How Long does Moore get a free ride?


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It's going to happen.....
Cowboys' fans can turn on a dime.

NO i dont think fans are turning, its the forums they are made up of fans who pull for certain players, dont like certain players and fans on the fence..So the ones come out if THEIR guy has great game and the need to say see we are right our guy is awesome.. the other fans who hate him argue and the ones on the fence are the voice of reason..

So if Dak has bad or average game that flips the narrative, now the haters come in hating and saying see it was fluke then the supporters argue their point, and those like me that are neutral again the voice of reason..

lie the NFL so many things change week to week it allows a year long wave of this type of fan posting..

no one Turns they simply take turns trying to be right...

I prefer to be neutral on the fence or the voice of reason, TRY LOL..

im fan of the Star and all that wear it we want to be successful but like to see both sides of the argument.. too man fans let contracts and personal feelings cliud their judgement of player like you are seeing with Zeke, now they hang on every snap trying to point out he wasn't worth the contract and money and Daks up and the same thing ishappening.. most of these debates are not being spurrd on by actual play but are these players worth the big money they are about to get..

When they were ALL on rookie deals and simply playing all the fans seemed to be on the same page..the separation began when they all are up for large deals and being compared to their counterparts around the league and then the personal stuff leaks in..

Just wish them all success and be proud because its about wins and losses and any of them having great days or great season only helps the DC as a TEAM..

Like Jerry stated, they are all overpaid and none of them are truly worth these deals and none will ever truly earn them. So if we judge them by their new contracts there will eb huge disappointments.. they got the money because of who they were and as long as they continue to at least play the way they way that got them paid its all we can truly expect..

its happening around the league, BIG MONEY now becoming the fans business and all players being under the microscope having their play associated with their paychecks..its taking the fun put of the game..I blame the internet and SM.. we are bombarded with this stuff up to the minute on tv, Internet, all pushing in real time to our phones etc..

Just enjoy the game..


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The thing about what Moore is having the boys do is it's not a trick.

1. Pre snap motion allows dak to identify the 1 on 1 matchups and what the defense is doing.
2. Then we use the good ole RPO
2a. The play fake to help keep the defense sucked into run defense when we pass

all of that means nothing if we still do not execute. our WR's stil have to beat their man 1 on 1 and with some safety help. Even so I liked dak being more aggressive and decisive (thanks Kitna) for helping him.


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I like all of the pre-snap motions and such and I like the change of personell groups. I still think were leaving this te core out on too many passing snaps. They simply dont have what it takes to be good receivers and we have better slot wrs and rbs who have speed and better scoring abilities.

#82s Veteran presence and blocking skills are better than we have on the team at te but when its 3rd down and an obvious passing down Kellen Moore needs to bench these tes and use 4 wrs or dual rbs because they have more speed and can stretch the field and add more overall potency to our offense.

We should have kept drafting tes until we got a talented one. Veteran presence is not gonna win us a Superbowl. We need a gamechanger at the position who can go up and get a ball and beat somebody as a receiver. These checkdown tes will hit a wall when the above .500 teams get here like always. Especially on grass. They never do jack squat unless the defense totally slips on a bananna peel.

Our offensive success will be determined on how well we can move the ball without these tes. Their veteran presence and 3 catches for 15 yards doesnt warrant 43 snaps. These tes are simply still too involved as receivers.


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Sunday was fun. It was a long time coming. My main question is how much film does teams need to slow it down? Does our Cowboys have enough talent to keep changing and keep teams off balance or are we watching a one trick pony? I need some film guys for this one.

Ultimately, when you take away all the bells and whistles, what we ran on Sunday was a heavy RPO system similar to what is used by many college programs these. Oklahoma and Ohio State are the two closest current comparisons. Many here are probably familiar with UT football and while they run a heavy RPO system, they used a lot more spread some read concepts with a less complex route tree.

A lot of DCs in college have adopted schemes specifically to defend RPOs. Brent Venables and Mike Elko are probably the two most at the forefront of RPO defensive strategies. The key is sneaking an extra defender into the box as often as possible to account for all potential runners and then disguise your coverage on the back end so the QB can’t make reads as quickly. If a QB is forced to go through multiple progressions after making the decision to pass the ball, the defense will generally win that play because pressure on the QB will win out.

Ultimately the best RPO teams are those with mobile QBs who can quickly get to their second and third reads or improvise when pressure dissolves the play. This is why Kyler Murray was so successful in college, because of the play was thwarted by the defense he could till make a play because he was the fastest, most elusive guy on the field.

At the NFL level, defenses are too fast for QBs to consistently make miracles happen with their legs. If this offense works long term, it will be because the OL provides consistent protection and Dak quickly works his way through the reads against progressively more complex coverages.


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Yes teams will have film at some point, but he already seems much smarter than Garrett and Linehan combined when it comes to movement and playcalling. I thought there would be a learning curve, but Moore was impressive in week 1. The talent is here to keep Ds guessing.. I think we finally have a quality play caller.


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Yes teams will have film at some point, but he already seems much smarter than Garrett and Linehan combined when it comes to movement and playcalling. I thought there would be a learning curve, but Moore was impressive in week 1. The talent is here to keep Ds guessing.. I think we finally have a quality play caller.

For the first time since Norv Turner. Conflicted about this because it reminds me of 2007 when Jerry did this so fans would be open to Jason eventually becoming HC.


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Sunday was fun. It was a long time coming. My main question is how much film does teams need to slow it down? Does our Cowboys have enough talent to keep changing and keep teams off balance or are we watching a one trick pony? I need some film guys for this one.

There is no way of telling how good he is at adjustments yet. No doubt it will come a game where he is out schemed, patriots come to mind already, it will be exciting to see how he handles it when that happens. Sean Mcvay got brought to school by the Patriots in the superbowl. They turned his offense inside out. And he did not have an answer. My hope is Kellen will produce Moore answers


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Yes teams will have film at some point, but he already seems much smarter than Garrett and Linehan combined when it comes to movement and playcalling. I thought there would be a learning curve, but Moore was impressive in week 1. The talent is here to keep Ds guessing.. I think we finally have a quality play caller.

The beautiful thing about the motion and subtle movement in the PA game is we can do so much out of it. Tendency I think will be the Achilles Hill if anything. He seems smart enough to avoid that though. Time will tell.


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For the first time since Norv Turner. Conflicted about this because it reminds me of 2007 when Jerry did this so fans would be open to Jason eventually becoming HC.

He’s here to save Garrett’s job, but you know a decision has to be made if other teams come knocking. Quality coordinators are a hot commodity and he looks the part. I’m not conflicted at all. But I do want to see him come crunch time. Those tough matchups where the clock becomes a factor. Or playing from behind? He passed his first test.


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As long as the players are TRAINED RIGHT, they will execute the plays . (look at NE)

BUT If the plays are easy to decipher the teams will find out soon enough .


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Coaches are always better with better talent. I doubt Moore would have led Dak to a perfect QB rating with the players that were trotted out there last year vs Carolina.

The easiest way to combat any offense if possible is go man on receivers and leave all other defenders to shut down run.

The problem now is the Dallas receivers are too good to just go 1 on 1 on. The RPO helps vs zone knowing where the holes will be by getting LBs to commit.


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For the first time since Norv Turner. Conflicted about this because it reminds me of 2007 when Jerry did this so fans would be open to Jason eventually becoming HC.
And everyone loved Garrett in 2007 because Romo and TO kept calling for deep ball after deep ball and rolled teams to a 13-3 record


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Coaches are always better with better talent. I doubt Moore would have led Dak to a perfect QB rating with the players that were trotted out there last year vs Carolina.

The easiest way to combat any offense if possible is go man on receivers and leave all other defenders to shut down run.

The problem now is the Dallas receivers are too good to just go 1 on 1 on. The RPO helps vs zone knowing where the holes will be by getting LBs to commit.
Moore has made it easy for Dak, the motion gives him a look at what there doing. You have Fredbeard back doing some ID. The motion isn’t just for Dak. It lets the whole Offense know. The WR know what coverage and who is covering them, it’s got to be exciting for them also. I am sure defenses will figure it out. Especially if we are using the same motion for certain plays. He had to mix things up and players have to pay attention in meetings and in practice.


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Agreed, if moore keeps doing the same motions for the same exact same plays , they will figure him out easily .

On the other hand, if players start getting confused because its a different motion for the same play on each game, then thats on coaching .


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We all know where this is headed....NE. Belicheck will take away something and force Garrett's hand. More than likely, it will be EzE.