How would you celebrate Garrett's exit?

Diego Maradona. His goal was what got Argentina through during the 1986 World Cup Quarter Finals against England. Problem was, he used his hands blatantly to score. They ended up beating West Germany for the World Cup in that year. Essentially, we probably would've won the World Cup if not for that. Oh, and he's Argentinian. To bad for them that the Falklands is ours.
We probably would've found a way to lose, but punching the ball into the net and saying it was "the hand of God" afterwards didn't go down too well.
uk only won the soccer world cup once more than 50 years ago
may be they should stick to 'gentlemen' sports like cricket :lmao:
sorry bro
even with garrett's termination, u get no piece of putty :angry:
though u can get some @RGV_C_Los action
Ya, yer' more orally talented whilst in feverish pursuit of yer'polesmokin'passion,,, I been trying to overlook that salient feature of which you just pretty much swishingly daily display,,,Puttyo_O:rolleyes:o_O
Ya, yer' more orally talented whilst in feverish pursuit of yer'polesmokin'passion,,, I been trying to overlook that salient feature of which you just pretty much swishingly daily display,,,Puttyo_O:rolleyes:o_O

keep dreaming about putty service
not happening
go commiserate with @RGV_C_Los to make him feel better about his yankees
in his foul mood, he may let you do whatever u want

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