How long from the time you log on your device before you come here to read?

Redball Express

All Aboard!!!
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I think we all spend too much time with this team. Their progress is like molasses and we all like watching paint dry.

But my question long from the time you log on your device before you come here to read.

First stop..second ..third..and how long will you admit to staying..5 minutes..30 minutes..never leave..its your homepage..?

Ok..fess up. For me it's before I have coffee..then at least 30 minutes then shower, shave, another coffee..more page scanning..then back to real life.

Ok..over to the Forum..the home of the brave and ever hopeful.


Well-Known Member
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I think we all spend too much time with this team. Their progress is like molasses and we all like watching paint dry.

But my question long from the time you log on your device before you come here to read.

First stop..second ..third..and how long will you admit to staying..5 minutes..30 minutes..never leave..its your homepage..?

Ok..fess up. For me it's before I have coffee..then at least 30 minutes then shower, shave, another coffee..more page scanning..then back to real life.

Ok..over to the Forum..the home of the brave and ever hopeful.
I keep mine up at work and check it from time to time. I'm not one to get on the computer or my phone at home, so outside of being at don't get on the site.


Well-Known Member
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I usually come on here two to three times a week. I would get on more but that's about all of the "we aren't going to win anything until Jerry the owner fires Jerry the GM", "Dak sucks", and "I say I'm a fan of this team but all I ever do is hate everything they do, hate every player on the roster, and have a scathing glass half empty response to everything" responses I can take.

There's some commenters who are on so much I'm not sure how they have careers or lives outside of this message board, lol.
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john van brocklin

Captain Comeback
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I usually come on here two to three times a week. I would get on more but that's about all of the "we aren't going to win anything until Jerry the owner fires Jerry the GM", "Dak sucks", and "I say I'm a fan of this team but all I ever do is hate everything they do, hate every player on the roster, and have a complete glass half empty response to everything" responses I can take.

There's some commenters who are on so much I'm not sure how they have careers or lives outside of this message board, lol.
I hear ya


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i check in several times a day, usually only stay a few minutes at a time, just scan the posts to see if anything new is going on, really appreciate the twitter posts threads, especially during OTA, and camps, quick run through and back at work. Rarely check the site at home though, except during the season and game days.


Captain Catfish
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I think we all spend too much time with this team. Their progress is like molasses and we all like watching paint dry.

But my question long from the time you log on your device before you come here to read.

First stop..second ..third..and how long will you admit to staying..5 minutes..30 minutes..never leave..its your homepage..?

Ok..fess up. For me it's before I have coffee..then at least 30 minutes then shower, shave, another coffee..more page scanning..then back to real life.

Ok..over to the Forum..the home of the brave and ever hopeful.
Wife says go mow the yard, I log into CZ
Wife says clean the garage, I log into CZ
Wife says do some laundry, I hide in the guest house and log into CZ


Well-Known Member
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Wife says go mow the yard, I log into CZ
Wife says clean the garage, I log into CZ
Wife says do some laundry, I hide in the guest house and log into CZ
guest house!!! you should be paying someone to do your laundry and mow your


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I browse a bit every day at work but rarely spend more than 20 minutes a day on it.

Just really not that many interesting threads to me- I might open 1 out of 10.


Go Seahawks!!!
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It used to be my homepage and I spent a ton of time here but you can only read the same comments from the same posters so many times so I try to come here much more sparingly now and spend just a few minutes at a time verifying nothing important is being discussed.


Well-Known Member
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I usually come on here two to three times a week. I would get on more but that's about all of the "we aren't going to win anything until Jerry the owner fires Jerry the GM", "Dak sucks", and "I say I'm a fan of this team but all I ever do is hate everything they do, hate every player on the roster, and have a scathing glass half empty response to everything" responses I can take.

There's some commenters who are on so much I'm not sure how they have careers or lives outside of this message board, lol.
