How many of you are bailing?


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I'm never going to bail on this team, as I stated and made abundantly clear in my OP. Plus, I've made two subsequent OPs that you might enjoy with my vision for the team. However, based on some posts I've seen since our defeat, my curiosity prompted this thread.
i wasn't necessarily pointing this at you, im coming in in here and will show them how it works with equal negative response and energy. Real fans defend the star whomever is the coach, qb, or ownership..

it just seems to me odd that a team that has won 36 games in 3 years bene to the playoff 5 of the last 8 seasons but 5 of 7 with Dak healthy MM has won 2 division titles and been to the payoffs 3 of his 4 years here..

look we all want more, we all have every right to be disappointed but when you're rooting against the cowboys doesn't sit well with me... when it's 24/7 365 days a year and nothing but negative posts im not letting it go! energy will be met 100%


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Every year for the past generation, the season ends with unfilled expectations and, every year, there is an understandable melt-down on this forum and with the fanbase in general.

The truth is, most of us - if not an overwhelming majority of us - will be back and as diehard as ever.

The upcoming free agency and draft breeds hope eternal that this year will be different.

Hey, I've been a fan since the Staubach days. Who wasn't a fan of Captain Comeback? I lived and died with his exploits... those games were a form of early bonding with my father. What I wouldn't give to watch another game with him.

I can't wait for the draft, training camp and the start of next season. I no longer "live or die" with the Cowboys. Rather, I enjoy the season as sports entertainment and accept it for what it is.

Time to go plow more snow. I would never imagine saying, "it's warmed up to single digits", but like the Cowboy's season, here we are.


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i wasn't necessarily pointing this at you, im coming in in here and will show them how it works with equal negative response and energy. Real fans defend the star whomever is the coach, qb, or ownership..

it just seems to me odd that a team that has won 36 games in 3 years bene to the playoff 5 of the last 8 seasons but 5 of 7 with Dak healthy MM has won 2 division titles and been to the payoffs 3 of his 4 years here..

look we all want more, we all have every right to be disappointed but when you're rooting against the cowboys doesn't sit well with me... when it's 24/7 365 days a year and nothing but negative posts im not letting it go! energy will be met 100%

I do not have any issue with this. In fact, I typically try to find a solution to a problem if I suggest that I have found a problem. That's why I have two threads that I wrote yesterday when I saw something on the PMS and figured out a possible solution.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
My "fandom" has always relied on the players. From Roger, to Donley, Too Tall, Newhouse, even up to Romo with his overachieving. A walk-on playing almost as well as any HoFer of his day? Very admirable and inspiring. I mean the list is endless!

These players left a continuing legacy.

But now? Who are the great players, that play HARD and tough? Frederick! He's gone. Tyron Smith. Can't stay healthy anymore. Ferguson, developing! Anger and Aubrey, fun to watch kicking game again!

But are we really living up to our great legacy? I don't think we are. I've been a REAL fan for far too long to just leave now. But my enthusiasm and great pride in our achievements is taking a beating!


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I do not have any issue with this. In fact, I typically try to find a solution to a problem if I suggest that I have found a problem. That's why I have two threads that I wrote yesterday when I saw something on the PMS and figured out a possible solution.
you do realize there's not a whole lot this fanbase can do to make any changes....all the venting and anger and hollow threats wont change a thing. Fake azz protests on the internet is like a 5yr old threating to run away when throwing a tantrum, means nothing. Wasted energy IMHO

i feel it's completely unhealthy if you're an abusive relationship then leave unannounced just go away. No need to make stand on the internet and waste time. simply bow out and find new team or form of entertainment.


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you do realize there's not a whole lot this fanbase can do to make any changes....all the venting and anger and hollow threats wont change a thing. Fake azz protests on the internet is like a 5yr old threating to run away when throwing a tantrum, means nothing. Wasted energy IMHO

i feel it's completely unhealthy if you're an abusive relationship then leave unannounced just go away. No need to make stand on the internet and waste time. simply bow out and find new team or form of entertainment.

I know, and I know it's Jerry's team. Like I said, I will always stand by the Cowboys. I've made that very clear. However, I see a possible solution and I think it's worth mentioning it.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I do not have any issue with this. In fact, I typically try to find a solution to a problem if I suggest that I have found a problem. That's why I have two threads that I wrote yesterday when I saw something on the PMS and figured out a possible solution.
That's fine that you feel a responsibility to identify problems and offer solutions.

However....I saw two space shuttles blow up. I didn't have to be a physicist to tell something went wrong there. I did not know what it was, or what changes needed made. Only that yes sir better change some things!

And so what if I did? The people in charge have to do it. Or not. Regardless what I think.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
you do realize there's not a whole lot this fanbase can do to make any changes....all the venting and anger and hollow threats wont change a thing. Fake azz protests on the internet is like a 5yr old threating to run away when throwing a tantrum, means nothing. Wasted energy IMHO

i feel it's completely unhealthy if you're an abusive relationship then leave unannounced just go away. No need to make stand on the internet and waste time. simply bow out and find new team or form of entertainment.
You beat me to it!


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That's fine that you feel a responsibility to identify problems and offer solutions.

However....I saw two space shuttles blow up. I didn't have to be a physicist to tell something went wrong there. I did not know what it was, or what changes needed made. Only that yes sir better change some things!

And so what if I did? The people in charge have to do it. Or not. Regardless what I think.

Sure, I get that, but at the same time, I don't think being a fan and sharing an opinion of a possible solution is a bad thing. I've made it clear that I'm a loyal Cowboys fan. That said, I think I've found a possible solution. Maybe the Joneses don't use it, and that's fine. It's their team, and I support the Cowboys. That said, I'm just saying what I'd love them to do.


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I do not intend this as a call-out thread. I'm genuinely curious. With the Mike deal and Dak likely getting a deal, how many of you are bailing? As a young fan, I have no intention of that, but I could see a scenario in about 10-15 years as fans tune out this team where the Cowboys may not exist. I see on the boards fans talking about bailing or suggesting switching. This is why my curiosity is compelling me to ask this question. I do not intend for this to be treated as a call-out or what have you. I'm just curious.
I won’t change NFL teams. I will watch most or all Cowboys games. I will check in here daily around draft time and during the season.

But, my $ spent on tickets, travel, merch will go to college football and pro lacrosse.

Go Dukes!! Roll Redwoods!!


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I was still getting into football around 03 (my first good season as a Cowboys fan) as I started around 2000 as a fan. Then yeah, probably around 05 on I've been into it. Fwiw, I'm 31.
Been a diehard since the 80's so I witnessed the transition from the Landry to the Jimmy era. The 90's dynasty produced 3 rings, 4 straight conference championship appearances, 4-6 HOF'ers, and all pros on both sides of the ball, but was subsequently undermined by Jerry's foolishness. Since then beginning with the Romo era, everytime the team is on the cusp of dominance, the front office makes the absolute worst roster decisions possible. It's obvious self sabotage which begs the question, what would compel a billionaire not to at least try to replicate the success of the Jimmy era?? When you answer that question then everything else becomes crystal clear.