How long from the time you log on your device before you come here to read?

To be honest, I open this tab as soon as I get on the computer. This is one of the few remaining leisure/sports forums I visit.
I'm out of school for the summer (pursuing my PhD), but I still have research papers to write, research papers to read, etc., to prepare for my comprehensive exams and dissertation, as well as an on-line class I teach that I must prepare for by the start of class in two weeks.
But I get bore reading research papers, so I flip over to this site (like I'm doing now :laugh:) to take a break from boring and technical research papers.
I could have summarized at least two research papers by now, but I just can't concentrate long (I've long suspected I have ADHD). And don't let it be a good topic on here I want to read and respond to.

Yeah, I waste too much time on this site, but I'm actually better than I used to be. I used to spend WAY too much time in this forum, so much so that a poster from another site that disband years ago but has since resurrected itself knew exactly where to find me for a reunion. Here. :laugh:
I think we all spend too much time with this team. Their progress is like molasses and we all like watching paint dry.

But my question long from the time you log on your device before you come here to read.

First stop..second ..third..and how long will you admit to staying..5 minutes..30 minutes..never leave..its your homepage..?

Ok..fess up. For me it's before I have coffee..then at least 30 minutes then shower, shave, another coffee..more page scanning..then back to real life.

Ok..over to the Forum..the home of the brave and ever hopeful.
Mr. Express......there's someone named Jerry Jones on line one for you.
My first time in the CZ every morning happens here. Come on now, I can't be the only one multi-tasking first thing in the morning.

Getting benched here from time to time is like rehab for a crack addict. :eek:
I have an idiot notification on my phone. Anytime someone makes a stupid comment, a siren goes off. I guess I'm on here a lot......
I hit this site daily. Not only as a Cowboys fan looking for my news fix, but, I also love lurking around the Off-Topic Zone. Plus, I feel like I've gotten to know a handful of people on here and it's nice to visit with them.
Oh... That's me.
Your the first one I think of when I encounter those moments, I often spin around thinking that Corso will be standing in the corner eating one of my rabbits.
I usually come on here two to three times a week. I would get on more but that's about all of the "we aren't going to win anything until Jerry the owner fires Jerry the GM", "Dak sucks", and "I say I'm a fan of this team but all I ever do is hate everything they do, hate every player on the roster, and have a scathing glass half empty response to everything" responses I can take.

There's some commenters who are on so much I'm not sure how they have careers or lives outside of this message board, lol.

You're not sick of those people. You're sick of them being right.

25 years and counting. Retreat to your fantasy land.
I visit the site far too many times a day, just to see what's new. Probably 10 times a day for anywhere between 1-10 minutes each time, depending on what's going on.
It’s a love/hate compulsion! I check in several times a day for new info, but usually get sucked into debates. Don’t care much for the dead serious “realists” who act like they have all the answers, or the ENDLESS whining and doom-n-gloom, but the friendships and great people make it all worthwhile.
I think we all spend too much time with this team. Their progress is like molasses and we all like watching paint dry.

But my question long from the time you log on your device before you come here to read.

First stop..second ..third..and how long will you admit to staying..5 minutes..30 minutes..never leave..its your homepage..?

Ok..fess up. For me it's before I have coffee..then at least 30 minutes then shower, shave, another coffee..more page scanning..then back to real life.

Ok..over to the Forum..the home of the brave and ever hopeful.
Depends on my mood. If I'm in a good mood, I'm on here about 10 times per day. If I'm in a bad mood, I'm on here about 10 times per day. If I'm in a sad mood, I'm on here about 10 times per day. If I'm in a tired mood, I'm on here about 10 times per day. If I'm in an excited mood, I'm on here about 10 times per day. If I'm in a romantic mood, I'm on here about 10 times per day. If I'm in an agry mood, I'm on here about 10 times per day. If I'm in a calm mood, I'm on here about 10 times per day. If I'm in a fantastic mood, I'm on here about 10 times per day.

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