How many SB do DC get in next 10 years


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I honestly can't even see one.

There's just something about this team now that makes them come up small in big games


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Clove;4487860 said:
How many Super Bowls have we won in the last decade and a half, is my question? How close did we come to winning anything of importance? And what makes you think, under this administration, anything's going to change?

So that's my answer, review those questions and get back to me.

Wonder if you asked that Question to the Mavs before last year?


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I can't believe all of you are so down about us winning a couple Super Bowls. We have the players to do it, also the coaching staff. Everyone wants to bash JJ however some of these players everyone over looked he was the one to pick them up. I think everyone is so down because we have been in a drought. All it takes is for us to get hot in December and carry it over to Jan/Feb.

I think that everyone always has high expectations about us winning every year. That our fans now don't want to have high expectations any more so they won't be let down. I don't know but with me I feel like every year going into the season we have a chance to win the Super Bowl. Now that JG and RR have a whole off season to prepare it should be interesting, and if we can stay healthy I think we should be in the NFC Championship game at least. I'm not saying we will go 16-0 but I think we have a shot at 10-6 getting in playoffs at 4th or 5th seed and making a run.

Just my 2 cents...


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mooseq;4488582 said:
I can't believe all of you are so down about us winning a couple Super Bowls. We have the players to do it, also the coaching staff. Everyone wants to bash JJ however some of these players everyone over looked he was the one to pick them up. I think everyone is so down because we have been in a drought. All it takes is for us to get hot in December and carry it over to Jan/Feb.

I think that everyone always has high expectations about us winning every year. That our fans now don't want to have high expectations any more so they won't be let down. I don't know but with me I feel like every year going into the season we have a chance to win the Super Bowl. Now that JG and RR have a whole off season to prepare it should be interesting, and if we can stay healthy I think we should be in the NFC Championship game at least. I'm not saying we will go 16-0 but I think we have a shot at 10-6 getting in playoffs at 4th or 5th seed and making a run.

Just my 2 cents...
I like the JG experiment so far and look forward to seeing it play out. I pointed out above the everything else equal statistical probability of any one team winning at least one SB over any given ten year period. But not everything else is equal. Most SBs are divided up among a relatively few teams over any stretch of time while the vast majority of teams get squat. So in a sense it's an either/or deal. Either you build a strong organization with a great coach and an above average QB or you don't. If JG is the real deal, we could win these things in bunches. That is really what it will come down to.

Risen Star

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fanfromvirginia;4488615 said:
If JG is the real deal, we could win these things in bunches. That is really what it will come down to.

I can't say that I agree with that. Garrett can be the real deal as a head coach but just didn't have the talent in Dallas. He's operating without a GM here. Even a Director of Player Personnel. You have to take that into account when evaluating him. I don't think this is a spot where you can say if he can't win here, where can he win.


Pixel Pusher
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Hard to see Superbowls from where we are right now, but anything is possible. I don't think we're contenders right now and Romo, Ware and Witten are going to be past their prime sooner than you think. I don't see us magically finding another good QB after it took so long to find this one.


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i think theyll be in one in the next 10 years.

winning one? not sure. theyre a cursed franchise lately. snake bitten.


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fanfromvirginia;4488378 said:
The multiplication law of probability. The odds of any given team winning the Super Bowl are 1/32. So the odds of the Cowboys losing in any particular year, everything else equal, are 31/32. To figure out the odds of a series of independent events all coming out with the same result, you use the multiplication law of probability, under which you multiple the probabilities of each event. A common way to illustrate the law is with coin flips. The odds of one heads is 1/2. The odds of two heads in a row is 1/2 x 1/2, or 25%. The odds of three heads in a row is 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 or 12.5%. The odds of us losing the next 10 SBs, therefore, are 31/32 to the 10th power, which comes out to about 72%, unless I don't know how to use a calculator.

This logic is flawed, you are assigning equal probabilities to every team in the league. See, the chances a coin lands heads or tails is exactly 50%, there is no tendency for the coin to favor a head or a tail (unless it is weighted).

You cant do that with professional sports teams because the probability of winning a SB is not the same for each team, you need to use weighted probabilites to show that some outcomes are going to have a higher tendency than others.

For example, do you think the Colts with a rookie QB is going to have the exact same chance of winning the SB as the Patriots? Of course not, thus the Patriots must be given a "higher weighting" in the probability tree.

I hated stats class in grad school, but I still remember a couple of things.:D


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zrinkill;4488580 said:
Wonder if you asked that Question to the Mavs before last year?
It was worse with them, but the one thing I could say about them, they were always competing for championships. Can't say that about us, we only came kinda close once.


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The Emperor;4487839 said:
Yeah, because I'm sure 17 years ago you would have been on board with someone discussing how many playoff games we would win in the next ten years.

No, you probably would have chided the person for being so small-minded because this team had at least a conference championship game appearance left in them.

Shut up, will you? What has happened in the past has no bearing on what's going to happen in the future. Let the people speculate, you old crank.


stag hunter

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Hostile;4487619 said:
Winning the Super Bowl is the single toughest Championship in professional team sports and it is not easy.

I'm curious as to how exactly one could quantify that. What makes it harder to win a championship in the NFL than in any other major team sport?

DWhite Fan

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I pray we win one with Tony so that he can have Witten pull the "monkey" off his back, a la Steve Young in SB 29...


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5Stars;4487545 said: long as Jerry is in charge, we have no chance!

(just thought I would throw that in there before the knuckleheads show up)


Jerry is all about the sizzle....not the steak. Cowboys are not mentally or physically tough enouth to win Super Bowls....

No Chance...No Way... Nada.