.

Really? wow, just wow. A young man has some drinks as every other guy is age does. But since he is a celebrity he has an alcohol problem. wow.


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Really? wow, just wow. A young man has some drinks as every other guy is age does. But since he is a celebrity he has an alcohol problem. wow.

Well I won’t go as far as what he said but Zeke doesn’t just have a few drinks and pal around with buddies.

I had drinks this weekend with buddies for the holiday weekend. None of us stalked a girl and body bumped a security guard and got handcuffed and led out of the bar.


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Well I won’t go as far as what he said but Zeke doesn’t just have a few drinks and pal around with buddies.

And with a camera basically following him around, they will not show the times he and Dak or whoever went out and had only 1 or 2 beers either.


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He will keep his nose clean and we will sign him. He has to know he is pushing his luck. After his suspension he was only pictured doing good things.


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There is no huge benefit to signing him longterm

They control the next 3 years for 4m, 9m and 12m tops.... with 0m guaranteed

I think he has proven to not get it.....he likes to party too much and will get suspended again at some point
This is the answer ...and adding the fourth tagged year should it be a viable option.

Just be sure to have a solid backup should he decide to hold out.

Oh, please note that tagged years are guaranteed.


I Copy!,,, er,,,I guess,,,ah,,,maybe.
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Not sure if it has been posted. I have not read any further than this OP yet.
But Stephen already said this has no impact.

Or is this another pile on the hate for Zeke thread. It went from dad contract to hate Zeke now.
Come on TC, just get here already. Rather have the 10,000 pet cat threads of some underrated player that will be stuck up our butts. Like the Darius Jackson threads.

"Hear-ye,Hear-ye, all hail the superlative ,,,er,,,yet to be unveiled footballish attributes of the #34"
